An Abstract of the LAWS in Force Against Forestallers, Regrators, Ingrossers, Exporters or Transporters of CORN, Commanded to be put in speedy and vigorous Execution by the Lords Justices late Proclamation, and Their Excellencies New ORDER in Council requiring all Justices of the Peace, in the several Counties of England and Wales, to use their utmost Care and Diligence that the said Proclamation be duly Observed; by means thereupon not only the Price of Corn, but also of all other Provisions, will be considerably abated, and CORN-JOBBERS, &c. Prosecuted and suppressed. As also against carrying Corn (when Dear) out of the Kingdom, to the great Prejudice and Oppression of the Poor. And likewise for setting the Poor on Work, and making Provision for the Poorer sort of People.
Published for the better Direction of such as shall endeavour the Due Execution thereof.
Forestallers, Regrators, and Ingrosters of Bread-Corn. | ||
HE or she that shall buy or contract for any Corn, Merchandize, Victual, or other thing whatso-ever, either by Word, Letter, Message, or otherwise, (in the way) before it shall be brought (by Land or by Water) unto any City, Port, Haven or Creek, Road, Fair or Market where it should be sold, or shall cause the same to be so bought, or shall disswade the People from bringing any such Commodity to any such Place, or (being brought) shall perswade them to Inhance the Price there shall be adjudged a Forestaller. | 5 & 6 E. 6. cap. 14. |
THE Party guilty of any of these Offences shall Forfeit for the first Offence the Value of the Goods so bought, or had, and suffer Two Months Imprisonment without Bail or Mainprize. For the second Offence, he shall Forfeit double the Value of such Goods so bought or contracted for, and suffer Six Months Imprisonment without Bail or Mainprize. And for the third Offence, he shall Forfeit all his Goods and Chattels, shall be set upon the Pillory, in the Place where the Offender shall dwell, and be Imprisoned during the King's Pleasure. |
He or she that shall buy any Corn, Grain, Wine, Fish, Butter, Cheese, Candles, Tallow, Sheep, Lambs, Calves, Swine, Pigs, Geese, Capons, Hens, Chickens, Pigeons, Conies, or other dead Victuals whatsoever brought to any Fair or Market to be sold there, and do sell the same again in the same Fair or Market, or in some other Fair or Market within four Miles, shall be deemed a Regrator. | 5 & 6 E. 6. cap. 14. | This Judgment shall be executed not only upon all manner of Forestallers, &c. but also upon those that are any way Aiding or Assisting therein, or to Counsel, Help or Favour them in these Irregular and Pernicious Practices. 25 E. 3 Cap. Stat. 4. |
He that shall Ingross, or get into his Hands by Buying, Contract, or Promise, (other than by Demise, Grant, or Lease of Land or Tythe) any quantity of Corn growing in the Fields, or other Grain, Butter, Cheese, Fish, or other dead Victual whatsoever, with intent to sell it again, in order to Inhance the Price thereof, shall be adjudged an Ingrosser. | 5 & 6 E. 6. cap. 14. | The Party guilty of any of these Offences, shall Forfeit ut supra. |
He that buyeth Grain or Corn in any Market for Change of Seed, shall bring as much the same Day, and sell it (if he can) according to the present Price of Grain or Corn there, | 5 & 6 E. 6. cap. 14. | On Pain to Forfeit double the Value of the Grain or Corn so bought. |
He that buys any Cattle, shall not sell them again alive within five Weeks; but ought to keep them upon Pasture which he hath either by Grant or Prescription, According to the Statute of 5 E. no Forestaller, Ingrosser, or Regrator, (who is manifestly known to be an Oppressor of the Poor, by Buying Corn, Grain, &c.) should be suffered to Dwell, Reside, Continue or Inhabit in any Town. |
5 & 6 E. 6. cap. 14. |
On Pain to Forfeit double the Value thereof. To be Convicted before the Justices in Sessions, by Testimony of Two Witnesses. One half of the Forfeitures to the King, and the other half to the Prosecutor; but when at the King's Suit only, then the whole to the King's Use. To be Sued for in any of the King's Courts of Records, either by Bill, Plaint, Action of Debt, &c. against which no Wager of Law, Essoin or Protection be allow'd. None shall be punished twice for the same Offence. The Offence against this Statute shall be presented within Two Years. |
Exporters or Transporters of Corn or Grain. | ||
EXPORTERS of Corn, Grain, Pease or Beans, when Wheat is above Forty Eight Shillings the Quarter, Barley, Malt, or Buck-Wheat above Twenty Eight Shillings the Quarter, Rye above Thirty Two Shillings the Quarter, Oats above Thirteen Shillings and Four Peace the Quarter, and Pease or Beans above Thirty Two Shillings the Quarter. | 15 Car. 2. cap. 5. |
FOR the first Offence, Imprisonment without Bail or Mainprize, and Forfeiture of the Corn so bought or contracted for. For the second Offence, Imprisonment for half a Year, without Bail, &c. and loss of double the Value of the Corn so bought or contracted for. And for the third Offence, setting in the Pillory, and Forfeiture of all his Goods, &c. and Imprisonment during the King's pleasure. One Moiety of the Forfeiture to the King, and the other to the Prosecutor; but the whole Forfeiture to the King where the Conviction is at the King's Suit only. |
No Badger, Lader, Kidder, Carrier, or Transporter of Corn, shall be Licensed but in the General Quarter-Sessions for the County where such Person shall dwell, or hath dwelt for Three Years before the Date of his License, and is or hath been a Married Man, and is at the time of such License a Housholder, and not a Servant or Retainer to any Person, and of the Age of Thirty Years. Such License to continue but for a Year, to be Signed by Three Justices (Quorum un.) then present. The Justices, &c. in Sessions shall (at their Discretions) take Recognizances of such Persons so Licensed that they shall not Forestall or Ingross, or put in Practice any Act contrary to the 5 & 6 Ed. 6. | 5 Eliz. cap. 12. | On Pain of such Person taking such License Forfeiting Five Pounds; and the Licenses not taken pursuant to the said Act are declared to be void. |
No Person shall buy any Grain or Corn out of any open Fair or Market unless he be thereunto Licensed by special Order, and express Words, | 5 Eliz. cap. 12. | Upon Pain of Forfeiting, for every time so offending, Five Pounds, to be Levied in manner afore-said, and to such Uses as are last before-mentioned. |
LAWS and STATUTES for Relief of the POOR, And Setting Poor People on Work.
THE Church-Wardens, or the Major part, shall take Order (by the Consent of Two Justices) (Quorum un.) for the Setting Poor People on Work, and for Raising (by Taxation) a convement Stock to Work upon; To Relieve Impotent Persons; To put forth Apprentices, &c. These Officers to meet Monthly to consider of the Premisses, and (after their Year is expired) to render a true Account (to Two such Justices,) and pay the Surplussage thereof to their Successors, on pain of Forfeiting 20 s. Stat: 43 Eliz. cap. 2.
Where the Inhabitants of any Parish, not able to Relieve their Poor, Two Justices (Quorum un.) may Tax other Parishes and Places, or the whole Hundred; and if the Hundred be not able, the Justices of the Peace, in Sessions, may Tax the County in part, or wholly, at their Discretions. The Overseers of the Poor (by Warrant from Two such Justices) may Levy such Tax or Surplussage by Distress and Sale of such Goods; and for want of Distress, two such Justices may commit the Party to Prison, there to remain without Bail, &c. until it be discharged. And also, to commit Persons which Refuse to Work to the House of Correction. 43 Eliz. cap. 2.
The said Overseers, &c. or the greater part of them, with the Assent of two Justices, &c. may Bind poor Children Apprentices, Viz. A Man-Child till 24 years of Age, and a Woman-Child until 21 years, or Marriage. Stat. 43 Eliz. cap. 2.
The said Overseers, &c. shall (with Consent of the Lord of the Mannor, first obtained in Writing under his hand and Seal) either of themselves, or by a Sessions-Orcer, Erect Cottages upon the Waste, and Lodge In-nates therein, notwithstanding the Statute of 31 Eliz cap. 7. But those Cottages shall not be afterwards otherwise imployed than to Lodge Impotent Persons therein, (upon the pains mentioned in the said Statute of 31 Eliz.) Stat. 43 Eliz. cap. 2.
The Father, Grand-Father, Mother, Grand-Mother, and Children of every poor Person, shall be Assessed towards their Relief, as the Justices in the Sessions of the county where such Father, &c. dwells shall appoin, on pain of Forfeiting Twenty Shillings per Month.
Head-Officers in Corporate Towns, and Aldermen of London, have, in their several Precincts, like Authority as Justices of the Peace have in their respective Counties: But the County-Justices may not intermeddle in Corporations for the Execution of this Law.
When one Parish extends into several Counties or Liberties, the Justices, or Head-Officers, shall only inter-meddle within their respective Districts: But the Church-Wardens and Overseers shall have a mixt Jurisdiction, and shall render an Account to the Justices or Head-Officers of both Places. Stat. 43 Eliz. cap. 2.
Justices of the Peace, and Head-Officers of every County and Corporation, or the most part of them, at Easter-Session, shall Yearly (or as often as they shall think fit) Rate every Parish at a certain Sum, to be paid Weekly, through the whole County or Corporation; which Sum so Rated the Church▪Wardens and Constable of every Parish, or any of them, (or, in their Default, a Justice of the Peace) have power to Assess and Levy by Distress, Sale, and Commitment, as aforesaid. Stat 43 Eliz. cap. 2.
Justices of the Peace shall then likewise Rate every Parish, towards the Relief of the Kings-Bench and Ma-shalse [...] Prisons, and also of Hospitals and Alms-Houses within their several Jurisdictions; appointing only so much to the said Hospitals and Alms-Houses, that the afore-said Prisons may each of them Receive at least Twenty Shillings Yearly out of every County.
The Stock of every County shall be ordered and disposed to charitable Uses, as the Justices, or the more part of them, shall think convenient. Stat. 43 Eliz. cap. 2.
Money given to put out poor Children Apprentices shall be imployed in Corporate-Towns by the Corporations, and in other Places by the Parson or Vicar, together with the Constables, Church-Wardens, and Overseers of the Poor, or the most part of them, who shall not forbear, or refuse to imploy the same accordingly, on pain to Forfeit Five Marks each of them so making Default, to be divided betwixt the Poor of the Parish and the Prosecutor. Stat. 7 Jac. 1. cap. 3.
The Party taking Money with such an Apprentice shall give Security by Bond to repay it at the end of seven Years, next ensuing the Date thereof, or within Three Months next after the end of the said seven Years: And if such Apprentice shall die within the seven Years, then within 1 Year after his or her Death.
And if the Master, Mistress, or Dame, happen to die within the seven Years, then within one Year after their Death; so as the Money may be imployed in placing the Apprentice with some other of the same Trade, to serve out his Time, at the Discretion of the Parties trusted, as afore-said. Stat. 7 Jac. 1. cap. 3.
The Money so given shall be imployed within three Months after the Receipt thereof; and if there shall not be apt Persons found in the places where it is given, to be Apprentices, it shall be imployed in the Parishes next adjoyning, by the Parties that are trusted with it, in the places where it was so given, and there also Bond shall be taken, as before-mentioned. Stat. 7 Jac. 1. cap. 3.
The Choice of Apprentices shall be out of the poorest sort of Children, whose Parents are the least able to Relieve them; and no such Apprentice shall be above the Age of 15 Years when he or she is Bound. Stat. 7 Jac: 1. cap. 3.
The Parties so trusted shall Yearly, in Easter Week. or within a Month after. Account before two or more of the next Justices, &c. And if there be any Obligations, or Money remaining in their hands, they shall (upon such Account, or within Ten Days after) deliver the same unto their Successors. Stat. 7 Jac. 1. cap. 3.
The Church-Wardens and Overseers of the Poor (mention'd in the Act of 43 Eliz. cap. 2.) may, with the Consent of two or more Justices of the Peace, (Quorum un) within their respective Limits, (wherein there shall be more Justices than one, and where there shall be no more than one, with the Assent of that one Justice) set up, use, and occupy any Trade, Mystery, or Occupation. only for Setting on Work, and better Relief of the Poor of the Parish or Place where they so bear Office respectively. Stat. 3 Car. 1. c. 4.