An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, For putting Malig­nants and Papists out of the Cities of London, Westminster, late Lines of Commu­nication, and Twenty miles distant.

THE Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament doe Declare and Ordain, and be it by Authority of Parlia­ment Ordained and Declared, That all Papists whatsoever, and all Officers and Souldiers of Fortune, and all other persons whatsoever that have borne Armes against the Parliament, or have adhered to, or willingly assisted the Enemy in this late Warr, not being under restraint, and not hereafter excepted, shall at, or before the Five and twentyeth day of this instant May, 1648. depart the Cities of London and Westminster, and the late Lines of Communication, and all other places within Twenty miles of the said late Lines of Communication. And if any the persons aforesaid shall continue within the said Lines, or within Twenty miles distance of the said late Lines of Communication, after the said Five and twentyeth day of May, 1648. such person or persons shall be apprehended, imprisoned, and proceeded against as Traytors.

And for the better execution of this Ordinance, it is further Ordained and Declared by the said Lords and Commons, and by Authority of Parliament, That the Lord Major of the City of London, and all Justices of Peace within the said City and Liberties thereof, and the Committee of the Militia of the said City, or any one or more of them, and the Justices of Peace of the severall Counties of Middlesex, Hertford, Essex, Kent, and Surry, and of the City of Westminster and Liberties thereof, and the severall Committees of the Militia of the said City of Westminster and Liberties thereof, and of the Borough of Southwark, Hamblets of the Tower and Suburbs, or any one or more of them in their respective Liberties and Jurisdictions, shall and may, and are hereby authorized and required to make search for, and apprehend, or cause to be apprehended all Papists and Popish Recusants whatsoever, and all Officers and Souldiers whatsoever that have borne Armes against the Parliament of England, or have adhered to, or willingly assisted the Enemy in this late Warr, that are or shall be found within the said Cities of London and Westminster, and Suburbs and Liberties thereof, or within the late Lines of Communication, or Twenty miles distant thereof, after the said Twenty fifth day of this instant May, 1648. and all such persons so apprehended and taken, and brought before them, or any one of them, as abovesaid, to imprison, and commit to some common Gaole or Prison, or to safe custodie.

And all Sheriffs, Bayliffs, Constables, and all other His Majesties Officers and Subjects are to be aiding to the said Justices of Peace, and Committees of Militia in execution of this Ordinance. And in case any Gaoler, Constable, or other Officer to whom any the persons aforesaid shall be committed, shal permit such person or persons to go at liberty, without the speciall Warrant or discharge of the said Lord Major, Justices of Peace, or Committees of Militia by whom they were so committed, that the same shal be taken and adjudged an escape; And such Jaylor, Constable, and other Officer shall be proceeded against, and punished as for an escape, accor­ding to Law: And this Ordinance is to continue for the space of Six months from the said Five and twentyeth day of May, 1648. Provided, That nothing in this Ordinance shall extend to such persons aforesaid, who having their Habitations within the Lines of Communication, or within the said space of Twenty miles, have made their Compositions, and paid in or secured their Fines, or have taken the Negative Oath and Covenant, or that shall be authorized by both Houses of Parliament, or being really attending their Compositions at Goldsmiths-hall, shall be permitted by the Committee of Lords and Commons for Compositions, there to continue within the said late Lines of Communication for the perfecting their said Compositions.

Ioh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

YOu are hereby desired to cause the Constables in your Ward in their severall Precincts and Liberties to make dili­gent search, and to apprehend and secure all such Delinquents as are Expressed in the Ordinance abovesaid: and this search to begin at Twelve of the clock this night; and the Inhabitants of the said Ward are hereby desired and appointed to assist the Constables herein, as need shall require.

Signed in the Name, and by the Warrant of the Committee of the Militia of London, ⟨By Adam Bancke to the said Co [...]
To the Deputy and Common-councell-men in the Ward of ⟨Billingsgate⟩ who are hereby desired to be jointly or severally present with the Constables to see this Warrant duly executed.

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