A DECLARATION OF Oliver Cromwell, Captain General of all the Forces of this COMMON-WEALTH.
WHereas, the Parlament beeing dissolved, Persons of approved Fidelitie and Honestie, are, according to the late Declaration of the 22 th of April last, to bee called from the several parts of this Commonwealth to the Supreme Authoritie; And although effectual proceedings are, and have been had, for perfecting those Resolutions; yet, som convenient time beeing required for the Assembling of those Persons; It hath been found necessarie, for preventing the mischiefs and inconveniencies which may arise in the mean while to the Publick Affairs, that a Council of State bee constituted, to take Care of, and intend the Peace, Safetie, and present Management of the Affairs of this Common-wealth: which beeing setled accordingly, the same is hereby declared and published, to the end all persons may take notice thereof; And, in their several Places and Stations, demean themselves peaceably, giving obedience to the Laws of the Nation, as heretofore. In the Exercise and Administration whereof, as Endeavors shall bee used that no oppression or wrong bee don to the people; so a strict Account will bee required of all such as shall do any thing to indanger the Publick Peace, and Quiet, upon any pretence whatsoever.
LONDON, Printed by William Du-Gard, 1653.