An Advertisement.
THese are to give Notice to all Noblemen, Gentlemen, Citizens and others, That We, the STƲDENTS in the ROYAL COLLEDGE of EDINBƲRGH, (to shew Our Detestation and Abhorrence of the Romish Religion; and Our Zeal and Fervency for the PROTESTANT) Do Resolve to Burn the Effigies of ANTICHRIST the POPE of ROME, at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, the 25 of December Instant, precisely at Twelve a Clock in the Forenoon, (being the Festival of our SAVIOURS Nativity) And since we hate Tumults, as we do Superstition, we do hereby (under the Pain of Death) Discharge all Plunderers, Robbers, Thieves, Whores and Bawds, to come within 40 Paces of Our Company, and such as shall be found disobedient to these Our Commands, Sibi Caveant.