FOrasmuch as for many years last past Complaints have been made of the excessive charges, with which the office of sheriff hath been burdened, partly through the extraordinary expences of some preceding sheriffs, whose example hath drawn on others thereunto, to the discouragement of such as shall be imployed in such a publick service. For preventing whereof for the future, and to the end the Charge of such as are imployed in that publick office may be lessned as much as may be, Ordered by his Highness the Lord Protector, and the Council, That the Major Generals do appoint in the respective Counties within their charge a Troop of Horse of the standing Army or Militia Forces to attend the Sheriff at the Assizes, or such number of them, and for so long time as the sheriff shall direct to wait upon the Iudges, and perform such other services as have been usually required of the sheriffs men at the Courts, or otherwise during the said Assizes. And to take care that they do demean themselves with all respect and diligence in the said service. That no gratuity or present be given by any Sheriff to the Iudges, Clerks of Assise, or any their Officers or servants, nor be by them received, nor any table or entertainment kept for them, or for the Iustices of the Peace at the Assises, at the charge of the Sheriffs.
Wednesday February 13. 1655, At the Council at Whitehall.
Wednesday February 13. 1655.
ORdered by his Highness and the Council, That this Order be forthwith printed and published.
Henry Scobel, Clerk of the Council.
London, Printed by Henry Hills and Iohn Field, Printers to his Highness, 1655.