AN ORDINANCE OF THE Lords and Commons Assembled in PARLIAMENT, FOR THE EXPLANATION OF A former Ordinance for the Taking and Receiving of the ACCOMPTS OF THE KINGDOM.

ORdered by the Commons in Parliament, That this Ordinance be forthwith printed & published:

Henry Elsyng, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed for Edward Husbands, Iuly 11. 1644.

An Ordinance of the Lords and Com­mons in Parliament assembled, for the Explanation of a former Ordinance for the taking and receiving the Ac­compts of the Kingdom.

WHereas upon the former Ordi­nance of both Houses of Par­liament, for taking the Ac­compts of the Kingdom, some doubt doth arise, whether there be sufficient power given the Committee named in that Ordinance, by the expresse words thereof, to determine any Ac­compts by them taken, and to receive and keep the Vouchers which concern the same Accompts; And whereas the Subcommittees to be appointed by them by vertue of the said Ordinance, [Page 4] in any County, City, or place where they shall think meet, have the self­same power given them within their severall limits as the said Committee hath, and are not appointed to receive any directions from, or to return any Accompts unto them, which will prove inconvenient, and hinder the orderly taking of the said Accompts by the said Committee.

Be it therefore Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That the said Committee or any five or more of them, shall have power and authority to determine the Accompts by them taken, to give discharges in writings under the hands of any five or more of them, and to receive and keep all Vouchers which concern the same; And that all and every Subcommittees, appointed or to be appointed by vertue of the said Ordi­nance, shall pursue such directions as they shall from time to time receive from the said Cōmittee of Accompts, [Page 5] for the better ordering and expediting of their Accompts, and likewise to re­turn unto them all and singular Ac­compts which shall be taken by them before the same shall be finally deter­mined. And because a true Accompt cannot be taken, of such Monies as are payed unto the Armies Officers, and Souldiers in the severall Garri­sons, Cities and Counties of the Kingdom, except exact Musters be duly made and kept of the said Forces, and accompts taken of the Arms and Horse in the severall Counties afore­said; It is hereby further Ordained, That the severall Committees of Parliament, or such or so many of them as have power to execute the se­verall Ordinances in the said Coun­ties, Cities and Garrisons, shall from time to time hereafter, every moneth at the least, or oftner if they shall see cause, take particular Musters, and keep true Muster Rolls of all the Officers and Souldiers by [Page 6] name now being, or hereafter to be raised within the said severall Coun­ties, Cities and Garrisons where they are authorised as Committees of Parliament; and that all Colonells, Captaines, and Officers within the said Armies, Counties, Cities, and Garrisons raised or to be raised, shall from time to time make good all Hor­ses and Armes under their severall Commands, unto the said severall Committees of Parliament, in the said severall Counties, Cities, and Garrisons aforesaid, unlesse the same were lost in actuall service; and the said severall Committees of Par­liament shall returne the said Muster Rolls, or true notes of all the Musters aforesaid, and certifie all the defects therein, and of Armes and Horse aforesaid unto the Commit­tee for the accompts of the Kingdom, or unto the several Sub-Committees of accompts in the severall Counties of the Kingdom, which the same Sub-Committees [Page 7] shall return up unto the said Committee of accompts in man­ner and form aforesaid, to the end that satisfaction may be made unto the Cōmon-wealth for such losse of Horse and Armes out of the said Officers pay. And that all Fines to be imposed by vertue of the said Ordinance of Ac­compts, and all such summes of mony as the said Committee of Accompts, or any two of them shall certifie to be due, and owing by any Person or Per­sons upon their said accompts deter­mined by them, shall be payed into the Chamber of London, and shall not be issued out but by Orders of both Hou­ses; which Orders shal be first entred with the said Committee of accompts before any money be payed upon the same, other then [...]re [...]s of such mo­nies as by particular Acts of Parlia­ment, and Ordinances, are limited to particular Treasurers, nominated in the said Acts of Parliament, and Ordinances which shall be payed into [Page 8] the said Treasurers. And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that such summe and summes of mo­ney as the said Committee, or any five of them shall find necessary for the pay­ing and satisfying of the Registers, Accomptants, Clerkes, Agents, and Ministers imployed by them or other­wise, for defraying any Charges for taking the said Accompts, shall be payed out of the Chamber of London a­foresaid, whensoever the said Com­mittee or any five of them shall require the same, for which they shall keep and give a true and perfect accompt under their Hands in writing, and that ac­cording to an Order of the thirteenth of March, two hundred pound shall be forthwith payed unto the said Com­mittee for Accompts.


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