An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for con­tinuing of the Duty of One per cent. till the 11. of December, 1648.

BE it Ordained by the Lords and Commons as­sembled, That the Ordinance of Parliament of the Thirteenth of November, 1646. expiring the Eleventh of December, 1647. being for the collecting of the Duty and Imposition of one quarter of one per cent. which is one shilling in every twenty shil­lings, paid for Custom and Subsidy, according to the now Book of Rates established by Authority of this present Parliament, for Redemption of the Captives taken by Turkish and other Pirats, and every Clause and Article therein contained, shall be observed, and continue in full force and power from the said 11. of Decem. 1647. inclusive, unto the E­leventh of December, 1648. inclusive. And it is far­ther Ordered, That the Committee of the Navy and Customs be hereby Authorized to take up such Sums of Money on the credit of the said Or­dinance as they shall think fitting, not exceeding the Sum of Ten thousand pounds, charging the payment of the same on the said Duty, with al­lowance of Eight per centum per annum for In­terest.

Ioh. Brown, Cleric. Parliamentorum.

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