C. R.
At the Court at Whitehall the 26th of March 1672.
- His Royal Highness the Duke of York.
- His Highness Prince Rupert.
- Lord Keeper.
- Duke of Buckingham.
- Duke of Ormond.
- Earl of Ossory.
- Earl of Bridgwater.
- Earl of Sandwich.
- Earl of Carlisle.
- Earl of Craven.
- Lord Arlington.
- Lord Holles.
- Mr. Treasurer.
- Mr. Vice-Chamberlain.
- Mr. Secretary Trevor.
VPon Reading this day at the Board the Humble Petition of the Rulers and Overseers of the Company of Watermen, for themselves, and in the behalf of the whole Society of Watermen, Praying, In regard they are, and always have been ready to Serve His Majesty and the Kingdom upon all occasions at Sea, whereunto they are obliged by Oath and Duty, That for their future Encouragement, His Majesty would be pleased to Renew and Confirm an Order made in Council the Eight of February 1627. in His late Majesties Reign of ever Blessed memory, For Freeing the Company of Watermen and their Successors from Land-service. His Majesty was Graciously pleased to Declare, That the said Order of the Eighth of February 1627. be Renewed and Confirmed: And accordingly did this day Order, That the Company of Watermen and their Servants for the time being, and their Successors be, and they and every of them are hereby Exempted and Freed, as well from being Prest to Serve in person as Land-souldiers, as from Contributing towards the Charge of Setting out and Billeting of Land-souldiers: Whereof all and every Lords Lieutenants, Deputy-lieutenants, Iustices of the Peace, Mayors, Bayliffs, Constables, and all other His Majesties Officers whom it may concern, are to take notice of this His Majesties Pleasure, and yield Obedience accordingly.
In the SAVOY, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty 1672.