THE DECLARATION of the Right Honourable HENRY Earle of Cumberland; Together with divers Gentlemen of the County of York, who desire it may be put in print, and published in all the Parish-Churches of this County.

26. August, 1642.

First Printed at York by Robert Barker, and now reprinted at London for Iohn Thomas. Septem. 8. 1642.

THE DECLARATION of the Right Honourable Henry Earle of Cumberland, Together with divers Gentlemen of the County of York, who desire it may be put in print, and published in all the Parish Churches of this County.

WHereas it appeares, That some Gen­tlemen of this County, have given in­formation to one of the Members of the House of Commons, of many great oppressions exercised upon His Majesties Subjects here, And that a Tyrannicall go­vernment is founded, under pretence of His Maje­sties Service; and have thereby, and upon th [...] mis-information, drawne a Declaration from the Lords and Commons, bearing date the twen­tieth of August instant, to bee published to the people, which is grounded upon those, and divers other false information: We hold it our duties to the Honourable Houses, to the satisfaction of the County, and vindication of our owne honours and integrity herein, to Declare, That wee are so farre from being contrivers, or Instruments of Arbitrary [Page]Government or Tyranny, or doing any Act whereby the Country may receive losse, or suffer violence, That all our endeavours shall tend to no other end, then to assure it from spoile and rapine, and to protect every person therein, (as farre as we can) from injury and oppression.

To the better advancement of which good de­sires and resolutions, the Grand lury (the represen­tative body of this County) at the Assizes last hol­den, presented their humble request to His Sacred Majestie, and received thereunto His Gracious ap­probation: And thereupon some progresse hath been made, and resolutions taken, Ayming onely at the tranquillity of this County, and at no other end or purpose whatsoever: And if any have, or do mis-understand those propositions, or wrest them to any other sence then they were intended, they do it without any ground at all. For we pro­fesse, That we have not gone about to conceive, or Act any thing, for sinister or by respects, but onely for the benefit and peace of the County, in generall, and of every particular Person therein; and that we conceive our doings warrented by the Law of Nature and Necesity, and Authorized by a former Order of Parliament, which declares, That such Counties as put themselves in a posture of de­fence, have done nothing but what is justifiable: [Page]And in pursuance whereof, and agreeing upon the like Resolutions and Propositions to these, we have formerly received approbation, and publike thanks from the House or Commons.

We do therefore further unanimously publish to all lovers of Peace, That we neither have, nor will do any Act, or Acts of other Nature, or tending to other consequence, then those formerly agreed on in this Countie, upon the like occasion, by the Justices of Peace, the eight and twentieth of Ianuary last, and for which, we, by Order from the House of Commons, received thanks the first of February following. As also, That we will not goe about to take the Arms of any honest Gentlemen, Yeomen, or Townesmen, as wee perceive is falsely misreported to the House, we having our selves hi­therto done no such thing, nor intending, as far as in us lyes, to suffer others to do the same, unlesse we be enforced to the contrary by hostile actions, or pregnant suspicions from the parties.

We do likewise promise, That we will preserve, to our uttermost endeavours, the peace of the County, and by all just waves, oppose, and bring to punish­ment, all such as plunder and pillage any person or persons of what degree, quality, or profession soever in this County.

This we will constantly, and with one minde, [Page]aide and assist all his Majesties Subjects to de­fend them from oppression or violence, and not goe about to take any mans goods, or levie money by force.

These, and no other being our united Resoluti­ons, we are confident they will receive the assistance and concurrence of the whole County, to bring to a wished effect a work of so much safety and con­cernment unto us all.

And therefore (according to the presentment of the Grand Juty, who resolved, that lesse then eight thousand, sixe hundred, and forty pounds, two shillings six pence, could not performe this ne­cessary work) we have proportioned (according to ancient and unquestioned rates) the said Sum, and have sent the severall proportions agreed upon, justly rated, to every Parish, not at all doubting, but that every mans good affection to his Countrey, and care of his owne well being will prompt him, with all cheerefulnesse, to put his ready hand to such a Pious and necessary work, which we desire may be speedily put in execution in every respective Parish, the people called together by the Minister, Constable, Churchwardens, and [...]erseers of the poore, or some other well-affected persons, and the names of those men men returned in writing, who doe accordingly pay, or agree to pay their pro­portions; [Page]together with the names of those (which we cannot beleeve will be many) who are backward, or deny to pay so small a sum, thuse laid in ballance, with the safety of themselves and their Country. And if there be any so void of affection to his Country, as to refuse his concurrence in this affaire, of such generall and particular concernment, we shall wash our hands, as guiltlesse from the consequence of that crime, and rest satisfied with the conscience of our good endeavovrs, for Vnity, Peace, and a right understanding, the onely way to render this County safe and flourishing, and every particular parson void of feare and mistakings, and assured of his person, goods, and family.

Since these, and no other, are the determinations of our (by some so much mistaken) meetings, if a­ny who have not hitherto been present with us, will, for the time to come assist us, with their company and advice, they shall be willingly received, as mem­bers of the same County, enjoy free liberty of de­bate, and receive suteable respect; that so, with uni­ted hearts and hands, we may all joyne together, to the glory of God, the service of our King the preser­vation of true Religion, and the tranquillity and as­surance of this our Countrey.


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