THE DISCOVERY MADE BY Captain Mark Baggot, THE Person lately taken in Womans Clothes, Coming from Limerick to Dublin,

Where he was Apprehended, and Tried as a SPY, by a Court-Martial, on Friday last▪ at which he received Sentence of Death: But upon this Confession, Execu­tion was respited.

Licensed and Entered April 6. 1691. J. F.

THat the Irish Army consists of Forty thousand Men of all sorts; That Tyrconnel was reducing them to Thirty thousand; but Sarsfield prevented it; and that a great many of them want Arms.

That Tyrconnel and Sir Richard Nagle are Pensioners of France.

That there is no good understanding between Tyrconnel and Sarssield, having great Jealousies of one another.

That King James has Correspondence with, and Intelligence from some Persons in considerable Places of Trust here in England every Ten days.

That the French Fleet is hourly expected with Thirty Pieces of Can­non, Ammunition, Provisions, and Arms; a French General, some Mar­ [...]ine Men, but none of the Army; they resolve to maintain their greatest Force against the Confederates in Flanders next Campaign.

That the Irish Army intends to move towards the Frontiers, their [...]atest Design being against Cork more than any other Place; what is [Page]left of the Suburbs they intend to burn; they expect a great many Diserters at their approach to the Town. The Commanders of the Parties for this Service are Colonel Dorrington and Colonel Clifford.

A Spy, taken at Limerick, was hang'd here, and confess'd that Major Corket was in particular Favour, and held Correspondence with the English, who was carried Prisoner to Limerick, and suppos'd to have suffered Death.

That the Contributions paid to the new Irish are one Peck of Wheat or Meal, 12 Pound of Butter every Fortnight out of each Plow-Lands.

That there is express Order, that no Guns be removed from Limerick; that the English Diserters are only paid and encouraged, but no pay given to the Irish.

That they are still Fortifying Limerick.

That Ballyclogh and Castletown, with some other Places, were to be made Garrisons by the Irish; That Sir Michael Creagh's Regiment of Foot; un­der Command of Colonel Lacy, are at Ballyclogh, which Place they are Fortifying; That Strabane's Regiment of Horse are at Charleveel and Buttifant, &c.

Custom-House Dublin. April 1. 1691.


IT is long since I received yours; which I had readily answer'd, had any thing of Moment offer'd.

I have here, Enclos'd, sent you an Account of the Discovery made by Captain Mark Baggot, whose Execution is at present respited; and do give you this trouble, to desire your Correspondence and Kindness in send­ing me a Line or Two of News, when any Remarkable: the Charge I will acknowledge to you, and be ready to do you any Service here. My Humble Service to Mr. W. and Captain G. when you see them: In haste, I remain

Your Assured Friend, and Humble Servant, R. W.


Historical Observations on the Reigns of King Edward the 1st, 2d, and 3d, and Richard the 2d. With Remarks upon their Faithful Counsellors, and False Favourites. Written by a Per­son of Honour. In 8o. Price Bound One Shilling and Sixpence. Printed for James Partridge, and sold at the Post-House at Charing-Cross.

THE Ladies New-years-Gist: Or Advice to a Daughter, under these following Heads, viz. Religion, Husband, House, and Family, Children, Servants, Behaviour, and Coversation, Friendships, Censure, Vanity and Affectation, Pride, Diversions, Dancing. In 12o. The Third Edi­tion. Written by a Person of Honour. Printed for James Partridge, at Charing-Cross; and M. Gillyflower in Westminster-Hall. 1991.

LONDON, Printed for James Partridge at the Post-House at Charing-Cross. MDCXCI.

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