

At the Court at White-Hall, The 13th. of July, 1682.

PRESENT THE King's most Excellent Majesty: &c.

HIS Majesty having been Informed by the Lord Mayor, and divers of the Aldermen of London; That the Disorders and Riots arisen in that City, upon the Day appointed for the Election of Sheriffs, have been chiefly Occasioned by the Proceedings of the Common-Hall in an Irregular way, Contrary to what hath been Anciently Accustomed: His Majesty by the Advice of His Council hath thought Fit, for the better keeping of the Peace, of the City, to Direct, and hereby to Require the Lord Mayor to Maintain and Preserve intier the Ancient Customs of the City. And for the better doing thereof, to take Effectual Order that at the Common-Hall to be held to Morrow, all Proceedings be begun anew, and Carried on in the Vsual manner as they ought to have been upon the Twenty Fourth Day of June Last.

LONDON: Printed for C. R. 1682.

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