AN ORDINANCE OF THE Lords and Commons Assembled in PARLIAMENT, For Associating of the Counties of Pembroke, Carmarthen and Cardigan, FOR The mutuall Defence and Safety of each other, and for the suppressing of this present REBELLION raised against the King and Parliament.
Also, a Committee is hereby authorised to put in execution the Ordinances for Sequestration of Malignants and Papists Estates, and Weekly Assessments.
8. Junii, 1644.
Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.
Printed for Edward Husbands, Iune 14. 1644.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament.
THe Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, taking into their consideration the present condition of the County of Pembroke, which by the wonderfull power of Almighty God, manifested in weak means, is delivered from the Tyrannie, and intollerable oppression of the Forces raised against the Parliament and Kingdom, under the Command of the Earl of Carberry; and that by the further Assistance and Blessing of God, if timely care be taken for the maintaining and prosecuting of the said great work, the rest of the Counties of South-Wales may be reduced to the obedience of the King and Parliament, [Page 4] who cannot but be deeply sensible of the great miseries they have in like manner sustained under the same Tyrannie, and how great a benefit and comfort it will be to them, to be also delivered from the same; Have thought it necessary, that over and above such Provision of Arms and Ammunition, as have been already Ordered to be made for the said County of Pembroke, such further competent supplies and provision be had and established for the maintenance of such Officers and Souldiers, as shall be imployed in the preservation of the peace of the said County of Pembroke, and in the reducing of the rest of the said Counties, as during the time of the said service shall be requisite: And do therefore Order and Ordain, and be it Ordered and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the three Counties of Pembroke, Carmarthen, and Cardigan, shall enter into an Association, and are hereby Associated for the mutuall defence and safety of each other, [Page 5] And that Harbert Perrot, Rice Vaughan, Thomas Barlow Gent. Griffith White, Sampson Lort, Esquires, Thomas Powell Gent. John Elliot Esquire, George Adams Gent. Thomas Bowen of Treloyn, John Phillips Esq; John Lort, George Hayward, William Laugharn, Thomas Woogan, John Mathias, Gent. Thomas Warren Esquire, James Bowen, George William Griffith, John Lloyd of Killrue, David Morgan, Thomas Jones of Newport, Gentlemen; shall be, and are hereby named to be a Committee, to meet at such times and places as they shall think fit, for raising of Men, Mony, Horses, Arms and Ammunition, upō the Propositions formerly agreed on by both Houses of Parliament, or by any other way that they shall iudge convenient for the suppressing of the present Rebellion, stirred up by the Malignant persons, who desire and endeavour to subvert the happiness of this Kingdom, and shall have power to do all things necessary thereunto upon [Page 6] all occasions: And to ioyn with any other Forces raised or to be raised by Authority of Parliament; and that the Earl of Essex Lord Generall, be desired to grant a Commission to the said Rowland Laughorn to Command in chief as Maior Generall of the Forces raised, and to be so raised within the said three Counties and every of them, and the said Rowland Laughorn to have power to lead and carry the said Forces to such places as he shall think fit, and to subdue, fight with, kill, slay, and Imprison all such persons as shall leavie War without the consent of both Houses of Parliament; and that what Money, Horse, Arms or Ammunition, shall be contributed by any person towards this service, shall be secured, to be repaid with Interest after Eight pounds per Cent. by the Publique Faith of both Houses of Parliament, upon the shewing an Acquittance or Certificate under the hands of any four of the said Committee, [Page 7] of the Receipt of the said Moneys, or Apprisement of the said Horses, Arms or Ammunition, and the said Moneys so brought in, shall be issued in every of the said Counties, by the appointment of any four of the said Committee.
And be it further Ordained by the said Lords and Commons, That the said Committee or any four or more of them, shall have full power and authority to put in execution within the said county of Pembroke, & the said other counties when the same shall be reduced, The Ordinances of this present Parliament, hereafter mentioned, That is to say, The Ordinances for Sequestration of Malignants, Delinquents and Papists Estates, and the Ordinance for Weekly Assessments; And shall have full power and authority to set & let the Lands, Tenements & Hereditaments of all Papists and Delinquents, which are or shall be seized and sequestred according [Page 8] to the Ordinance of Parliament for Sequestration, within the said severall Counties or either of them, from yeer to yeer, or by Lease or Leases for the intents and purposes aforesaid, so long as the said Sequestration shall continue, and shall have power and authority, and are hereby required to administer the Covenant, appointed to be taken by the three Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, to all persons within the said three Counties and every of them, who ought to take the same by the late Ordinance and Instructions for that purpose, and have not already taken it.