Die Martis 23. Sept. 1645. A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, concerning Prisoners in the Island of Iersey.

THe Lords and Commons assembled in in Parliament, being certified that one George de Carterett assuming to himselfe, without lawfull Authority, to be Go­vernour of the Isle of Iersey, hath pre­sumed to exercise many exorbitant and tyrannicall Actions upon the people there, by seizing their Estates, impri­soning their Persons, and murthering some of them, not only contrary to the Laws of this Kingdom, and of that Island, but against the Rules and publike Customes of Warre it selfe, The said Lords and Commons looking upon the con­dition of the Inhabitants of that Island with much compas­sion, and with equall indignation upon the insolency of the pre­tended Governour there and his Adherents, doe hereby Declare, That in case the said George de Carterett, or his Adherents, under colour of any Commission or Authority whatsoever, shall be so hardy as hereafter to take away the life of any Inhabitant of that Island adhering to the service of the Parliament of England, that they forthwith upon notice thereof will cause the like mea­sure to be offered to those Prisoners they have: And for the life of every one the said Carterett or his Adherents shall take away, they will cause two to be executed of their Prisoners in compen­sation thereof.

ORdered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, That this Declaration be forth­with printed and published.

Ioh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

London printed for Jobn Wright at the Kings Head in the old Bayley. 1645.

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