AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT: For the relieving of all persons over rated by the Ordinance for Weekly Assessments.
Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Ordinance be forthwith printed and published:
ALSO, An ORDER of the Commons in Parliament, Prohibiting the Printing or publishing of any lying Pamphlet scandalous to His Majestie, or to the proceedings of both or either Houses of Parliament.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Order be forthwith printed and published: H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.
London, Printed for Edw. Husbands, and are to be sold at his shop in the Middle-Temple.
Die Sabathi 4o Martii, 1642.
WHereas it is ordained in the Ordinance for the weekly assessment, That if any person or persons shall find him, or themselves agrieved, that he, or they is, or are over rated, such person or persons at any time, before distresse taken of his, or their goods, may complain to the respective Committees, who have executed this Ordinance within the Division or Limit, where any such person or persons over rated shall be assessed, which sayd respective Committees, or any two of them, shall have power upon Examination to [Page 4] relieve such person or persons as they shall see cause; yet the true intent and meaning of the sayd Ordinance is, And it is further ordered by the Lords and Commons, that if any person or persons so finding themselves agrieved, be such as have not formerly contributed upon the Propositions, or not proportionably to others of their estates, nor have bin rated and payd upon the Ordinance of assessment, Entituled, an Ordinance for the assessing and rating of such as have not contributed at all, or not contributed according to the proportions of their Estates: Then the sayd parties if they be not assess'd above a proportionable part of such sum or sums as other men of their abilitiy have paid upon the Propositions, or have bin assess'd, and have payd upon the sayd Ordinance of not exceeding the [Page 5] twentieth part; The sayd Rates to stand, and not to be altered, Provided neverthelesse, that no person be assessed above the summe of Ten pounds the Week.
Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Ordinance be forthwith printed and published.
Die Jovis 9o Martii, 1642,
IT is this day Ordered by the Commons House of Parliament, That the Committee for examinations, or any four of them, have power to appoint such persons as they thinke fit, to search in any house or place where there is just cause of suspicion, that Presses are kept and employed in the printing of Scandalous and lying Pamphlets, and that they do demollish and take away such Presses and their materials, & the Printers Nuts and Spindles which they find so employed, and bring the Master-Printers, and [Page 7] VVork-men Printers before the sayd Committee; And that the Committee or any four of them, have power to commit to prison any of the sayd Printers, or any other persons that do contrive, or publikely or privately vend, sell, or publish any Pamphlet, scandalous to his Majesty or the proceedings of both or either Houses of Parliament, or that shall refuse to suffer any Houses or Shops to be searched, where such Presses or Pamphlets as aforesayd are kept: And that the persons imployed by the sayd Committee, shall have power to seize such scandalous and lying Pamphlets as they find upon search, to be in any Shop or VVarehouse, sold, or dispersed by any person whomsoever, and to bring the persons that so kept, published; or sold the same, before the Committee; And that [Page 8] such persons as the Committee shall commit for any of the offences aforesayd, shall not be released till the parties imployed for the apprehending of the sayd persons, and seizing their Presses & materials, be satisfied for their paines and charges. And all Iustices of the peace, Captains, Officers, and Constables, are required to be assisting in the apprehending of any the persons aforesayd, And in searching of their Shops, Houses, and VVarehouses; And likewise all Iustices of peace, Officers, and Constables, are hereby required from time to time to apprehend such persons as shall publish, vend, or sell the sayd Pamphlets. And it is further ordered, That this Order be forthwith printed and published, to the end that notice may be taken hereof, that the contemners of this Order may be left inexcusable for their offence.