AN ORDER OF THE Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, CONCERNING All Papists, Officers, Souldiers of Fortune, and others that have born Arms against the Parliament; that they depart out of the Cities of London and Westminster, and Lines of Communication, before the end of the sixth day of April, 1646. or be proceeded against as Spies, according to the Rules of VVar.
THe Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled taking notice of the great confluence and resort of Papists, Officers and Souldiers of Fortune, and such as have born Arms against the Parliament of England, from the Enemies Garrisons and Quarters unto the Cities of London and Westminster, and other parts within the Lines of Communication, Do for the prevention of such Inconveniences as may thereby arise, think fit to Order, and it is hereby Ordered by the said Lords and Commons, That all Papists whatsoever, and all Officers and Souldiers of Fortune, and other persons that have born Arms against the Parliament of England, not being under restraint, Do before the end of the sixth day of April, 1646. depart out of the said Cities of London and Westminster, and Lines of Communication; And if any such person shall continue within the said Lines after that time, such person is hereby Declared a Spy, and shall be apprehended, imprisoned and proceeded against as a Spy, according to the Rules of War. And the said Lords and Commons do further Order, That all such persons do forbear upon the penalty aforesaid, to return or come within the said Lines, without License under the hands of the Committee appointed for Compositions at Goldsmiths Hall: And the Committee of the Militia of London, and their Sub-Committees in their several Limits respectively, are hereby required to keep strict Guards and Watches, and cause frequent searches to be made, and to take care for the due execution of this Order. Provided, That this Order nor any thing therein contained, shall extend to any person or persons who shall obtain License under the hands of the Committee of Goldsmiths Hall to continue within the Limits aforesaid. Provided, That this Order or any thing herein contained, shall not extend to any person or persons who came in to the Parliament before the first of June last, and are cleared by both Houses of Parliament from their Delinquency. Provided also, That no Peer of this Realm shall resort unto the Committee of Goldsmiths Hall for License to continue within the Limits aforesaid; but shall repair onely to the House of Peers for their said License. This Order to continue for the space of one Moneth, after the said sixth of April, and no longer.
ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this ORDER be forthwith Printed and Published.
London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons, April 2. 1646.