

At the Court at WHITEHALL February the Third, 1674/5.

  • The Kings most Excellent Majesty
  • His Highness Prince Rupert
  • Lord Keeper
  • Lord Treasurer
  • Lord Privy Seal
  • Duke of Monmouth
  • Duke of Lauderdale
  • Marquis of Worcester
  • Marquis of Dorchester
  • Earl of Ogle
  • Earl of O [...]sory
  • Lord Great Chamberlain
  • Earl of Peterborough
  • Earl of Sunderland
  • Earl of St Alban
  • Earl of Bathe
  • Earl of Craven
  • Earl of Carbery
  • Viscount Fauconberg
  • Lord Maynard
  • Lord Newport
  • Lord Berkeley
  • Mr Vice-Chamberlain
  • Mr Secretary Coventry
  • Mr Secretary Williamson
  • Mr Montagu
  • Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer
  • Mr Chancellor of the Dutchy
  • Master of the Ordnance
  • Mr Speaker.

HIs Majesty was this day pleased in Council to Command, That the following Orders and Resolutions should be forthwith Printed and made Publick.

HIs Majesty was pleased this day in Council to Declare, That he found it necessary that the Laws which were made for the Safety and Preservation both of Church and State, should be put in Excecution with more care and diligence then of late they have been; and that having long since commanded His Iudges to do their Duty herein, He had also lately advis'd with several of His Bishops, and upon due Considera­tion of the whole matter, had Resolved, and doth therefore Order,

I. That the Convictions of Popish Recusants be encouraged, quickned, and made effectual; and to this end His Majesties Attorney General is required forthwith to inform himself what Convictions are already certified into the Exchequer, and to cause spéedy Process to issue upon them. And it is further Ordered, That Letters be forthwith sent from this Boord directed to the Iustices of Peace within the several Counties, Cities and Pla­ces of this Realm, thereby requiring them with all spéed to certifie into the Exchequer such Convictions as are perfected, and to certifie His Majesties Attorney General what Convictions of Popish Recusants are preparing, and what hinders the com­pleating of them, and whether any Persons of Quality who are suspected to be Popish Recusants have been omitted to be Presented, and what Obstructions they find therein; And His Majesty Declares, that upon due information thereof, care shall be taken that they may be speédily removed.

II. And His Majesty doth Declare His further [...] Persons, of what Quality or Condition soever he be, do presume to say Mass in any part of this Kingdom, the Chappels of the Queens Majesty, and the Chappels of Foreign Ministers only excepted: And to prevent all extraordinary Resort to those Chappels, It is further Ordered and Declared, That if any person or persons shall presume to repair to those Chap­pels, not being a Menial Servant of Her Majesty, or of such Foreign Ministers, and shall there willingly hear Mass, eve­ry such Offender shall suffer the forfeiture of One hundred Marks, and One Years Imprisonment, as by Law is provided. And for the better discovery of such Offenders, His Majesties Third part of the said Penalty shall be also given to the Informer, for his further Reward and Encouragement. And moreover, all Officers are required to apprehend such Offen­ders, and to cause them to be examined and procéeded with according to Law. And all Mayors, Iustices of Peace, and other Officers and Ministers to whom it shall or may appertain, are also Ordered and Required to cause diligent Search and Enquiry to be made into all other Places, where they shall hear or suspect that Mass is privately celebrated, to the end that the Offenders may be brought to Condigne punishment.

III. And His Majesty doth Command and forewarn all Persons born within any of His Majesties Dominions, who have taken Orders by any authority derived from the Church or See of Rome, and are now remaining in any part of this King­dom, and out of Prison (except Mr. John Huddleston, who was eminently serviceable to His Majesty in His Escape from Worcester) that they depart the Realm before the Five and twentieth day of March next ensuing, and that they presume not to return again, nor any other such Priests to come over after that day; His Majesty declaring, that He will cause the ut­most penalties of the Law to be inflicted upon the Contemners of this His Command; And Mr. Attorney General is requi­red to prepare a Proclamation accordingly. And His Majesty doth also Command all such Priests, who have taken such Orders, and do pretend a priviledge to attend upon the Quéens Majesty, or upon Foreign Ministers, to depart this King­dom likewise by the time before appointed, and to leave the Court within Fourtéen days after Notice of this Order, whereof publication shall be forthwith made, by causing the same to be affixed upon the Court Gates, and in such other Places as shall be thought convenient.

IV. And His Majesty doth further forewarn, and Command all His Subjects, that they presume not to send any person or persons to be Educated in any Popish Colledges or Seminaries beyond the Seas; And if any Notice or Information can be given of any that have been already sent, and are there still remaining, His Majesty Declares, that he will give Or­der for a Privy Seal to be directed unto them, and thereby command them to return home with all speed, as they will an­swer the contrary at their peril. And if the Parents or Guardians of such person so Educated abroad be living and within His Majesties Dominions, His Majesty will also Command such Parents or Guardians to send for their Children or Pupils home, and cause them to return, upon peril of suffering the utmost Penalties of the Law in that case provided.

V. And if any of His Majesties natural born Subjects, being Papist, or reputed Papist, shall presume to come into His Majesties Palace at Whitehall, or St. James's, or into any other place where His Majesties Court shall be, contrary to His Majesties late Prohibition; His Majesty Declares, that he will punish that Contempt with Exemplary Severity, according to the quality of the Offender; who if he be a Péer of the Realm, shall be sent to the Tower, if under that quality, to some other Prison.

VI. And His Majesty doth further Order, and Appoint, that effectual care be taken for the Suppression of Conventicles; And whereas divers pretend Licences from His Majesty, and would support themselves by that pretence, His Majesty De­clares, that all His Licences were long since Recalled, and that no Conventicle hath any authority, allowance, or encourage­ment from His Majesty.


LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John-Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1674/5.

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