BEING A Perfect Relation of Eighteen Ships Great and Small, Taken from the Hogen Mogen
Stats Van Hollandt. Septemb. 3. 1665. By the Truly Valiant Earl of SANDWICH.
WHen Royal James, that Prince of Might and Wonder,
Did make the Seas, the Earth and Air to Thunder:
When with loud Roarings of his Guns he shook
The Firmament; The Winds he Prisoner took:
His Mighty Valour, and his Powerful Arm,
The Winds and Seas Magnetique like did Charm;
Those Elements were kind, and did not grutch
To take his part, till he had beat the Dutch:
They scorned for to own the Dutch-mens Cause,
Or to be subject unto such Out-lawes;
They quite had lost their former Reputation,
If they had sided with that Paltrey Nation.
When Hell and Earth, and all the World did sight
'Gainst Queen Elizabeth in Eighty-eight,
How did the proud Waves storm, the High-Winds rore,
And Beat the Pope and Spanyard from our Door,
With Violence did Hurle them in the Deep,
Until the Resurrection for to Sleep;
And now they are in Arms for Englands Right.
The other day most Valiantly did Fight,
One Thousand three Hundred twenty seven
Dutch Prisoners took: [...] this love's from Heaven;
What Nations this the Universe will say,
That Winds and Seas so humbly do obey?
It is in vain for Holland so to strive
Against the Stream; Great Britains King will drive
Them up and down the Main, he will them Chase,
That those Vile Wretches shall not find a Place
To harbour in, or for to take their Ease,
They shall no more enjoy the Narrow-Seas;
The Winds and Seas alone themselves will Fight,
They will defend the King of Englands Right.
Poor silly Holland, how canst thou with-stand
Great Britains King? Hee'l shake thee from His Hand,
As Paul the Viper did into the Flame,
Hee'l cause thee tremble at his Dreadful Name;
Long time ere this thou hadst been tumbled down,
If not supported by Great Britains Crown;
And now thy Mother thou dost seek to Kill,
Because thou canst not have thy Factious Will;
Dumb Elements themselves do thee defy,
Thy unjust Dealing, and thy Cruelty
They will Revenge; where-ever thou dost go
They'l be against thee, and become thy Foe;
Sad Omen Holland, for this Storm did show,
That thou ere long shalt have an Overthrow;
And such a Tempest shall thee Overwhelm,
As shall Consume thee to the very Helme;
The Element of Fire may be next,
Which not long since thee cruelly perplext;
Four Elements in All thou canst but have,
And one of these are left to be thy Grave;
Therefore more Kind unto thee it will be
In thy Distresse, than all the to'ther Three;
This Self same instant Month, and the Third day,
False hearted Holland, England took away
Eight Ships, Two Hundred Guns; since many more,
And Fourteen Hundred Prisoners brought to shore;
Rejoyce, O England, Dance for Joy and Sing,
That's an ill Wind which none doth profit bring.
LONDON, Prin [...] by J. Mottershed, in the Year M.DC.LXV.