Five SPECIALL ORDERS Of The LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in Parliament.
- I. Concerning great resort of People unto this City of LONDON, of which some are suspected to be Persons ill-affected to the peace of this City and Kingdome: also that no victuals or other provision be suffered to be carried out of London, without Licence, and that no Officer or Souldier, of his Excellencies Army be permitted to come into this City without a Certificate.
- II. For the Reliefe of Manchester, and other parts in Lancaster, against the rising of the Papists there.
- III. Concerning some Souldiers lately come out of IRELAND.
- IV. For a search to be made in London, the Suburbes, and Townes adjacent, for Armes.
- V. That a search be made for Horses, or any other Ammunition, which have bin sold or pawn'd by any of the Souldiers, of the Army, raised by the PARLIAMENT.
ORdered by the Lords and Commons that these five Orders bee forthwith Printed and Published.
Nov. 36. London Printed for Iohn Wright. 1642.
THe Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled, being certainly informed of great resort of people unto this City of London, both by Land and Water, of which some are suspected to bee persons ill affected to the Peace of this City and Kingdome, and for want of carefull Watches and examination of passengers that come both by Land and Water, many Officers and Souldiers of the Army, under his Excellency the Earle of Essex, doe likewise repaire unto this City, and neglect their service and duty in the Army, which may be very dangerous, if some course be not directed to restraine the same; And it being also discovered, that Provisions of Corne, Butter, Cheese, and such like have in great quantities beene carried from this City, with intent to be transported unto other places, which at this time cannot conveniently be spared, nor may in policy be permitted; Doe Order and ordaine, that no Victuall or Provision, of what nature or kind soever, be allowed or suffered to be carried or transported by Land or Water, out of or from the City of London, without speciall Licence or direction first had and obtained from both or either Houses of Parliament. And that no Officer or Soldier of the Army of his Excellency [Page] be in any case suffered to come into this City, not having a due Certificate of the cause of his comming from the same; And if any shall presume to come thence, not being so Licenced, the severall Persons and Guards appoynted to attend, for the defence and safety of this City, both by watet and by Land, are required to Attach and bring him or them before the Committee of the House of Commons for Examination, as also all such other persons of whom there shall be any cause of suspition that they are not rightly affected to the Peace of this City or Kingdom; And it is specially recommended to the Committee for the Militia of London, that they would by their endeavours take care and give direction unto fit persons for preventing the severall inconveniencies above mentioned. And the severall Officers of the Customehouse, Captaines, and other Officers of Forts and Castles, and all other persons whom it may concerne, are hereby commanded and required, to make stay of, and to search all persons, Ships, Barques, Boats, and other Vessels, that shall passe, or goe into, or out of, or from the City of London, or upon the River of Thames, and if any shall be found offending in the premisses, to seize and detaine the same, untill further direction shall be given therein by both or either Houses of Parliament.
VVHereas the Lords and Commons are informed, that the Towne of Manchester, and some other parts within the County Palatine of Lancaster, have for a long time beene at excessive Charges for the defence of such as are well affected to the proceedings of Parliament, from the Injuries, Oppressions, illegall and exorbitant practises of the Commissioners of Array, the Papists, and other Malignant persons within that Countie; and now when their power doth much encrease, by the generall rising of the Papists there, and therefore have great need of a Supply of Strength (which was long since expected) yet on the contrary, they will be forced to disband their Garrison of Souldiers, which they have maintained as long as they are able, and so expose themselves not onely to the Violence of their Enemies, but much dishonour the Cause, and weaken the good Partie, unlesse they have some present supply of Money: Therefore it is Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That such Moneyes or Plate, as M. Thomas Case, or any other person shall under-write, for the defence of Lancashire, and the reducing of the Malignant partie there, they shall have the publique Faith to Be repayed, with satisfaction after eight pounds per Cent. And that Sir Iohn Wooleston Knight, Alderman Warner, Alderman Towes, and Alderman Andrewes take such subscriptions, and issue [Page] the same for the use of the said Countie, by Warrant under the hands of any foure or more Members of this House that serve for that Countie; who are to give Order for the disposing of the Moneyes in the said Countie, so as may best conduce for the service thereof, to give accompt thereof to the House of Commons.
VVHereas it appeares by a Report this day made from the Committee for the Affaires of Ireland, and by the perusall of Letters from the Lord Inchequin, directed to M. Taylor of Bristol, and referred to the consideration of that Committee, That divers Souldiers doe runne away from their Service in Ireland, and passe into this Kingdome, to the prejudice of the Service there, and the discouragement of others that might come to their assistance; It is therefore Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Major of Bristol for the time being, and other Officers of the Westerne Ports of this Kingdome, whom it may concerne, doe make diligent search from time to time for all such Souldiers and Officers of the [Page] Army in Ireland, as shall come from thence without the speciall Licence of the Generall, or him that commandeth in Chiefe, and Land themselves at Bristol, or any other of the Westerne Ports; and finding any such, that they forthwith, upon due Examination of them and the Ship-master that brought them over, doe take Bond or other sufficient Securitie of such Masters, to carry or cause to be carryed back againe at their owne Charges such Souldiers, and to deliver them to the chiefe Officers of the Armies in Munster, to be proceeded against according to Martiall Law, and to receive condigne punishment; and that they returne the Names of such Ship-Masters as shall be so found to bring over such Souldiers, without good and sufficient Licence, to the Houses of Parliament, that they may receive such farther punishment for their Offence, as shall be thought meet.
IT is this day Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled, That Sir Edward Barkham, Master Wilcox of Tothnam, or either of them, and such as they shall appoint, shall have power to search for Armes, Amunition or any Horses that have beene sould, paun'd, or Imbezelled by any of the Souldiers of the Army raised by the Parliament, and to seize them where they finde them, and to send them to the respective officers of the said Army, who are appointed to have care of such matters.
IT is this day Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That Richard Wright, and Nathaniell Hall, shall be authorized by both Houses to search in London, and Suburbs and Townes adjacent for Armes lent by the City, and to seize the same, and to appoint Deputies for that purpose.