❧ A Declaration.

THe Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, do hereby Order and Declare, That all Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy, the Committeé for the Army, the Com­missioners for Appeals and Regulation of Excise and Customes; the Commissioners for the Customes and Excise, the Commissioners for the Monethly Assessments, and all other Commissioners, Committeés, and Officers whatsoever relating to the Excise, or any other part of the Revenue, or to the Army or Navy, that were in Office and Imployment the 25th day of April 1660. shall and are hereby Authorised & Required to proceéd forthwith in the Execution of their respective Commissions, Offices and Imployments, and shall exercise the same in the Kings Majesties Name and Stile, according to the respective Powers, Authorities, and Instru­ctions to them, or any of them, formerly given or mentioned to be given, and in being the said 25th day of April 1660. untill further Order.

ORdered by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, That this Declaration be forthwith Printed and Published.

Jo. BROWNE, Cleric. Parliamentorum.

LONDON, Printed by John Macock, and Francis Tyton, Printers to the House of Lords, 1660.

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