THer's a Time for every thing under the Sunne, and if any; for to bee abrupt and breife in ever, tis NOW when Time so precious is with your Lordships: under the Sunne [Page 2]there is nothing but a supernaturall Course to be taken, Touching the Cure of such un­naturall condition'd Times: The Almightie his VVord the only Balme then, and Sove­raigne remedy when ye have tryd all: If any therefore doe amisse and miscarry of you. Blame your selves none but the Parliament: For I shall of no little Burthen discharge my selfe here who can but say, and tell you. I have a receipt of such rare opperation and vertue given me; That within few dayes it shall bring Him againe to Himself, I meane the KING; after absent so long from his Parliament: whose Character if ye please to observe; This is his:

He that no Chaines could binde him, (Marke Evangelist the 5 th.) That had been often bound with fetters and with Chaines pluck'd assunder by him. And the fetters broken in pieces, neither [Page 3]could by any man be tamed; as much to say, neither Oath, nor word, or promise availing, or any reason of force to parswade with Him, as the Holy Ghost speaking plaine: by that adjuring in Gods Name; and by asking his Name too, saying, LEGION, for they were many, who spake not with the Lest: Neverthelesse, not more feirce then fearefull of the Lords com­ming, this man wounding himself thus.

And thus have made tender unto your Lordships, Of my service, whether or no yee accept thereof: for to bring His Majestie to you, Setting as afore time cloath'd, &c. And doing withall what Ye shall aske or de­sire. As for the Caveliers what They shall doe all of them, even crave a Passe here, to take Shipping for the Low-Countries, and Germanie to be gone away; the Boors will entertaine them willingly, S t. Matt: the 8. [Page 4] gives Notice of two, so exceeding feirce that none might passe by that way, to wit, that Dutch Duke, or Prince possessed with an uncleane Spirit, out of his VVITS; he to returne also without delay Home againe, beyond Sea.

VVaiting on your Lordships Commands ELEANOR.

The Holy Ghosts New-yeares-gift.

JƲDGES, the 16. Chap. &c.

ANd as instanc'd or brought to his Tryall, here found light; SAMSON guiltie that way: which Vow of his, had he unhap­pily not violated, a busi­nesse that: Of no mean weight, what Fet­ters of Brasse bound him had; none of what kinde soever. Samsons fall, lost himself here­by, dispossessed of the Spirit of the LORD.

By him discovered the Almighties counsell unto the Lords Enemy, could not with-hold or refraine, told her all his heart; she acquainted is therewith bee it whatsoever: Such a blind thing is Love; They into such Thral­dom brought which harbour it: suspected nothing because he lov'd her, or doted rather. That whosoever they were, was able with a looke of his Browe, to put them for ever to silence, wherein his soul so farre ingag'd, any to attempt but the motion, &c.

And farther shewed, how in his allegi­ance having toward his Master and Lord fayled: Both stript of that great strength of his, Lost both his Eies, not only boord or put out, faine to be lead afterwards by a Ladd: But put in prison, beside grinding in a Mill: To tast of restlesse HELL, that wearisome be­ing. Even takes Essaye of our Saviours Cup; indeede these in some things to Samson be­long onely: able but for to turne his wea­ry [Page 3]sides without other help, or by a wals side to go, which before had The Lord his support; The Philistims his Lords now: a heavie change, of no other estate worthy, had taken his pleasure and so came of it.

One Trusted with that high place of Go­vernment: Twenty yeares therabout, as it appeares. Crownd with so many favours; That had the Eternall words direction his light: set so light by alhough chastised never so se­verly the bage of his Masters heavy dis­pleasure, none commiserate his Complaint bee it whatsoever, whether marked, shorne or noted. He which wist not the Spirit of the Lord was departed from him, when He had foolishly departed from the Lord: And if GOD spared not Samson, others much lesse that have him for their lesson.

who could have supposed, warn'd before hand too, what trust to be reposed in them. That upon a VVomans assault her charms [Page 4]such a Forte rendered up: without any reason rendred But to please Her, was not that Riddle disclosd enough: who would not have layd another wager, as great as Sam­sons? That this man could never have been over taken so, that had been mistaken so much in Her before, named his Heifer; and this woman she of the Philistims breed too, both of them one in effect: or two wit­nesses appearing as it were: Herewithall bidden to take heed all, of Close-under­hand-dealers: For the holy Ghost is not with­out a double, or two-fold meaning in these thirty Shirts wrap'd up, & thirty Shutes those; not only Judas His livery-Coates or Coate­armes expressing, but our bleeding dayes where­in such Plundering and intolerable Theifts:

For which betraying of the trust, as one beside himself; beside being a Prisoner, made a by-word, or one for a meane Oc­cupation fitter, or trusted when His eyes bee out rather then other-wise: In steed of a Savi­our [Page 5] or Deliverer, hee delivered into the hands of such, &c. VVhich kindnesse for; To none other Bound, but to Her: beside his willfulnesse, whose Parents some-time could not prevaile with Him, or any other: Is du­ring the remnant of his wretched dayes, or­dain'd for to beare those shakels and fetters, Brassen ones for suretiship, and better secu­ritie: Thus armed by Her from Head to Foote &c.

But her Ladyship urged him, She prest him Daily, vext his Soule, his Conscience to the Death. Moreover, by Lulling of him as much againe, was kept in a Dreame, untill layd himself flat at her Feet: By such maine Strength was Samson over-mastred by his Mistres, who so often gives the Allarum; The Philistins SAMSON, &c.

But to bring these home a little farther, to these last dayes, without Over-laying Your patience I hope, shewed great Brit­tains low ebbe, like Samson what passe brought to.

The worlds wounder for blessing and boun­ty from above beyond all theirs not unknowne; a dreadfull Name, farre and neere: Now by His Majesties warfare being fettered and in Armes; become the game and musicke of the VVorld.

Those (as it were) away hidding and run­ning before time, crowding as fast, and cover­ing house-tops, fearelesse now of Samson. In which difference difficult to judge; whe­ther for Might and Majestie more reve­renced, then dejected at last and dispised: Certainly manifested as great Imbecillitie in subjecting himselfe to a Womans waywardnesse, therewith carryed away so and transported.

But these not for disputationsake; but made for dispatch, not so wide and full of stuffe as others are acknowledged: If it sit close, tis as becoming Joseph in makeing himself known to his Brethren, in hast told them, I am Joseph: So now it was not you that sent mee hether, but GOD

So was it of the Lord; no thanke to Samson, Sam­sons saying, she pleaseth me well: When neverthelesse it [Page 7]displeased his Father and Mother. They saying; is there never a Woman among thy Brethren or people, &c.

The almightie for bringing his owne Counsell and purpose to passe; suffers much, and forbeares long: the Holy Ghost thus saying, hee sought an oc­casion against the Philistins, GOD on his side, he needs not feare any. The Time was come of their fall: at last which stricks home, though hardly like the Thunder at first heard.

And to be som-what lowder, or plain herein: was not an occasion sought also against that House of Lords and Commons, by that unexpected progresse without President or Example of Progenitors, when he separated Himself from his Head-Kingdoms. Par­liament Assembled then, for rooting that Slip out, blind Herisie Her Maiesties darling, grown unto such a height. Without doubt with as ill, or worse suc­cesse taken in hand, then hee which but lost his life, good Samson: When the House of Peeres and Com­mons those two Pillars, charged with a heavie taxe of Treason, purposing to lay violent hands next: first rob'd of their good Name; and then of their Life lastly, brought about by Lyers in waite for [...]hat pur­pose. And thus his causlesse falling out, the occasion of these such unspeakable miseries; He carried away [Page 8]from His Parliament thus, by the Church of the LIBERTINES and ROMES CHVRCH, proceeding from a loosnesse or carelesnesse of good­nesse: the good affection not set by of those, to have been Equaliz'd, if not preferr'd before Forreine states; a greater Honour then proginey (common to all) to discharge such a Stewardship well. The office of a Crowne ( a good name, Proverbs. 22) as our Eies open'd, and Wofull evidences thereby gi­ven to understand: That not old Samuel, godly Queene Elizabeth was rejected, tender hearted unto every one. But herewith wee which were not con­tent: But nay, we will have a King to reigne over us, whatsoever coming to passe.

How soone verified, the old true proverbe, sel­dome comes a better: for unto Samson as at his end; so befallen us More slaine in one yeare, then since the Conquest in the Reigne of so many Kings and Queenes of them cald to sacrifice their Lives for the Truths testimony: commanded to rest a little season. Blessed innocents were who changed have their scar­let for white robes, calling a loud, how long O Lord Revela. 6. &c.

And every haire of Times head grown precious, never recald; and if ever perrilous to loose it, as tis now reveal'd here; and unloos'd the mistery of time, [Page 9]how Samsons seven-fold ropes pluck'd asunder, even drawn from them; like Pharaohs double Dreame, where the thing was one, likewise these broken Withes and ropes reach to this sevententh hundered yeare present not a­lone; But to that sevententh yeare of the Kings reigne, a time of greater famine then Pharaohs, when the plentie was not known, by reason of the scarcity following so grevi­ous.

And now great Brittaine newly so stiled, accompanied with no few Honours that started up, have in this sevententh hundred yeare; Even as those knots undone all and broken, with Jrelands green plantation by the rootes pluck'd up: This knot or union so fast made, how is it come to nothing, but all up making ready in Armes; that beside a Coate­armes borne, no other appearance at all re­mains, suddenly like his armes become when be awaked; great Brittains peace even so brittle stands as those ropes, &c. Compard unto towe, [Page 10]or a piece of thred, choaked with Match and Powder now: for the sweet sents of peace and plenty injoyed Long: And handled Thus: Notwithstanding, not unfore-told. None Considers of that hand writing, though in the Yeare, 1633. shewing, His Kingdome is devided and numbred &c. Belshazzar, it shall be easier for him in the day of Judgement.

By the Prophet Jeremiah: PASHƲR which smote him, was rebaptiz'd: VVho gave him that Name Compounded as unluckie as it was Long; MA: GORMIS Sabib namely restles or feare round about being no lesse then great Brittains very Motto: VVherefore to make it good unto His Ma­jestie two Names be attributed a God­fathers and Godmothers here: toward his regeneration Baptized in their teares, for Salt that is wanting. Now from Samson: JAMES SON derived, and also Mother Rachels Name; hers added: drawne from CHARLES, to weare it [Page 11]for a Favour, as long as he lives here; weep­ing because they were Not, or were lost, would not be comforted &c.

The Lyon become a Noted sheep, sig­nifies: for Rachell is a sheep, but herewith to give neverthelesse some comfort: Thy King­dome come &c. Then the only remedie when all is done; Come Lord Jesus. For what Thy Kingdomes are come unto, none need to shew it: They speake for them­selves, round about plainly: and thus Sam­sons story their state sets forth, no newes ei­ther Your hangings and Tapstery makes it not a stranger, but Common blind Ale-hou­ses not without it, His lying in her Lapp a sleep, whilst she pooles him &c.

And without streining this Legacie of his too, besids those ropes puld in pieces, which became as singed with fire. VVith His Brazon Chains, as the one Stands for Match, the other toward your pieces of Ordnance. Fastend this also on our Effeminate [Page 12]time, his seven Locks, Left to this last hun­dred yeare: shewing what weaving and curlling we have of FALSE-HAIRE, by that going away of His, with the Webbe fastend to the Beame; whose locks therein woven by her: who said; Thou sayest false, (or) hast mocked mee, &c. Expressing how men forbidden expresly long Haire, yet the sonnes of God will weare it: some of them looking thereby more like the sonns of Di­vels.

And so farther, for the green Withs and new ropes provided of old, long since for such Hell­hounds, whose smoaking tongues as Links set on fire already, notwithstanding RA­CHA, he who cals his Brother so, he shall bee in danger of a Counsell, &c. and so much for those Withs and ropes; unusefull neither for great Brittains Navie and Taklings, toge­ther with Irelands Plow-Taklings and other uses, as aforesaid.

And neverthelesse like the Plague-tokens [Page 13]of their inevitable end: The hastie Messen­gers, likewise so many Judgements sent forth suddenly forerunners of the dreadfull daies approach: All prepared alike to meete the Son of God, as those Hoggish Gergesens, when all the Citie came out to meete Him, and besought him to depart: And now truely fulfilled. The wedding is prepared, but they which were bidden, were not worthy, &c. (Matth. 22.) For no­thing but in eating and drinking, and giving in Marriage, is this your hastening To his Comming? Cleansing your selves of all filthi­nesse. But returning to Times cutting off, which no more returns. That great Man sealed in the forehead, or front with 1642. Noahs dayes even shall declare the meaning of that scentence from our Saviours mouth; that no flesh saved except those dayes bee shortned, as much to say: shall come short of his dayes, at the time of the Deluge alluding to it, when all flesh perished, except eight persons.

In like manner from [...] [...]ncarnation, [Page 14](when God became man, thought not scorne to take our Nature upon Himselfe,) From which time to his second comming, Parral­lels it Thus. But as the dayes of Noah were, so shall the comming of the sonne of Man bee: For as in the dayes before the flood, untill the day Noah entered into the Arke. And knew not untill the flood came, and tooke them all away: So shall also the Com­ming of the Sonne of Man bee. And so all before the comming of the last day also fore­warnd to be, appeares plainly ( Matt. 24.) Dated with the present yeare, 1642. Two shalbe in the feild, two Armes, to wit, Two wo­men shall be grinding at the Mill, &c. and of our miserable devission, so much for a watch-word shall serve.

The seventh Angels Trumpet ( Revela. 10.) give his voice on Noahs side, beside that Angell that set his Right foot upon the sea, &c. Whose feete as Pillars of fire: with that little Booke open in his hand: Even great Brittains revealed forewarning, That Ilands vissitation: That there be some standing here not only, but throughout the World: that shall not tast death, till the day [Page 15]of Judgement. And so take eate this little Booke, the Sacrament of his comming at hand:

As herein is no small mistery Conteind too, two­fold double Witnesse appearing like all the rest: Judges the 15.20. verse, And he Judged Israell twenty yeares, in the dayes of the Philistins, &c. verse 31. and 16 Chap. And he Judged Israell twenty yeares.

Also, when the sonns of GOD became Tyrants, and carnall ( Gen 6.) My spirit shall not strive al­way with man: for that he also is flesh. Namely, how great soever: Yet his dayes shall bee an hundred and twenty yeares: It includes Times reigne; This twen­ty yeares to be put upon his last score. The Prophet David foresaw this weeke ( Psalm. 90.) A thousand yeares in his sight, are but as yesterday. The Apostle Peter: One day with the Lord, is as a Thousand yeares, and a Thousand yeares, as one day. Daniel the Prophet, that Master of Arrethmatitians: confirms that weeke thus; He shall confirme his Covenant with many for a weeke, and in the middest of the weeke oblation shall cease, &c. The Messiah slaine, and the Cities Desolation, to wit; in the fourth Thousand yeare: Wherein not only shewed Messiah his dayes cut off: but Time, the sonne of Eternitie, his dayes too shortned: Even one Thousand yeares fulfilled, or compleat. For the Gospels Progresse:

The 20. of the Revela: Thus speakes; That they [Page 16]lived, and reigned with Christ, a Thousand yeares: before these Idolatryous times of late [...] therefore in re­spect of Time past, (our Saviours late comming Then.) The Apostle Paul, after this fashion ad­monisheth. The Time is short, as much to say; And to be shortned. For which cause, as if we possessed or enjoyed nothing. Corinth. 7.

And here adding but in a word or two, of the LORDS day; that also cut off: how this Samson hath been shaffed: This Samson-day, how it hath been observed and kept, after what spirituall fashion; Even the LORDS house haunted by Spirits of Di­vels, no few amongst those Tombes, &c. Holding their Spirituall-Courts there, whose daily Office, and Occupation was, before their being cast out of Pauls, Either to make many forsweare themselves; Or to fill Prisons, with those call'd by them, Puritans: and now, Rownd-Heads. For which senslesse, rediculous Name, not amisse with the Prophet, to bestowe these for a Girdle: alwayes to bee girded with feare, round about MAGORMISSABIB: those Characters compounded of GOG, & MA GOG: Compassing the Camp of the beloved Citie of the Saints: Whose number &c. Revela. 20. consisting of Papists, the Queenes Armie, and prophaine Protestants, be­fore the day of Judgement, being let loose: These like Herod and Pilate, that were made friends, at variance before.

And wherewith observ'd, as it deserves no other, as others have serv'd God, profes­sing themselves his servants, and going con­trary: as it were your servant &c: likewise by them as supposed. Their Name but used for the abusing or betraying of their person; having first craftily gone about to cut the throats of so many: by giving them another Name: But to return; Thus this Sabboth too discarded: not onely Excom­municating the Lord prophets and servants, &c. but turned into a Day of Cardding, and Diceing, with sweating Pastimes: Goe for thy labour, sit downe and spinne, and weave; plough, and ditch, from henceforth in the sweat of thy face Eate thy bread: Come no more into the garden of God; so much for har­kening to the Serpents voice: The flaming Sword beware: Neither be grieved with him, crying; O my sonne Absolom my sonne, my sonne Absolom. (also) O my sonne Absolom, O Absolom my sonne, my sonne: The Saboths [Page 18]double Eclips: as much to say, or twice Chang'd and alter'd: That harkend not to that voice rather, saying, verily my Saboths shall ye keepe, even he shall be cut off, that wor­keth thereon. That day which was given for a perpetuall signe: Exodus 31. &c. No marvell or wonder therefore; our Houses though vissited by the Spoyler and Plun­derer with our day-labour, turned into Daies and Nights-warding and watching.

Neverthelesse, not cut off without de­claring in the place (of this Judas-day, more like then the Resurrections) a lawfull Suc­cessor herewith shewed, &c. upon Ma­thias-day, how the Lot fell in the yeare 1633. that Mundaies first day of the weeke. In which aforesaid yeare, the Beast hee also as­scended then out of the bottomlesse Pit; The son of perdition: The last Arch B. gone to his owne place Now; by whom the word of God, in the Moneth October 23. was burnd, suffered Martyrdome by a Candle, from his [Page 19]owne hand, at the High-Commission board Sacrifiz'd. And at this time, two Armies striving in the fielde for Possession, and in Barke-shire and Oxfordshire, where the Hea­venly voice was heard first at Englefield-house: The prime Shire imediately carried thereupon to Oxfoads Parliament to bee published, &c. In the first yeare of the Kings Raigne, it be­ing a Roule a manuscript, revealing the day of Iudgement, &c.

For which Cause now againe, a great mee­ting of the Prophets; as sometime in the daies of John, that Conjunction then: Jsaiah, 6. An ancient Saint complaining thus, Woe is mee, I am cut off, (or undon) because J am a man of uncleane lips, &c. VVhen as those Heralds of Armes present, Each of them with six wings, twaine they covered their faces with, with twaine covered their feete, with twaine did fly: holy, ho­ly, holy Lord of hostes; cryed one to another, &c. The whole earth is full of thy glory: And here to bring these home to the dayes of John, in [Page 20]the Revelation, &c. prophecying to his Time, even to the end of the world; being Times Voices expresly: for no other then a third Sa­bath to be through the earth, as exprest by the foure Beasts, and foure Evangelists, &c. give all their voices also, saying; holy, holy, holy, Lord God almightie, which was, which is, and which is to come: And for more light in this matter; ( Revela. 4.) The seven Lamps of fire before the Throne, &c. which are called the seven Spirits: signifie no other then Mun­day, to be a Spirituall day. ( Chap. 5.) Sig­nified thus, There stood a Lambe in the middest of the Elders, having seven eies, and seven horns, which are the seven Spirits of God, sent forth into all the earth: To wit, Sunday the middle Sabbath; the Eie, as it were, to the Gentels, that great light for seventeene hundered yeares space. Likewise the Horns, the new Sabbath, Munday, as afore shewed: As the one proclaming the first Resurrection or comming; So the other the Last, in the se­venteth [Page 21]hundred yeares to be recal'd. And thus our eternall Sabbath, & these Sabath­dayes, both in one, sealed up in the little Booke.

Farthermore, for an addition these; shewing be­side how the Worlds ages being cast into three parts. That had not those daies before the Flood, been cut off or shortned; the Deluge had not been till Noahs Death, which lived 300. Yeares after, &c. Enoch his walking with God, confirms it: Walked with God 300. yeares after his begetting Children: as much to say, weary Time three hundred yeares, Comes be­fore his Time. High time of such daies to be disbur­thened.

And to touch this New-day with a coale from the Altar, shewed also the one even Munday purifi­ed, and the other remooved: As appeares in that Massage sent Herod, who had shut up the Lords Messenger: Sonne of Herod the great so Sir Nam'd, That be-headed Him: setting abroach his Blood for his Birth-day: better he never had been borne: John of too high a spirit to feed him with flattery, tooke our Saviour for John risen againe, or some walking Spirit. The Lord sends him word of the Resurrecti­on, saying; go tell that FOX, behold I cast out Divels, and will heale to day, and to morrow, and the third day I [Page 22]shalbe perfected: Neverthelesse I must walke to day, and to morrow, and the day following, &c. bids him doe his worst; as much to say: which Ambassage, whe­ther delivered it were, or no, wee read not.

But doubtlesse for admonition spoken unto all spi­rituall Herods, neither being curious whether these came to her eare, indeavouring rather to unlocke or open the meaning of that. How coming to passe, Herod or Hayreod, to be Sur-named Reynold the Fox. Not onely because John called our Lord, Innocent Lambe, made their prey, but his eare dedicated to her so, his Dalilah. Very likely he did weare some odde Locke, Fox-tayle-like, a scourge, as it were, of hayre, portending how, together with his Souldiers, our Saviour should be stript, scourged, despised, and moc­ked by him.

Wherefore before that Easter, this word or mocke sent him, that before had given his consent: Onely for a rash words sake (as made an eye-winesse of his valour) to be-head such a one, for such a woman, partly because of his alliance, &c. Then lessen him­selfe. His greatnesse makes himselfe a fire-brand of Hell rather: And although this Fox, the first of that Name, is said to be exceeding glad to see Jesus, of whose coming then questionlesse he was foretold, in that word sent unto him; notwithstanding, to those questions of his, vouchsafed no answer at all. [Page 23]As much to say, he had and would make good his word in the end, &c. Thus shee in such obedience to her Mothers instruction; He standing in as much awe of them both, those Philippian Dames. And so much for an Old Case new reported.

And as in the Gospell the five Yoke of Oxen, these serves for OXFORDS Meridian, which belong to His Majesties invitation: Hath MARIED a wife, and cannot Come, &c. Yoak'd in the yeare, 1625. unequally. Also that Term of FOX, or OXFORD, to wit: Ominous to long Gownes; Samson Com­panion too crafty for him; afords them that subject likewise to worke upon. So againe Lastly: What Lacke yee? Doe you lacke Match, and Powder, or Cable-Ropes, or any Brasse &c: Fetters toward Field-pieces, or long Haire any to weare? Or Irish Withs? Of these as much as yee please: SAMSON is provided for you, Bound to serve is; as long as he Lives: Even hee with those grinding Gun-powder. That Mother and Daughter in the GOSPELL: Two women shall be grinding &c. The last dayes watch-word, so much shall hereof suffice. Onely these, ( Matt 24.) Then shall two bee in the Field, &c. As it serves for this yeare 1642. with the sevententh hundred yeare: So Samsons sacrificing here his Life. Hee bearing as it were, the gates of Hell and Death: [Page 24]Also, these beares date about this present EASTER, set forth in Honour of the glorious Resurrection, his Life, and End.

And hetherto from Thence &c. Your Silence on all sides, which concludes Consent: Wherefore I Conjure and Charge the aforesaid Evill Spirits, or Le­gions, no more here to enter into this Kingdome from hence­forth: Goe downe into Hell, out into the farthest part of the Earth: get thee hence, &c. Glory, Ho­nour, and Blessing.

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