Formerly of Coleman-street. At the Hospital Gate in Smithfield, next door to the Coffee-house, liveth a Doctor of Physick; who,

FIrst, in Astrology, Resolveth all Lawful Questions belong­ing to the Body or Estate of Man; as Life, whether long or short; happy or unhappy; rich or poor? what part of the world is best to live in? If good to follow the advice of a Friend? if good to go a Journy? VVhether Reports or Rumors be true or false? Whether a Woman be with Child, or ever shall have Children? Whether one shall fall into the danger they fear? Servants whether real or no? What kind of Person one shall marry, and how often? or, if have the Par­ty desired, and the time when? VVhether the Sweet-hearts Portion be great or small? Money owing, if recoverable? Suits at Law, who shall overcome? If one shall attain the Pre­ferment desired, and in what time? A Friend whether con­stant or not? VVhether one may obtain what they desire or hope for? And in short, all other lawful Demands whose So­lution depends upon this noble Art, he answereth with great certainty. He also Calculateth Nativities very exactly.

Secondly, In Physick, he hath all sorts of Medicines ready prepared, fitted for the cure of the Scurvy, Dropsie, Jaundice, Gout, Agues and Fevers of all sorts, Kings-Evil, Consumptions, Rickets, Melancholy, Madness, Giddiness, dimness of Sight, Headach, Toothach, shortness of Breath, want of Appetite, loath­ing of Meats, Wind, Worms, Barrenness in Women, Pains and Gripings in the Breast, Bowels or Joynts. He puts a speedy stop to any Cold, Cough, Defluxion of Rheum, Vomiting, spit­ing of Blood, or the greatest Loosness that can be. He cures the Running of the Reins in as short a time as any; taking away all Soreness, Swelling, Heat, sharp pains, and stop page of Ʋ ­rine: Likewise the French-Disease to Admiration. VVith all other Distempers belonging to Men, VVomen or Chil­dren; Resolving what the Disease is; and whether curable or not. Lastly, Let none of what quality soever be afraid or ashamed to come to him, (be they either diseased in Body or Mind) for he is a person of that Faithfulness, that he will not promise more than he can perform.

He is to spoken with (alone) from morning, till four in the afternoon, at the place aforesaid.


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