AN ORDINANCE OF The Lords and Commons assembled in PARLIAMENT; FOR THE RAISING OF A NEW Loan and Assessment In the county of Middlesex, For the maintenance of Forces for the Defence of the Cities of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, and County of MIDDDLESEX.
And for the future Preservation and safety of the town of UXBRIDGE, and preventing of the Incursions of the Enemy hereafter.
ORdered by the Commons in Parliament, That this Ordinance be forthwith printed and published:
Printed for Edw. Husbands. Febr. 19. 1643.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the raising of a new Loan and Assessement in the county of Middlesex, for the maintenance of Forces for the defence of the cities of London and Westminster, and county of Middlesex; And for the future preservation and safety of the town of Uxbridge, and preventing of the Incursions of the Enemy hereafter.
VVHereas the Town of Vxbridge within the county of Middlesex, hath been lately plundered by some of the Forces raised by the King against the Parliament, to the great impoverishment of the Inhabitants of the said Town, and to the great terror and danger not only of them & the rest of the said County, as also of the City of London, for the preventing of the like Incursions hereafter, and for the mutuall defence and safety each of other; divers well-affected persons within the said County, are willing and ready to send in both Horse and Foot, that a convenient Force may be raised and maintained for that purpose, in such a way and manner as may probably by Gods blessing the better assure the said County and City for the future.
The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, taking the premises into their serious consideration, do Ordain, And be it hereby Ordained by the said Lords and Commons in this present Parliament, That William Bridges Esquire, Sir Gilbert Gerard, Sir Edward Barkham, Sir Thomas Fowler, Sir Richard Sprignall, Baronets; Sir Iohn Danvers, Sir Iohn Francklyn, Sir Iohn Hippesley, Sir Robert Pie, Sir William Ashton, Sir William Roberts, Sir Iames Harrington, Knights; Iohn Glynn Recorder of the City of London, Laurence Whittacre, William Wheeler, Iohn Hurley, Colonell Iohn Brown, Thomas Wilcocks, Robert Woolrich, Iohn Morris, Richard Downton, Iohn Wroth, Gilbert Gerard, Edward Clarton, Iames Hawley, Iohn Alford, Tobias Massey, Robert Hampton, Richard Graves, Thomas Hubbart, Francis Zachery, Abraham [...]off, Thomas Falconbridge, Iohn Harvey, Esq; Iohn [...]ham, Thomas Norwood, William Lane, Thomas [Page 4] Weeks junior, Iohn Iackson, Richard Clark, Thomas Treswallen, William Munsey, Thomas Hogsflesh, Iohn Offley, Edward Present, Matthew Coleburn, Thomas Paltock, William Greenhill, Paul Nicholl, Thomas Stapeley, Leonard Welfred, Henry Arundell, Samuell Edlyn, Henry Haley, Richard Nicholls, Stephen Ewer, Thomas Fletcher, Edward Nicholls▪ Ralph Iohnson, Iohn Cornish, Christopher Hill, Robert [...]rtis, Thomas Bolton, Robert Moorton, Iohn Francklyn, Peter Nicholls, Robert Stanbrough, Ioseph Downer, Daniel Enderby, Henry Finch, William Warren, Iohn Smith, Iohn Haley, Daniel Brown, Iohn Nicholl of [...]o [...]s senior, Iohn Rowse, Iohn Reading, Iohn Hill, Iohn Brigginshaw, Francis Childe, Iohn Pierce, William Smith, William Maynard, Robert Cromwell, Ezekiel Tanner, William Turner, Iohn Finch, Ralph Marsh, William Finch, William Atlee, Roger Nicholl, Richard Owen, Thomas Chrechley, Thomas Moor, Richard Pig, Reighnold Beecham, Iohn Norwood junior, William Arnold, Henry Procter, Iohn Arnold, Henry Dewell, William Earsby, Iohn Lacie, Iohn Clever, Iohn Nutmaker, Robert Goodale, William Combes, Iohn Stephens, Thomas Fletcher and Richard Nichell, Gentlemen, all of them Inhabitants of the County of Middlesex, shall be, and are hereby appointed and Ordained to be a Committee for Voluntiers of the said County, and such other Forces as are or shall be raised and imployed for the present defence of the said County and City, by the Order and direction of the Deputy-Lieutenants of the said County: And that the said Committee, or the major part of them, shall and may with all convenient speed, by Warrant under their hands, or of any seven or more of them, Summon to appear in some convenient place or places within the said County, the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the said county, who are able to bear or finde Arms, or to contribute towards the same, and there to propound unto them the present and imminent danger the whole Kingdom, and in particular this County is reduced unto, by the wicked and Trayterous Attempts and Conspiracies of Papists, and other Conspirators about▪ His Majestie; And to take the Voluntary S [...]scriptions, for Men, Arms, Horse and Monies, of such Well-affected persons as shall bee willing to contribute towards the same, and come into this Imployment, and to convert such contributions to the use and defence of the said County [Page 5] and City, and to List, Traine, Exercise, and put in readinesse such persons as shall be so subscribed; And them well and sufficiently from time to time, to cause to be arrayed and armed, and to muster them in places most fit for that purpose, under such Commanders, Colonels, Captaines, and other Officers, as shall be appointed by the Lord Leivtenant or Deputy Leivtenant of the said County; and shall have power by these Commanders and Officers to Leade, Conduct and Imploy, the persons aforesaid, armed and weaponed as aforesaid for the suppression of all Rebellions, Insurrections, Invasions, or Incursions, that may happen within or into the said County; and shall likewise have power to punish by Fine or Imprisonment such Officers, and Souldiers under their Command, as shall not upon summons appeare, or shall absent themselves from this service, without leave of the Officer for the time being, Commanding over them in Chiefe, or that shall embeasell or wilfully spoile their Armes, or be disorderly in this service, so that such Fine exceede not the sum of twenty shillings for any offence, to be levyed by distresse and sale of the Offenders goods, to the use herein mentioned, and so as such Imprisonment exceede not the space of ten dayes, for every offence, And for the doing of all things else, needfull for the preservation, defence, and safety of the said County; And for the better raising and procuring of money for the levying and maintaining of such Forces as shall be raised for the County aforesaid.
It is further Declared, and Ordained, that the said Committee or any seven or more of them shall have power, and are hereby authorised to Assesse and Tax, or to nominate Assessors to Rate, Tax, and Levie, upon the severall and respective Townes, Townships, Hamlets, Liberties, Places, Persons, and Inhabitants within the said County, in an equall way according to their Estates and abilities, and according to the most usuall proportion of Rates, in the last weekely Assessments there; such summe and summes of money, as shall be by them judged convenient and necessary for the raising, arming, arraying, training, disciplining, and maintaining of the said Forces, provided that it exceed not the summe of two hundred and fifty pounds by the weeke: and also that a speciall care and respect be had (in all such Rates) of easing such as according to their abilitie and power do voluntarily contribute Horse, Money, or Armes, or that shall Voluntarily list themselves, or otherwise advance the Imployment aforesaid. And the said Committee or any seven or more of them, with the approbation and consent of two or more of the [Page 6] Deputy Leiutenants of the said County, shall have power and Authority to nominate and appoint Collectors for the monies so Assessed and Rated as aforesaid according to this Ordinance, which said Collectors shall collect the said monies weekely, or otherwise, and pay the same unto such person or persons whom the said Committee as aforesaid shall appoint Treasurer or Treasurers thereof, and at such times and places as they shall receive direction from the said Committee; which Treasurer or Treasurers shall pay and issue forth the said money, as he or they shall receive Warrants from the said Committee or any seven of them, two whereof to be Deputy Lieutenants of the said County; and if any of the said Assessors or Collectors shall refuse the said service, or prove negligent therein, the said Committe or number as aforesaid, shall have power to set such Fine upon him or them as they shall think fit, not exceeding ten pounds upon an Assessor, and five pounds upon a Collector, to be leavied by distresse and sale of such Offenders goods to the uses herein mentioned: And if any person or persons who is or are chargeable by this Ordinance, shall refuse to pay the sum or summes upon him or them Assessed by vertue of this Ordinance, or shall not pay the same upon demand made by the respective Collectors thereof, at the place of his or their aboad, or where such Assessment shall be made, that then the severall Collectors shall return the names of all such persons unto the said Committee as aforesaid, who shal have power and are hereby Authorized to grant forth Warrants in writing under their hands, unto any Constables or other Officers (whom they shall conceive most meete) for the leavying of the said summes (taxed and set and by them, refused or neglected to be paid as aforesaid) by way of distresse and sale of the goods of the person or persons so refusing where ever the same shall be found, and selling so much as may satisfie and pay the Assessment, and restoring the over plus to the owner and owners thereof respectively. And if any person or persons so distrained, or others, shall make resistance, it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Constables or other Officers, or any of them as they shall see cause, to call to their assistance any of the Trained Bands, Voluntiers, or other Forces within the said place or places where such resistance shall be made, who are hereby required to be ayding and assisting unto them in the premisses, as they will answer the Contrary thereof. And in case no distresse is or may be found, whereby to satisfie and pay the summes Assessed as aforesaid, Then the said Committee or any seven or more [Page 7] of them, with approbation and assent as aforesaid, shall have power, and are hereby Authorized to Sequester the Rents and other Estates of all such person and persons so refusing or neglecting to pay the same untill such time as the said Rates and Assessments shall be fully satisfied and paid, and also that their Armes be taken away and seized by the said Committee or their Agents, for the use and defence of the said County.
And be it further Ordained and Declared, that if any person or persons shal finde him or themselves agreeved, and can make it truly and justly appeare that he or they is or are over-rated, such person or persons at any time before distresse taken of his or their goods, may complaine to the Committee for the weekly Assessments of the said County or any two of them, who are hereby invested with power and Authority to releeve them as they shall see cause.
And be it further Ordained and declared, that whatsoever sums of money are or shall be set or imposed by vertue of this Ordinance, upon any Landlords, for or in respect of any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments held of them by any Tenants, the same sums of Money shall be paid by their severall and respective Tenants (for and on the behalf of the said Landlords) which said sums of money (being paid by the said Tenants) they shall deduct and defaulke out of the next Rents Payable by them unto their Landlords: and for so doing, the said Tenants shall be (by force of this Ordinance) saved harmelesse.
And be it further Ordained and Declared by the said Lords and Commons in Parliament, that the said Committee and Treasurers by them appointed by this Ordinance, shall from time to time give an Account of all such sums of money as shall by them be Levied and raised by vertue of this Ordinance, and how Issued forth, unto the Committee for the weekly Assessements for the said County, or any two or more of them, whereof one to be a Deputie Lievtenant, when and as often as they shall be by them called thereunto.
And it is further Ordained and Declared, that the said Committee appointed by this Ordinance or the major part of them shall have power and authority to adde unto themselves such other trustie persons to be of their Committee, as shall be nominated by them and approved of by both Houses of Parliament, and shall have Power to appoint & make out of themselvs such Sub-Committees as unto them shall seem expedient, every of which Sub-Committees shall and may exercise and execute such Power and Authority as shall be delegated [Page 8] unto them, by the said Committee or the major part of them, for the better Expedition and Execution of the premisses.
And is is further Ordained and Declared, that the said Inhabitants of the Countey of Middlesex may associate themselves with any Hundreds, Townes, Parishes or Places within the Counties of [...]ucks, Essex, Hertford, or Berks, as will associate with them for the mutuall defence and preservation of themselves, and of the said Associated places, against Papists, Malignants, and other the Common Enemies of the King, Parliament and Kingdom, and also to admit into their Committee aforesaid, such persons of the said City, Counties, Hundreds, Parishes and Places as shalbe by them nominated and approved of by both Houses of Parliament, and such persons which shall be nominated and approved as aforesaid, shall after such approbation have the same power and Authority to all intents and purposes, within the severall and respective places, which according to this Ordinance shall consent to such Association as the Committees for the County of Middlesex have granted and allowed to them by this present Ordinance.
And lastly it is ordained, and declared by the said Lords and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, that the said Forces raised by vertue of this Ordinance shall be Ordered, Governed, Exercised and disposed of, by the said Committee or the major part of them, by the Advice and direction of the Lord Lieutenant, or Deputy Lieutenants of the said County of Middlesex or any three of them, for the defence and safety of the said County, and shall not at any time be drawne out of the same without their Consents, as aforesaid; Provided alwaies that such Rates and Assessements as shall be made by vertue of this Ordinance upon any Members, Assistants, or Attendants, upon either of the Houses of Parliament, shall before the same be levied, be presented to the respective houses, whose Members, Assistants, or Attendants shall be concerned therein respectively; And by such respective House allowed and approved of: Any thing in this Ordinance contained to the contrary notwithstanding.