AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT, For the speedy raising and leavying of monyes, for the advance and mainteinance of the forces now sent forth for this present expedition from the Cities of London, Westminster, and liberties thereof, Borough of Southwarke, Hamblets of the Tower, and the parishes mentioned in the weekly Bills of mortality.
ORdered by the Lords Assembled in Parliament, that this Ordinance be forthwith Printed and published.
LONDON, Printed for Iohn Wright in the Old-Bailey.
October 14. 1644.
AN ORDINANCE Of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, for the raising and levying of monies for the advance and maintenance of the Forces now to be sent forth for the present Expedition, from the Citie of London and Liberties thereof, and from the Parishes mentioned in the weekly Bills of Mortality.
THe Lords and Commons taking into their consideration the necessity of sending forth some Forces from the City of London and Liberties thereof, and other places mentioned in the weekly Bills of Mortality: And that for the better effecting thereof, the speedy raising of a competent summe of Mony within the Citie and places aforesaid, [Page] is requisite, Have therefore ordained, and be it ordained by the said Lords and Commons for the intents and purposes aforesaid, and to such further purposes as are hereafter expresed, that there be forthwith raised the summe of two and twenty thousand pounds, whereof the summe of seventeen thousand, two hundred and fifty pounds within the said Citie and Liberties thereof, and upon such persons and goods wheresoever they are to be found, as are herein after expressed, and foure thousand, seven hundred and fifty pounds within the Hamblets of the Tower, Citie of Westminster, Borough of Southwark, and other places mentioned in the weekly Bills of Mortality, and upon such persons and goods wheresoever they are to be found, as are herein also after expressed. And for the more speedy and orderly raising thereof, It is ordained by the said Lords and Commons, that the Committee appointed by severall Acts of Common Councell for the gathering in of the Arrears, and the foure Aldermen appointed by Act of Common Councell, dated the 27. of September last, or any nine of them, wherof three to be Aldermen, shall be a Committee to assesse the said summe of 17250. l. upon any such person or persons, being of ability, as either now inhabit within the said Citie of London and Liberties, or that at any time since the beginning of this Parliament (being free men of London) did inhabit, or had since the time aforesaid, whether free, or not free of the Citie of London, or now have any trade, or stock going within the same: [Page] And that the Sub-Committees of the Militia heretofore appointed within the Hamblets of the Tower, Citie of Westminster, Borough of Southwark, and places mentioned in the weekly Bills of Mortalitie, or any 7. of them respectively, shalbe a Committee to assesse the said summe of 4750. l. within their severall limits and precincts, upon any such person, or persons, being of ability, as either now inhabit within the severall places aforesaid, or that at any time since the beginning of this Parliament, did inhabit, or had any Trade, or stock going within the limits and places aforesaid. And it is ordained by the said Lords and Commons, that all and every such person and persons (being assessed by vertue hereof) and neglecting or refusing to pay the said severall sums so assessed within ten dayes after notice given, or left in writing at his usuall habitation, or place of abode, or at the dwelling house, or place of abode of any Partner, or Factor of any persons assessed, unto the severall Committees, or the Treasurer, or Treasurers by them appointed to receive the same, shall by vertue of a Warrant fram the Committee of Lords and Commons for advance of Monies, and other necessaries for the Army, usually sitting at Haberdashers Hall (who are hereby authorized to make and give such warrants unto such person or persons, as shall be by the Committees, nominated for that purpose) be compelled to pay the said summes so assessed, by distresse of the goods and chattels of such person and persons so neglecting, or refusing to pay the [Page] same, which said goods so distrained shall be sold by the said severall and respective Committees, appointed by this Ordinance for the service aforesaid, And if any person, or persons shall neglect, or refuse to make payment of the sum, or sums so assessed, and demanded as aforesaid, untill a distresse shall be taken for the same, That then every person and persons so neglecting, or refusing as aforesaid, shall pay such reasonable charge for every such distresse, removall, and sale of his, or their goods, as the said severall Committees shall respectively allow, or appoint, to be imployed for the better execution of this Ordinance, and if no sufficient distresse can be found, That then every such person and persons, shall by vertue of such Warrant from the said Commmittee of Lords and Commons to be made as aforesaid, be committed to safe custody, there to remain untill such person or persons shall satisfie the said severall summes assessed upon them by vertue of this Ordinance. And the said severall Committees appointed by vertue of this Ordinance for the service aforesaid, are hereby further authorized, and enabled, to call to their assistance (for the better execution and performance of this Ordinance) any person or persons, as they shall think fit.
And it is further Ordained by the said Lords and Commons, That the severall sums of money Assessed as afor said, shall be brought unto the said severall Committees▪ or to such Treasurer or Treasurers, as shall be by them appoynted to receive the same; Which money so paid, to the [Page] said severall Committees, Treasurer, or Treasurers as aforesaid, shall be delivered to such Treasurer or Treasurers, as the Court of Common-Councell shall appoynt, and by him, or them issued and paid out by vertue of Warrants from the Committee of the Militia of the City of London, for the satisfaction and maintenance of the said Forces to be sent forth in the present expedition as aforesaid, according to their musters and the late establishment of the Lord Generalls Army, and the surplusage shall be paid and disposed, as both H [...]uses of Parliament shall direct, and not otherwise, excepting onely what shall be issued out for such necessarie charges for the collecting and gathering in of the said moneys, as the said severall Committees shall thinke fit, not exceeding six pence in the pound: And the said Lords and Commons doe Ordain, for the encouragement and security of such persons, as shall advance any sum of money by vertue thereof, that they shalbe repaid with interest out of the receipt of the Excise, and that no Ordinance, nor Assignment, which is not already passed upon the receipt of the Excise, shall preceed this Ordinance, and doe therefore hereby authorize the said Commissioners of the Excise, and new Impost (for the time being to pay at the end of six monethes the interest of so much moneys as shalbe advanced by vertue hereof after the rate of eight li. per cent. per annum, and the principall money, & the rest of the interest after the rate aforesaid, shalbe paid in due course, into the hands of such Treasurer [Page] or Treasurers as shalbe appoynted by Common-Councell, whose receipt shall be their sufficient discharge, and by the said Treasurer or Treasurers issued out to such persons as did advance the same. And it is Ordained, That all Maiors, Sheriffs, Captains, Lieutenants, Bailiffs, Constables, and all other Officers and Souldiers, shall be ayding and assisting to the said Committees, & all such Officers as shall be imployed by them for the better execution and performance of the said service.
And the said Lords and Commons doe further Ordain, That the said Committee for the Militia, shall from time to time give accompt to both, or either Houses of Parliament, or to whom they shall direct, how they have caused the said moneyes to be issued out.
And it is lastly Ordained, That whatsoever any person or persons shall do in pursuance of this Ordinance, he and they shall be saved harmelesse for the same by authority of both Houses of Parliament.
Provided, that no person or persons shall be Assessed by vertue of this Ordinance, that shall take his corporall oath before the said Committee of Lords and Commons at Haberdashers-Hall, or such as they shall appoynt who are hereby authorized to take and administer the same; that he is not worth in personall and reall Estate & good debts, the sum of 1000 marks. Provided alwayes, that no Member nor assistant of either House of Parliament, shall be lyable to this Assessement.