A DECLARATION OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT: Concerning Coales and Salt.
Wherein is ample satisfaction given to all murmurers and Malignants, why the Honourable City of London hath not a supply as formerly.
ALSO, Two Ordinances of great Consequence.
1. That whosoever shall assist His Majesty in this Warre, with Horse, Armes, Plate, or Money, are Traytors to His Majesty, the Parliament, and Kingdome.
2. That the Houses of Delinquents shall not bee plundered, pulled downe, or destroyed, but reserved for the benefit and advantage of the Common-wealth.
ORdered by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, that these Declarations and Instructions be forthwith Printed and published.
Jan. 13. London Printed for T. S.
A Declaration of the Lords & Commons Assembled in Parliament, that no Ships, Barques, or other Vesselle, shall from henceforward make any voyage to New-Castle, for the fetching of Coales or any other Commodity, untill that Towne shall be reduced into such hands, as shall declare themselves for King and Parliament.
THe Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, taking into their consideration the number of Ships, and quantity of Mony, that is every yeare imployed from London, and other parts and places of this Kingdome, for the fetching of Coales and Salt, from New-Castle, Sunderland, and Blyth, and finding that since the beginning of the present troubles, that Towne of New-Castle being possessed by Forces raised against the King and Parliament, hath beene, and is the principall In-let of forraine Aid, Forces, and Ammunition, for the strengthning of that Force that intends destruction to the Parliament, and therby to the Religion, Lawes, and Liberties of this Kingdome; And taking into consideration, that sufficient Coales be supplyed from other parts for the use of this Kingdome, doe declare; That they are inforced for the safety of the Kingdome, and for the better hindering of the supporting of the said Forces, and of the reducing or the Towne of New-Castle, and the parts adjacent, to yeeld obedience and submission to the command of the two Houses of Parliament, are constrained for the present to hinder the repairing of Ships to New-Castle, Sunderland, & Blyth, lest those [Page 2] Ships and Money which are intended to procure Fewell for the supportation of the Kingdome, be improved to give vigour and maintenance to the Warr raised to the destruction thereof, for prevention wherof, We the Lords and Commons do Ordaine, That no Ship, Ships, or Barques, shall from henceforward make any voyage for the fetching of Coales, or Salt from New-Castle, Sunderland and Blyth, or carrying of Corn or other provision of victuall; untill that Towne of New-Castle shall be freed of and from the Forces there now raised or maintained against the Parliament, and the Towne be reduced into such hands, and condition as shall declare themselves for King and Parliament: And the Masters, Owners, and Saylors of Ships, and Barques are hereby required not to presume to goe that voyage contrary to this Ordinance; And it is further Ordained and Ordered, that if any Ship, Vessell, or Barque, shall at any time after the first day of February next comming, Import, or bring into any port or place of this Kingdom any Coales or Salt, laden from New-Castle, Sunderland & Blyth, or any of them, untill further Order be taken by both Houses of Parliament, that every such Ship, Vessell, and Barque, and the Masters and Saylors in the same, shall be seized upon and stayed in such port and place where they come in, untill the two Houses of Parliament being thereof informed, shall take further order and direction therein.
Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this Declaration, Instructions, and Order, sh [...]l be forthwith printed and published.
THe Governour of the Castle of Tinmouth-Barre, hath laid a Tax upon all laden ships bound with the Coale for London, on some Thirty, on some Forty, on some Fifty pounds per ship; so that Coales must of necessity be very deare.
Ordered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament.
A Declaration of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament.
VVHereas the King seduced by wicked Counsell, doth make Warre against His Parliament and people; And for the promoting of that Warre, divers Forces both of Horse and Foot have beene, and are Levyed and raysed by severall persons, and His Majesties good Subjects are most cruelly Robbed, Spoyled, and Slain:
To the end, that no man may be misled through ignorance, The Lrods and Commons in Parliament Declare, That all such persons as shall upon any pretence whatsoever, assist His Majesty in this Warre, with Horse, Armes, Plate, or Money, are Traytors [Page 5] to His Majesty, the Parliament, and the Kingdome, and shall be brought to condigne punishment for so high an offence.
Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that this Declaration be forthwith Printed and published.
WHereas this Kingdome and Common-wealth hath beene put to a great & vast charge, by Deinquents and an ill-affected Party which if it be not discharged by them and their Estates, must necessarily lye as a burthen upon the good Subjects that have no way deserved it; It is therefore thought fit, and Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the houses of Delinquents or ill-affected persons, shall not be plundered, pulled downe, or destroyed, but reserved for the benefit and advantage of the Common-wealth, they being now considered rather as the houses of the Common-wealth then of Delinquents, and accordingly to be so preserved, as they yeeld more profit and advantage to it.
Ordered by the House of Commons, that this bee forthwith Printed and published.