Dreadful Account OF THE Horrid Murther of Mr. Tilly, And the Narrow Escape of his Wife, at the Boors-Head in LAMBETH, on Monday the 14th of May, 1694.
Lisenc'd, May 16th. 1694.
Murther and Theft have been always lookt upon as most detestable Sins in the Sight of God and Man, and punish'd as Capital Offences. The Commands of God, the Laws of the Jews, and other Nations at this day, inflict Death on the miserable Criminal.
If our Body is the Temple of God, let us keep it undefiled, and not Make it a Sanctuary for Murther and Theft; for that Holy Spirit will not endure the Impurity of our Thoughts, much less our polluted Actions: Our hands must not only be free from the stain of Blood, but our Hearts from the guilt, and the very desire of Revenge. He that sheds his Brothers Blood, stains his own Soul, which nothing can wash away, but that Fountain of Living Water, which cleanseth from all unrighteousness. The Judgments of Heaven may seem to follow the Impenitent Sinner with Leaden Feet, yet they strike at last with Hands of Iron.
The Account is as follows, viz.
THat between 9 and 10 of the Clock at night, there came three Men into the House of the aforesaid Mr. Tilly, enquiring for a Boat-Builder at the next door; but he happening to be abroad, his Wife came: They asking, Where her Husband was? She replyed, He was abroad, but cou'd not tell where. They enquir'd further, Whether she had ever an Old Boat to sell? She reply'd, She had none at this time; and went her way from them. No Company being in the house but an old Soldier, Mr. Tilly told him, He would not stay with him, but go to keep the Gentlemen Company. The Gentlemen reply'd, Do so old Father, and so drunk to him.
Soon after, the Soldier went to Bed, so that no body was left below but Mr. Tilly and his Wife, and these Gentlemen.
Soon after, these persons call'd for Mr. Tilly's Wife to fetch more Drink; and in her going down the Cellar-stairs, one of these Men pursu'd her, and knock'd her down; but that would not satisfy his Cruelty, but ty'd her in the Cellar, and stopt her Mouth with a Handkerchief; while the others above-stairs barbarously Assaulted Mr. Tilly himself, who the next Morning about 4 of the Clock was found dead, and ty'd in the Chimney-corner. The Wife was found in the Cellar, very near Death, and continu'd so for about 5 or 6 Hours before she began to recover. And now (blessed be God) she is capable of giving satisfaction of this most Dismal and Tragical Account, to all such Persons as desire to be further satisfy'd.
These most Inhumane and Barbarous Persons, when they thought all safe and secure from mollestation, they took the opportunity to rifle the House of Mony, and carry'd off an Iron-bound Chest, and other things of great Value. And when they thought they had done what mischief they could, they took a Boat to go by water, which was found next Morning at Blackfryers-stairs. — None of the persons are taken as yet.