At the Court at WHITE-HALL, August the 19th 1670.
- The KING's most Excellent MAJESTY.
- His Royal Highness the Duke of York.
- His Highness Prince Rupert.
- Lord Archbishop of Canterbury.
- Lord Keeper.
- Duke of Monmouth.
- Duke of Ormond.
- Marquess of Dorchester.
- Earl of Ossory.
- Earl of St. Albans.
- Earl of Bathe.
- Earl of Craven.
- Earl of Carbury.
- Lord Bishop of London.
- Mr. Treasurer.
- Mr. Ʋice-Chamberlain.
- Mr. Secretary Trevor.
- Mr. Chancellor of the Dutchy.
- Sir John Duncombe▪
WHereas it hath pleased God in an extraordinary measure to afflict this His MAJESTIE's City of London with several dismall Accidents of Fire, and that all the Care and Watchfulness hitherto practised, and even his MAJESTIE's personall Appearance on the occasions of Danger, have not been sufficient to stir up and excite so great a Circumspection and Vigilance as is necessary; And whereas some Suspicions have arisen as if there were persons of such lewd and damnable Principles as out of mere Malice to affect the Destruction of His MAJESTIE's said Royall City by Fire, and others so depraved as to attempt the same thing in hopes of Plunder and private Gain, when by the Disorders which usually attend such Calamities they may with more freedome and impunity pillage and take away what-ever they can get: His MAJESTIE therefore, being most deeply sensible and apprehensive of all Dangers of like nature which may happen to His said City, or the Suburbs thereof, or to the Burrough of Southwark, hath thought fit to Order, and it is hereby Ordered accordingly, That not onely the Lord Mayor of London, but the Justices of the Peace in the respective places abovesaid, do take particular and effectuall Care that a most diligent Watch and Ward be maintained in all places of the City and Suburbs, and the Burrough of Southwark, according to Law: And that sutable to the laudable Custome of the City care be taken, that in each respective Ward, and in the severall Parishes of the places abovesaid, there be provided a necessary Store of Engines, Ladders, Buckets, and all other the Preparations which can be thought fit to prevent the dismall consequence of Fire when any accident shall happen.
And farther, the said Lord Mayor and Justices of the Peace respectively are required to cause diligent Observation to be taken of all Vagrant and Suspicious persons walking at Unseasonable Hours, and to examine and search if they carry about them any Combustible matters: And in case such persons are not able to give a good accompt of themselves, they are forthwith to be conveyed before the next Justice of the Peace, to be proceeded against and severely punish'd according to the Law and the quality of their Offences.