[coat of arms of the Commonwealth of England]
Ordered by the Parliament,

THat Wednesday the 31 of August 1659. be set apart for a day of Solemn Fasting and Humiliation through­out England, Scotland and Ireland. And the good Peo­ple of this Nation are hereby invited to joyn in this Duty, and to humble themselves for the great Pro­vocations and Sins that are committed against God, and to seek the Blessing of God upon the Coun­sels and Affairs of this Commonwealth.

THO. St NICHOLAS, Clerk of the Parliament.
Resolved by the Parliament,

THat this Vote be Printed, and Published in the respective Cities, Boroughs, Towns, Parishes and Places throughout England, Scotland and Ireland.

THO. St NICHOLAS, Clerk of the Parliament.

London, Printed by JOHN FIELD, Printer to the Parliament.

And are to be sold at the seven Stars in Flectstreet, over against Dunstans Church, 1659.

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