Die Veneris, 17 Decemb. 1647.
ORdered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That all Committees of Sequestrations in the severall Counties of England and Wales, do take care that all sequestrated Lands in the said severall Counties be improved to the utmost values; and that they put in execution the former Orders made by both or either of the Houses of Parliament concerning the same; and that they speedily deliver in an Accompt of all the sequestred Lands and Goods within the said Counties, and what hath been made thereof, and how the same have been disposed, according to the Ordinances made for Accompts unto the severall Sub-Committees of Accompts in the said severall Counties, before the first day of March next ensuing, or otherwise deliver in all their Accompts aforesaid unto the Committee for taking the Accompts of the whole Kingdom, before the five and twenty day of March next coming.
Die Martis, 10 Novemb. 1646. Severall VOTES of the COMMONS assembled in PARLIAMENT, concerning Delinquents.
Resolved, &c. THat the Committee of Sequestrations in the severall Counties, do return to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, all the names of Papists and Delinquents, which are or have been sequestred by them respectively in their severall Counties; and a particular List of all the Estates of such persons, and to whom they have been let during the Sequestration thereof, and what the values thereof were before the Warre.
Resolved, &c. THat the Estates reall and personall of all Papists and Delinquents within the Ordinances of Sequestrations, not yet sequestred, and not compounded for at Goldsmiths Hall, be speedily sequestred, and the Names of such Delinquents sent up to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.
Resolved, &c. THat the Lands and Estates of such persons as are excepted in the first three qualifications of the Propositions, or any part thereof; shall not be let or demised to the Owners thereof, or to their Bailiffs or Servants, or to any person or persons in trust for them, or to their use or behoof.
Resolved, &c. THat the Lands and Estates of other Delinquents capable to be admitted to Composition, sequestred, or which shall be sequestred, in the severall respective Counties, or any part thereof, shall not in any case be let or demised unto the Owners thereof, or to their Bailiffs or Servants, or to any other persons in trust for them, or to their use or behoof, unlesse such Delinquents shall by Certificate from the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall make it appear, that they are in their actuall prosecution of their Compositions, and do proceed therein without delay on their parts.
Die Martis 8 Decemb. 1646.
Resolved, &c. THat no Committee man, Sequestrator, Collector or other Officer imployed in the Sequestrations in the severall respective Counties, shall by himself, or any other in trust for him, or to his use, take to Farm or Rent, any Lands or Estates sequestred, or to be sequestred in the said severall Counties where he is a Committee-man, Sequestrator, Collector, or other Officer imployed in the Sequestrations as aforesaid.
Resolved, &c. THat all the Lands and Estates of Papists and Delinquents sequestred, and to be sequestred in the severall and respective Counties, shall be let out at the utmost improved yeerly values that any man will give for the same; And that all Leases and Grants made to any Delinquents or Papists, the owners of the said Lands and Estates, or to their Servants, or any in trust for them, at a lower rate and value then the same were truly worth, and might have been demised for to others, at the time the said Lease shall be void.
Resolved, &c. THat all persons in the severall and respective Counties who have been in Arms, or left their Habitations, and resided in the Enemies Garrisons, and are liable to Sequestrations, and have not tendred themselves to a Composition for their Estates, and prosecuted it with effect at Goldsmiths Hall, and are at liberty, and not comprised within any Articles, whereby they are protected, shall be forthwith apprehended and committed to safe custody by the Committee of Parliament residing in the severall Counties, and their names certified to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall. Provided, That such persons whose Estates reall or personall are not worth two hundred pounds, be hereby pardoned and discharged from Sequestration, they coming in according to the time limited in the Propositions, and taking the negative Oath and Covenant.
Printed at London for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Baily. 1647.