WEE whose names are underwritten cannot but in all humility and grati­tude acknowledge the infinite mercy of Almighty God to this Nation in giving such signal testimonies of his goodness towards it, by creating in mens hearts a confidence of the restoration of our native Rights in Church and State, so long suppressed by the ambition and passions of factious and vulgar spirits, and that as we hope without the effusion of more blood, or any farther devastation, He having wonderfully rais'd for our deliverance, and to the perpetual honour of this County, his Excel­lency the Lord General MONCK a person averse from those wicked designs and actions, which others heretofore have practised on us, and to whose courage and con­duct these Nations are deeply ingag'd: And hearing there are a sort of malitious and uncharita­ble people, who by dispersing false Rumors endeavour to have it believ'd, that we and others of the KING'S-Party are rather inclind to revenge and faction, then to the settlement of the peace of our Countrey; We therefore do think it our duty to declare to all the World, that we have it not so much as in our thoughts to contrive or do any thing to the prejudice of the Publick settlement but (forgeting what is past) are resolved chearfully and unanimously to submit and adhere to the determinations and Acts of Parliament, Praying to God to bless and prosper their Councels and proceedings.

    • Edward Seymour
    • Peter Prideaux
    • Thomas Hele
    • Hugh Pollarde
    • Courteney Poole
    • Francis Fullforde
    • Henry Carew
    • Richard Prideaux
    • Peter Bulle
    • James Smyth
    • Arthur Bass [...]t
    • Thomas Carew
    • Francis Drewe
    • John Courtenay
    • Henry Champernowne
    • Thomas Stuclye
    • Robert Cary
    • John Giffard
    • Edmond Tremaine
    • John Prouse
    • George Yeo
    • Edward Pyne
    • James Phodes
    • Ames Pollarde
    • John Hancocke
    • John Weare
    • John Raymond
    • Robert Warren
    • Thomas Woode
    • Mark Cottle
    • Thomas Shapcote
    • Robert walker

London, Printed by Roger Norton, 1660.

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