THe Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, having received In­formation by Sir Arthur Hesilrige, a Member of the House of Com­mons, that there is great need of a present supply both of Horse and Foot, to be sent to Sir William Waller, the better to enable him to keep the Field, the Enemy being very strong; They do hereby declare, that all such as shall assist for the promoting this great work now in hand, and to that end shall lend to Sir William Waller or Sir Arthur Hesilrige, either Horse, or Men, fitted and prepared for the Warre, or Money for the carrying on of the Work, shall not onely manifest their being well affected to the Publick, but shall do an acceptable service to the Kingdom: And further, the Lords and Commons do hereby order and de­clare, That what Moneys shall be by any disbursed, and lent, or other Charges under­gone in this behalf, upon just Account, shall be repaid with Interest, out of the Publick Stock of the Kingdom; For which they do engage the Publick Faith. And likewise the said Lords and Commons do authorize all such Persons as shall be appointed by Sir Ar­thur Hesilrige to receive the Moneys, Horse, Armes, and other Provisions as aforesaid, to have full power and authoritie to give Receits and Certificates for the same.

Jo. Browne Cler. Parliament.

WHereas by an Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, bearing date the 25. April, 1643. power is given to Sir Arthur Hesilrige to constitute and appoint Receivers of the vo­luntarie subscriptions of Money, Horse, Armes, and other provisi­ons, that shall be by any disbursed, and lent to Sir William Waller, or Sir Arthur Hesilrige, for the supply of the Forces under the Command of Sir William Waller. By vertue of which Ordinance, the said Sir Arthur Hesilrige doth hereby give full power and Authoritie to Sir David Watking Knight, Edw. Cooke Apothecary, George Foxcraft, and Rich. Shute Marchants, all of London, or any two of them, to receive such Moneys, Horse, Armes, or other provi­sion as shall be subscribed: and to give Receits and Certificates for the same. And their Receits and Certificates so given, shall be sufficient to all purposes, so that each person may be repayed according to the intention of the said Ordinance. And the said Sir Arthur Hesilrige doth further appoint the persons hereafter named, together with those above mentioned, to meet at Grocers Hall, at such times as they shall iudge meet, to the end they, or any seven of them, may consider of, and transact all such things as shall be by them thought needfull for the better promoting of this necessary Work.

Art. Hesilrige
  • Major Humphris,
  • Mr. Tho. Eyres,
  • Dr. Edw. Alston,
  • Mr. Joh. Kendrick,
  • Mr. Geo. Henley,
  • Mr. Rich. Waring,
  • Mr. Isa. Penington,
  • Mr. Jam. Langham.
  • Major Harvey,
  • Major Turner,
  • Cap. Player, senior
  • Capt. Whitchcot,
  • Capt. Titchburne,
  • Capt. Lee,
  • Capt. Vaughan,
  • Capt. Hunt,
  • Capt. Willoughby,
  • Capt. Salwey,
  • Mr. Edw. Claxston,
  • Mr. Francis Kerby,
  • Mr. Mich. Hering,
  • Mr. Hougan Hovell
  • Mr. Willingham,
  • Mr. Rich. Willet,
  • Mr. Will Hawkins,
  • Mr. Samuel Moyer
  • Mr. Will, Corbett,
  • Mr. Tem, Milner,
  • Mr. John Pocock,
  • Mr. A. Babington,
  • Mr. Edw. Gittings,
  • Mr. Jo. Greensmith,
  • Mr. Dan. Waldoe,
  • Mr. Will. Barton,
  • Mr. Tym. Whiteing,
  • Mr. Rich. Hill,
  • Mr. Arthur Dewe,
  • Mr. Edw. Cludd,
  • Mr. Henry Bonner,
  • Mr. Jo. Wallington.
  • Mr. Tho. Andrews.

The Committee at Grocers Hall in pursuance of this Ordinance, do nominate and earnestly request the persons under-written, to promote by their utmost endeavours the subscription of each Pari­shioner in their respective Parishes, desiring every Subscriber to write his name and summe with his own hand: And it is further requested, that an account hereof be returned to the said Committee by the 9th. of this instant May. 1643.

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