A SERMON PREACHED AT THE ORDINATOIN OF AN Elder and Deacons IN A Baptized Congregation In LONDON.

By N. C.

Who is sufficient for these things? 2 Cor. 2. 16.

LONDON, Printed for Tho. Fabian, at the Bible in Saint Paul's Church-Yard, a corner Shop next Cheap-side. 1681.

TITUS 1. 5. For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain Elders in every City, as I had appointed thee.

THe general Design and Scope of these Words, is obvious to the observation of every one that reads them; The great Apostle of the Gentiles had with good success laboured in preaching the Gospel to the Cretians; and being himself removed from them, after he had as a wise Master-builder laid the Foundation of many Churches of Christians in Crete, he left Titus among them to build there­upon; And while he was resident there, Paul sends this Epistle to him, to remind him of that Service for Christ in his Churches that he had left upon his Hands; whereby he doth not only quicken him to his Work, but also furnishes him with full and clear Directions for the right ma­nagement thereof.

In the Account that our Text gives of the Reason for which Paul left Titus in Grete; the Service which he was there to be imployed in is set down.

  • [Page 4]1. In more general and comprehensive terms, That thou shouldest set in order the things which are wanting.
  • 2. In a more particular Account of one special Charge left upon him, And ordain Elders in every City, as I had appointed thee.

That which we have do in the first Place, is briefly to open to you what needs explication in the words.

The Greek word [...], which is rendred set in order, is no where else used in the New Te­stament, nor in the Version of the Old by the Sep­tuagint that I can find: divers learned Interpre­ters do here render it by Corrigas, that thou shouldest correct; And Erasmus in his Notes, frames a word more expressive of its Emphasis, super­corrigas, which imports to correct with accuracy and exactness; as one that goes over a Work again, that he may be sure to leave no blemish upon it, or defect in it. Some understand this part of Titus his Charge to respect the correction of the manners of the Cretians by reproof and sound Doctrine, and with this sense the Arabick Version fully concurs, Ʋt res vitiosas corrigas; That thou shouldst correct the things that are faulty; And it is evident in the se­quel of the Epistle, That this was one part of his Work: But I conceive this is not so immedi­ately [...], q. d. Supercor­rigo, quod plus est quam Cor­rigo, & ea quae aliquâ ex par­te correcta sunt ad limam, & summam li­neam perduco. Heins. in loc. intended by this term, but rather, The set­tlement and disposing of things relating to the Offices and Government in the House of God, and the Order of their Communion in the Church who were Members of it, in a full and exact agreement with the Rule of Christ's Ap­pointment; which the Apostle had not time to [Page 5] bring to perfection during his stay with them: And this sense very well agrees with the use of a term of near affinity with this in our Text (viz. [...]) in Heb. 9. 10. where the Days of the Gospel are called the Times of Reformation; be­cause in them the State of the Church is brought to its utmost perfection here on Earth, and all that was wanting in the Law, is fully supplied in the New Testament.

The Edification and Beauty of the Church is much concerned in her Order, not such an Order as Superstition will dictate, or litigious Nicety contend for, but such as we have already descri­bed; which sets her in a conformity with Christ's Will; and particularly the filling up of the Offi­ces which he hath appointed, with Persons duly qualified for the administration of them, and the regular acting both of Officers and Members in their respective places.

The particular Charge given to Titus is, To ordain Elders in every City: This is to be explain­ed by conference with Act. 14. 23. where the pra­ctice of the Apostles themselves is recorded, And having ordained them Elders in every Church, &c. [...] and [...] is the same in these Texts: The Converts in every City were not then so numerous but they might conveniently [...], Et cum suftragiis cre­assent. Erasm. Vox orta ex more Graeco­rum qui por­rectis manibus suffragia fere­bant. Bez. come together in one place for the Worship of God; and so to ordain them Elders in every City, was to do it in every Church. And tho' these first Ordinations were by extraordinary Men, yet the People were not excluded from the just right of chusing their own Ministers; for they [Page 6] were appointed to their Charge, with the concur­rent Vote and Suffrage of the People. Howbeit Ti­tus was to preside in the management of this Af­fair for their Guidance and Direction, both with respect to the Office it self, and their choice of Persons duly qualified for it.

In the next place (for the more full opening of the Text) it will be necessary briefly to touch upon the Quality and Character of those Persons which we here find concerned in the setting of things in order in the Churches. And,

1. The Person that imployed Titus in this Ser­vice, viz. Paul bears the Character, and had the Office and Authority of an Apostle of Jesus Christ.

The Apostles had an immediate and extraordinary Call to their Office, by God and our Lord Jesus Christ: Hence our Apostle, when he would re­present to the Galatians the Dignity of his Of­fice, that he might recover them to a stability in that Doctrine which he had preached to them, tells them, Gal. 1. 1. that he was an Apostle, not of Men, neither by Man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father. Ordinary Ministers, as Pastors or Elders, tho they were not of Men; that is, receive not their Authority from Men, nor are of humane right and appointment, yet are they by Men, so as to be brought to their Office by the Call of the Church; But it was not so with the Apostles of Christ, they were neither of Men nor by Men, but had their Call and Power im­mediately from Christ, their Ministry being ante­cedent [Page 7] to the Church, as that by which it was to be planted.

And as they had an extraordinary Call, so were they also qualified with extraordinary Gifts and Abilities for the Work they were called to, and had the infallible guidance of the Spirit in their Doctrine, which was but necessary, seeing the Churches were to be founded and built there­upon, Ephes. 2. 20. The Apostles and Prophets of the New Testament are the Foundation, in re­spect of their Doctrine, tho' Jesus Christ whom they preached, is the only Foundation of the Church, in respect of Trust and Confidence. The Power of the Apostles extended to all the Churches, and was equal in them all when they were planted, and therefore Paul saith, The care 2 Cor. 11. 28. of all the Churches came upon him daily; And as a Fruit of this Care in the discharge of his Office, he gives forth this Commission to Titus; and herein we must consider him as acting by virtue of that Authority which himself had received from Christ, who is the first Subject, and Head of all Ecclesiastical Power and Jurisdiction; There is no such thing as Authority in or over the Church, but what is derived from Christ, who hath all Mat. 28. 19. Power in Heaven and Earth committed to him.

2. The Person imployed, viz. Titus, had the Character and Office of an Evangelist. The Evangelists were also extraordinary Ministers, (tho' inferior to the Apostles) and did usually attend the motion and direction of the Apostles, as assistant to them in preaching the Gospel, and setling the Churches in due order when first plan­ted. [Page 8] And tho' Titus be not expresly called an Evangelist, yet if we consider his Imployment, and compare this Epistle to him with those writ­ten to Timothy, who is particularly charged to do the Work of an Evangelist, we shall have no rea­son 2 Tim. 4. 5. to doubt their being both in the same capaci­ty: And they acted not as Diocesan Bishops in their particular Charge, but were sometimes im­ployed in one part of the World, and sometimes in another, as the Service of the Gospel required their attendance. And since the ceasing of these extraordinary Officers, and the compleating of the Canon of the New Testament, all Church-Offices and Affairs are to be regulated and guided by the ordinary and standing Rule of the Scrip­tures: And every particular Congregation hath not only right, but is in duty bound to dispose her self in that Order, and under that Rule and Go­vernment, which Christ hath appointed in his Testament.

We shall now proceed to those things which our Text, and the present Occasion calls for some further discourse of;

The first Instance that we have of setling Order in a Christian Church, by the ordaining of ordi­nary Officers therein, is that of the appointment of Deacons in the Church of Jerusalem, Acts 6. And this also I take to be included in the general Commission here given to Titus, That he should set in order the things that are wanting; for it appears that the Primitive Churches had both Bishops, or Elders, and Deacons, ordained in them, when brought to that Settlement and Order which they [Page 9] were to continue in, Phil. 1. 1. And the neces­sity of such an Office, and Officers in the Church, when the number of her Members is increased, will quickly appear, as it did in the Church at Je­rusalem; for, When the number of the Disciples Act. 6. v. 1. was multiplyed, there arose a murmuring of the Gre­cians (or Hellenists) against the Hebrews, because their Widows were neglected in the daily Ministra­tion. Judaei sie di­stinguebantur; Judaei Palesti­ni, qui hîc He­braei; [...]; & [...], qui hîc Hellenistae, si­ve Graecienses, qui peculiar [...] utebantur dia­lecto, quam Heilenisticam vocant: Drus. vid. etiam Grot. & Lights. in locum. The Grecians here mentioned, were not Gentiles, or Greeks by Nation, but such of the scattered Jews, who having their Education a­mong the Greeks, and speaking their Language, were called Hellenists, in distinction from those born and bred up in Judea, that spake the com­mon Jewish Language, which was then a kind of Chaldaeo-Syriack, and is called the Hebrew Tongue, Acts 22. 2. because of its then common use a­mong the Hebrews or Seed of Abraham in Judaea; and with respect to this, Paul affirms of himself that he was an Hebrew of the Hebrews, Phil. 3. 5.

Now upon this murmuring of the Hellenists, for the prevention of all disorder or neglect of this kind for the future; ‘The twelve called the V. 2, 3, 4. multitude of the Disciples unto them, and told them, That it was unreasonable for them to be taken off from the more weighty imploiment of preaching the Gospel to give their attendance upon an Affair of this nature; and therefore that they might be at liberty, to give themselves continually to Prayer, and the Ministry of the Word, and yet the necessities of the poor and orderly dispensing of the Churches Almes be provided for also, They commanded them to look out from among themselves seven Men of [Page 10] honest Report, full of the Holy Ghost and Wis­dom whom they might appoint over this Busi­ness;’ which was accordingly done. This is in V. 5, 6. short the History of the first Ordination of Dea­cons; and because in this case what was first in this kind, was to be the Rule and Standard of what should afterwards be done, we shall take a review of some Passages for our present Instructi­on. And,

First; A Deacon being an ordinary Officer in the Church, appointed to minister therein for the [...], &c. Non ipsi eligunt sed multitudini electionem permittunt; qui etiam commodum erant ex illo­rum curatione & functione percepturi; atque ipsi eligunt & producunt, & manibus imposi [...]is ordinant, creant atque decla­rant. Theoph. in locum. Relief of the Poor; The Election of these Offi­cers of right belongs to that Congregation where they are to serve in this Capacity; And the Holy Apostles, tho' vested with an extraordinary Power, and peculiarly intrusted by Christ with the appointment of such an Office and Officers, after they had informed the Church thereabout, and given them a Rule to proceed by, left them to their own voluntary and free choice.

Secondly; The Number here appointed, viz. Seven, was suited to the present Necessity or Con­venience of that numerous Congregation in which they were to minister, and is not intended as a Rule, that neither more nor fewer may be appointed in any Congregation after; but that is to be determined by a due comparing of the End of the Office with the Circumstances of each par­ticular Congregation, who are to govern their Choice in point of Number as may best answer [Page 11] the end, in a sufficient Provision for their present necessity and comfort of their Poor.

Thirdly; The Rule of the Churches proceed­ing in her Election is laid before her, in an ac­count of those Qualifications which are requisite in Persons to be imployed in such a Trust; They must be Men of honest Report; Men whose Inno­cent [...]. and Holy Life is well attested, Persons of known and approved Integrity, full of the Holy Ghost, and Wisdom; And these general Terms are comprehensive of the Particulars mentioned by our Apostle, in that Rule which he hath given about the same Matter, in 1 Tim. 3. 8, 9. Likewise must the Deacons be grave, not double-tongued, not given to much Wine, not greedy of filthy Lucre, holding the Mystery of the Faith in a pure Conscience. And it is an examination and tryal of the Persons to be chosen by this Rule which the Apostle in­tends in the next words, ver. 10. And let these al­so first be proved, then let them use the Office of a Deacon, being found blameless. And this I the ra­ther mention, that I may rectify a Mistake which I think many have taken up from a misunderstand­ing of this Text, wherein they suppose that the Apostle requires that a Trial should be made of Elders and Deacons in the discharge of the proper Work of their Office, before they are ordained to that Office; But this way of Trial is as for­reign from the Text, as the notion asserted is in­consistent with it self; for observe, He doth not say, Try whether they use the Office of a Deacon well, (which how can they do before they have it?) and then let them be ordained, if for some [Page 12] time they have acquitted themselves well in it; But the Trial he requires, is antecedent to their using the Office of a Deacon; and is no other than a diligent comparing of the Qualifications of the Persons, with the Characters of one meet for such an Office which he had before set down: This I take to be the plain sence of the words; And if this be not admitted, we must suppose the Rule of one Apostle to contradict the practice of others acting by the same infallible Guidance as he wrote, which is absurd: For it is plain in this of the Acts, that they were directed to examine and look into the Qualifications and fitness of the Persons to be chosen for Deacons, before they made choice of them; and that the Apostles did by a solemn Ordination vest them with their Of­fice, before they acted in it, or used the Office of a Deacon.

Fourthly; As to the Work of a Deacon, The Care of the Poor is their special Charge. And in order hereunto, the Contributions and Alms of the Church are to be deposited with them, and in­trusted to their distribution, as particular Cases may require.

I shall now draw to a close of this Point, and pass on to what remains, when I have spoken a word or two.

  • 1. To those who are this day ordained and ap­pointed to the Office of Deacons.
  • 2. To the Congregation that hath called them to this Office.

First; To the Deacons; There are four things that I shall recommend to you as necessary in the discharge of that Trust that is committed to you, viz. Faithfulness, Compassion, Prudence, and Diligence.

1. Faithfulness; You have a Trust committed to you, viz. the Alms and Contributions of the Church, which are indeed a kind of hallowed or dedicated things, and this is a considerable Trust; yea the poor Members of Christ, which are dear to him as the Apple of his Eye, are committed to your Care, so far as conceres their Relief and Succour in outward things, and this is a greater Trust; you are in these things Stewards for the Church, yea Stewards for Christ; and it is requi­red of a Steward, that he be found faithful; con­sider therefore the Duty of your Places, and make Conscience of a faithful discharge thereof, as knowing you must give an account to Christ, who hath appointed you to this Service, and with him there is no respect of Persons.

2. Compassion; Your Business and Employ­ment is, to relieve the Necessities of the poor Saints; and this you can never do with a right Spirit, unless you have a fellow-feeling with them in their Necessities, and do by a gracious Sympa­thy, as it were, put your selves in their stead; He that gives, must do it with chearfulness, and that he will never do, if Compassion have not first filled his Heart; Remember that this Office in the Church, is a Fruit of Christ's Pity and Compas­sion for the Poor; and it is your Duty to make your distributions in that manner as may best re­present [Page 14] the pity and tenderness of him whom you serve in this Work.

3. Prudence; Your Pity must be guided by Discretion; And as it is required that a Deacon should have a plentiful anointing of the good and benign Spirit, that he may be kind and affectio­nately tender towards his Brethren, so it is no less necessary that he be full of Wisdom also, that he may rightly discern of the Case and Circumstan­ces of those that are to be relieved by him; And that he may carry an equal ballance in his Mini­stration, between the encouraging of Idleness on the one hand, and neglect of the real Distresses of any on the other; both these are extreams to be avoided: And it is certain that there is so great a difference in the temper of Persons, that there will be need of diligent enquiry after the necessi­ties of some, whose modesty would hide them more than is meet, while the unreasonable impor­tunity of others needs a prudent check.

4. Diligence; It is a Service for Christ that you are imployed in, and the Work of the Lord must not be done negligently; your Heart must be in your Work, and you must not do it tan­quam aliud agens as by the By, with a slight and indifferent Spirit: But as Hezekiah did the Work of God in his place, whose Encomium is, That in 2 Chron. 31. ult. every Work that he began in the Service of the House of God, and in the Law, and Commandments to seek his God, he did it with all his Heart: And know, that your labour shall not be in vain in the Lord, for there is no Service (except that which immediately respects the saving of Mens Souls) more acceptable to Christ than that which you are engaged in.

Secondly; To the Congregation; It is your Duty to give respect to your Deacons, as esteem­ing their Service in the Church useful and honou­rable, For he that useth the Office of a Deacon well, 1 Tim. 3. 13. purchaseth to himself a good degree, and great bold­ness in the Faith which is in Christ Jesus; But espe­cially your Duty is to incourage them in their Work by a free and plentiful contribution to the Poor, that out of the abundance of those that enjoy plenty, they may always have a sufficiency to provide for the relief of those that suffer want. Many things might be urged for the open­ing of your Hearts to so good a Work: But my present time will not admit of enlargement on this Head.

I shall now proceed to the next thing that lies before us, viz. The ordaining of Elders in every City or Church; which was particularly given in Charge unto Titus.

Bishops or Elders are ordinary Officers in the Church, of Divine Right and Appointment, and are to be continued therein to the end of the World; Their Office is superior to that of Dea­cons, as more nearly concerning the Good and Edification of the Church, by so much as the care and conduct of Mens Souls doth transcend the care of the outward Man, and supplies of temporal Life. The care which the Apostles took for this Provision in the Church, we have seen something of in the opening of the words, as al­so the method they observed in the Calling and [Page 16] Ordaining of Persons to this Work; it was done, as Clemens saith, [...], the whole Church giving their consent and approbation: And by their appointment it was, [...]. Clem. Ep. that when the Officers ordained by themselves were dead, other approved Men should succeed in their room, unto whom the Administration of Holy Things in the House of God was commit­ted, and by whom the Instruction and Govern­ment of the Church should be duly provided for. We have both the continuance of these Officers, and the reason of it asserted, Ephes. 4. 11, 12, 13. And he gave some Apostles; and some Prophets; and some Evangelists; and some Pastors and Tea­chers: For the perfecting of the Saints, for the Work of the Ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ: Till we all come in the Ʋnity of the Faith, and of the Knowledg of the Son of God, unto a perfect Man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. These last words are ma­nifestly extended to the compleating of the intire Mystical Body of Christ, and so to the period of the dispensation of Grace in this World, till there shall no longer be a Church on Earth. And al­tho' some of those Offices and Gifts mentioned in vers. 11. be now ceased, yet it is evident others of them must continue to the end, until that whereunto a Gospel Ministry is designed, be per­fectly accomplished: And it very well agrees with the scope of the Apostle's discourse in this place, to make a joint mention of extraordinary and ordi­nary Ministers, since they are all given by Christ for one and the same end, viz. the perfecting of his Mystical Body, which affords a good Argu­ment [Page 17] for the Union of Christians in their diffe­rent measures of Attainment, which the Apostle is here pressing them to. The Apostles, Pro­phets, and Evangelists, were of necessity to be imployed in the laying of the Foundation of Gospel-Churches, and the continuance of Pa­stors and Teachers is no less necessary for the continuance and carrying on of the Spiritual Building of the Church to the end of the World. And there is no reason of concluding that all these Officers must always be in the Church, be­cause they are here mentioned together, no more than there is to affirm that the power of working Miracles should never cease, because the promise of such a Power to some Believers, is indefinitely given out with the Promise of Salvation by Faith in Christ, which branch of the Promise is certainly extended to all Believers in all Ages, Mark 16. 16, 17, 18.

Now as it is de facto evident, that Miracles were for the confirmation of the Gospel, in the first promulgation of it, and are now ceased; so it is as plain, That the Office and Gifts of Apostles, and Prophets, and Evangelists, were for the first planting of the Churches, and no longer to continue, than till their Order was fully setled, and the Revelation of the Mind of God in the New Testament perfected, and then the Wis­dom of Christ saw it best to leave the Chur­ches to the Rule of his Written Word, and the guidance of their ordinary Officers according thereto.

The Officers which we are now treating of, that are in our Text called Elders, [...], are Adverte eun­dem Gradum, idemque Offi­cium significa­ri a Paulo, no­mine Presby­teri, & nomine Episcopi.—Neutr [...]m si­quidem horum est nom [...]n or­dinis, sed poti­us officii. Caje­tan. in locum. in the very next words stilled [...], Bishops or Overseers, (the like application of both these terms to the same Persons and Office you may ob­serve in Act. 20.) and in the Ephes. Pastors and Teachers. And it is evident the Holy Ghost in­tends no distinction, or preeminence of Office among those that bear these Characters, by any of these different Terms, but they are all suited to the same Office in its different respects: These Ministers are sometimes called Elders, because of their gravity, and precedency in the House of God, perhaps with some respect to the Paternal Authority and Preeminence of the Heads of Fa­milies, and Elders of the People amongst the Is­raelites of old; and at other times Bishops or Overseers, because their Work is to take the oversight 2 Pet. 5. 2. of the Flock, and to acquit themselves as faithful Watchmen, who watch for the Souls of the People committed to their Trust, that they may give an account of them to the great Shepherd with joy, and not with grief: And because it is incumbent Heb. 13. 17. on them to feed the Church with the Words of E­ternal Act. 20. 28. Life, and to open the Mind of God to them from the Scriptures, that they may by their Mini­stry be instructed unto his Kingdom; they are al­so stiled Pastors and Teachers.

Our way being thus far prepared by this gene­ral Account of the Office of Eldership, and the necessary continuance of it in the Church, many things do readily offer themselves as proper to be discoursed of under this Head, but (omitting [Page 19] others) I must at present confine my self to a brief enquiry after these two that follow;

  • 1. The Qualifications requisite in the Person that performs this Office.
  • 2. The Relative Duties of an Elder, and the People that he ministers to.

First; As to the necessary Qualifications of an Elder or Bishop, they are particularly and fully described to us, in this of Tit. 1. 6, 7, 8, 9. com­pared with 1 Tim. 3. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, verses. The first thing required in both places is, That he be blameless, not absolutely without sin, for there are none such in the World, but free from any notable blemish, or scandalous offence in his Life, a Man whose general carriage and deportment is, to the adorning of that Doctrine which he pro­fesseth himself, and must teach to others: And then, the Husband of one Wife; It is not required that he be a married Man, but supposing him to be so, it is necessary that he have been the Hus­band but of one Wife, viz. at one time; for tho' he had repented of his Polygamy, yet the note of his former incontinency would stick upon him; for Polygamy had no good hearing even amongst the civilized Heathens; and it was meet that a Bishop should have a good Report of them that are without, lest he fall into reproach, and the snare of the Devil: And this doth also include such as had put away their Wives and married others, which was a thing that both the Jews and Gentiles used to do, and was utterly forbidden by Christ, ex­cept in the case of Fornication. In like manner [Page 20] his Children (if he have any) and their course of Life under his Family-discipline must be consi­dered; they must be faithful, not living still in Idolatry and Gentilism, but of a sober well-go­verned Life, being in subjection to him with all gravity; for if it do not appear that he rules his own House well, how shall he be esteemed fit to take care of the Church of God? He must also be vigilant, careful and diligent in his Work and Duty in the station wherein he hath been, other­wise he will be very unmeet for a Pastoral Charge, which requires perpetual watching; sober, and of a temperate Life, adorned with Modesty and Moderation, and of a good behaviour, full of gra­vity, and humanity in all his Deportment, not self-willed, proud and heady, no striker, nor soon angry, but a Man that hath good Govern­ment of his Passions, and whose meekness dis­poseth him to instruct and exhort Men with all Long-suffering and Doctrine: He must not 2 Tim. 2. 24, 25. & 4. 2. be given to much Wine, but set in himself an Ex­ample of Mortification to sensual Delights, and utterly detest all unjust and sordid ways of heap­ing up, or keeping Riches for himself, as not gi­ven to filthy Lucre, nor lyable to just suspition that he undertakes his Charge, from a base cove­tousness of any outward Emoluments belonging thereto, but of a ready Mind, and sincere Love to Christ; and the Souls of Men; and he must be given to Hospitality, that so he may go before others in all Offices of Kindness and Charity to­wards the Saints; no brawler, litigious or conten­tious Man, but furnished both with Abilities and a ready Mind to teach and instruct others; and [Page 21] therefore he must be well furnished with the Knowledg of the Mysteries of God himself, and one that holdeth fast the faithful Word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound Doctrine both to exhort, and to convince the Gain-sayers. In a word, He must be a Man Holy and Just him­self, and a lover of all that are so; yea, one whose vertues Time hath proved and made conspicuous, a steady and well-setled Man; Not a Novice, or new Convert, lest being lifted up with pride, he fall into the condemnation of the Devil. This is the Rule of Trial that all Churches are bound to have in their Eye, and diligently to attend to, in their Election of Elders; and when they do so, Christ approves their choice, and the Holy Ghost Act. 20. 28: makes their Overseers; for both the Gifts, Grace, and Authority of a Gospel-Minister are from him; and no Man or Society of Men under Heaven, can, de jure, make him a Minister that Christ hath not qualified for such a Service; for the va­lidity of all Church Acts depends upon, and is determined by, their conformity to the Rule of Christ's Holy Will and Testament.

And as these Gifts, Graces, and Vertues, ought to be in some good degree visible in him that is ordained to Eldership, before that Charge be com­mitted to him; so after his Ordination it behoves him perpetually to endeavour the giving of a more abundant proof of them in himself, by a daily increase in their Exercise.

But to proceed;

Secondly; The Relative Duties of an Elder and the People are to be considered;

The due handling of this would require a just Treatise, but it cannot be expected that I should enlarge upon Particulars, nor indeed so much as touch upon many things that do properly belong thereto; But all that I can do, is briefly to speak to some things of a general and comprehensive nature, with some inforcement of what may be especially seasonable at this time: And,

First; We shall speak to the Duty of an Elder in his place, which is either more publick, or more private; for in both these respects, he is under a bond of Duty to Christ, and the Souls of the Members of that Church which he ministers in.

We shall begin with those Duties which are more publickly to be discharged by him: And they are;

1st. To stand in some respects, and to act in some things, as a middle Person betwixt God and the People: Mistake me not, He is not to be a Mediator between God and the Church, or in his own Interest to interpose himself betwixt God and the People, for the procuring of their ac­ceptance with him; such an Office and Service for the Church no Man on Earth, nor Saint or Angel in Heaven is capable of; The Glory of it is Christ's peculiar: As there is but one God, so 1 Tim. 2. 5. in this regard, there is but one Mediator betwixt God and Men, the Man Christ Jesus. But in two respects a Minister stands between God and the People;

[Page 23] 1. As he is to be the Mouth of the People un­to God, and to go before them, in the Exercise of those Gifts and Graces which Christ hath fur­nished him with, in conceiving, and pouring out the publick Prayers of the Church to the most High. And by some this is taken to be the special import of that saying of the Apostle's, in Act. 6. 4. But we will give our selves continually Assidui erimus tum in prae­cundo plebi in precibus ad Deum, [...]um in Plebe institu­enda. Grot. in locum. to Prayer, and to the Ministry of the Word; They seem equally to respect in both (viz. Prayer, and the Ministry of the Word) the publick discharge of their Office in the Church; and there is no doubt but what is here mentioned, continues to be the Duty of ordinary Ministers in their Station, as much as it was theirs. And the Scripture knows no other Provision for the orderly and profitable performance of this Service in the Church, than what Christ hath made by enduing Persons with those Gifts, and such an anointing of his Holy Spirit, as may enable them to go before their Brethren therein. It would be very sad to have the Souls of Men committed to the care of such as are so unacquainted with, or insensible of, their Spiritual Concerns, as not to be in some good degree prepared for this part of their Work, to be the Mouth of the People, in pou­ring out their solemn publick Prayers unto God.

2. As he is to be the Mouth of God to the People, to deliver his Message from God, and speak to them in his Name. It is eminently the Work and Business of a Pastor, To preach the 2 Tim. 4. 2. Word, to be instant in season and out of season, to [Page 24] reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all Long-suffering and Doctrine; They are Ministers of the New Testament, and God's Ambassadors unto Men, who are to dispense the Mysteries of God to his Church, and they ought to exercise all diligence herein, Studying to approve themselves VVorkmen 2 Tim. 2. 14, 15 that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth: And woe will be to him that un­dertakes this Charge, and preacheth not the Gospel; which is the sincere Milk, and Spiritual Food that the Souls of his Flock ought continu­ally to be fed with.

This Duty is so earnestly pressed upon all Oc­casions Oportet Epis­copum praedi­cantem mori. where these Things are treated of in the Scriptures, that there is no need of any other Ar­guments to enforce it, but what are obvious to every one's Eye in the reading of them; And he deserves not the Name of a Minister, Pastor, or Bishop, that labours not herein.

It will not (I suppose) be expected that I should here lay down Rules for Preaching, or enter into a Discourse about the Method of Theo­logical Studies in order thereunto: Only give me leave at present to recommend three things to those that are under so strict and solemn a Charge to preach the Gospel.

1. Let your Care be, to deal with the Souls and Consciences of Men, as knowing that it is the Salvation of Souls which you are to la­bour after, a Care of Souls that is committed to you, and an account of them that you must make to God: It is not your Business to gra­tify [Page 25] the itching Ears or wanton Fancies of Men, Jerome com­plains of some in his Time; That, Id ha­bent curae, non quomodo Scripturarum medullas ebi­bant, sed quo­modo aures Populi decla­matorum flos­culis mulce­ant. but to speak to their Hearts, and by manifestation of the Truth, to recommend your selves to every Man's Conscience in the sight of God, 2 Cor. 4. 2. Lay out your pains in a solid explaining of the Principles of Religion, and a judicious accom­modation of them to practice; that sincere Pie­ty, and the power of Godliness, may be promo­ted by your Ministry: Press the particular Duties of Men in every Relation and Capacity upon them, warn them of the sleights of Satan; re­buke their Errors and Disorders, that go astray; comfort the Afflicted and broken in Heart; And in these things, let no Zeal, Diligence, Boldness, Industry or Labour be wanting.

2. That this may be accomplished; Be sure that you speak as the Oracles of God; and deliver that 1 Pet. 4. 11. Doctrine to the People which is drawn from the pure Fountain of God's Word. It is no less than the Evidence of Divine Authority, that will work upon the Soul; and command the Con­science of a Man; whether it be by way of Com­fort, Exhortation, or Reproof, it is the stamp of Heaven upon the Things delivered by you that renders them powerful; Let it therefore be your principal care in Preaching, clearly, to open, and pertinently to apply the Scriptures, that your Hearers may bear away this Conviction from your Sermons, That you have the Mind of Christ. It is not enough that the things you speak be true, but you must manifest them to be so by strong and convincing Proofs. Make Conscience of giving, what in you lies, the very sence of the [Page 26] Holy Ghost in the Scriptures that you speak to; and weaken not excellent Truths, by wringing them out of such Texts as intend another thing: The word of God is Sacred, and must be hand­led with all religious respect and reverence. Di­vine Things will admit of no trifling.

3. Remember that the Duty of your Place is, Not to preach your selves but Christ Jesus the 2 Cor. 4. 5. Lord; His Glory must be the Mark aimed at by all your Labours, and his Grace the principal Subject of all your Discourses; It is not a Philo­sophick Harangue that will save the Souls of Men, but the preaching of Christ Crucified; His 1 Cor. 1. 23. Gospel is the Power of God unto Salvation to them Rom. 1. 16. that believe; and his Holy Name is the Ointment that perfumes all Religious Exercises; Therefore I will not only say, Let there be Aliquid Christi, something of Christ in every Sermon, but let Christ be the beginning, middle, and end of your Discourses; for in him are hid all the Treasures of Colos. 2. 3. Wisdom and Knowledg; in him is the Fountain and Head-spring of all true Comfort and Holiness. So much for the first Thing.

2dly. Unto the publick Work and Charge of a Bishop or Elder, belongs also the Administra­tion of the Sacraments, or Ordinances of posi­tive Institution in the Church; as Baptism, and the Lord's Supper; This appertains to that Di­spensation of the Mysteries of God that is com­mitted to him, and to that feeding of the Sheep of Christ which is required of him. And then,

3dly. It is his Duty to take care of the due ex­ercise of Discipline in the Church, and the right ordering of all things pertaining to the Govern­ment thereof; He is the Overseer of God's House, Heb. 13. 17. and is to rule therein, not in a despotical or lordly Way, but by the Testament of Christ, as becomes a Minister, and as one set over the Lord's Heri­tage who are a voluntary People, and to be go­verned not with force and rigor, but with their own consent. All the Brethren have an Interest in the management of Church-Affairs, in the ad­mission, and ejection of Members; yet this de­nies not a peculiar Concernment of the Elder in these things, and a neglect of their due Admini­stration will especially be charged upon him, if guilty thereof. And in these things, great Pru­dence, Tenderness, Diligence, and Impartiality is required of him. It is a Matter of great im­portance, that the Gates of the Lord's House, the goings out and comings in thereof be well look'd to. If Members be not received with due cau­tion, our Number may be increased, but not our Joy, and if any be precipitantly, and without just grounds ejected, the scandal and inconvenience will be as great.

And in all these things, an Elder must endea­vour so to demean himself, that in the whole course of his Ministry, there may be kept up a very lively representation of the Love, Care, Wisdom, Compassion, Faithfulness, and Pati­ence of the Lord Jesus Christ whom he serves.

I shall say no more of those Duties that are in­cumbent on a Pastor in the publick Exercise of his Ministry: But in the next place;

Secondly; There are also Duties of great impor­tance to the Souls of Men, which an Elder is bound diligently to attend the discharge of in a more private and particular way. He is obliged to a constant watchfulness for, and over his Peo­ple, and ought diligently to enquire and search into the state of his Flock; That those who are in danger to err for want of counsel may be di­rected; the unruly warned and rebuked; feeble and dejected Souls strengthened, comforted, and encouraged; and those that are beset with Diffi­culties and Temptations, succoured and relieved. Unto an unwearied diligence in these things, Paul excites the Elders of the Church at Ephesus, by his own Example; You know (saith he) how I kept Act. 20. 18, &c. back nothing that was profitable for you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from House to House. The like he doth to those of Thessalonioa, 1 Thess. 2. 10, 11, 12. Ye are Wit­nesses, and God also, how holily, and justly, and unblameably, we behaved our selves among you that believe: As you know how we exhorted, and com­forted, and charged every one of you, (as a Father doth his Children) That you would walk worthy of God, &c. And again, Col. 1. 28, 29. Whom (viz. Christ) we preach, warning every Man, and teach­ing every Man in all wisdom, (i. e. by a suitable ap­plying of Things to them according to their va­rious [Page 29] Circumstances and Conditions) that we may present every Man perfect in Christ Jesus; Where­unto I also labour, &c. And all this pains must be enlivened by an Holy Example; for if a Minister does not live over the Instructions he gives to others, and appear a burning and shining Light in Life and Conversation, as well as in Doctrine, his ill Manners will do more hurt, than all his Words can ever do good: Examples have the greatest influence upon Men; Verba docent, Ex­empla trahunt; Therefore is that charge so fre­quently repeated, That they should in all things be Ensamples to the Flock.

I will add but a word or two for the encou­ragement and quickening of a Pastor to his Duty; and then pass on to what remains. What I intend at present, I shall sum up under two Heads.

First; Consider whom you serve, and by whose Authority you are to act in your place: You are a Minister of Christ, not a Creature of humane appointment; It is by the Holy Ghost that you are made an Overseer, therefore take heed to your self, and to the Flock of God. A like Argument or Motive is included in that of Col. 4. 17. Say to Archippus, Take heed to the Ministry that thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it. To receive a Ministry in the Lord, is to be imployed in a Ser­vice for Christ, and by his Order and Authority. Now from hence these things (and others like to them) may be inferred:

1. That there is a real dignity and worth in the Office which you are to administer; He that desires [Page 30] the Office of a Bishop (saith our Apostle) desires a good Work: It is an Office that a Man must labour in, but his Labour is in a good Work, viz. that which is honourable as well as useful, as the word [...] signifies; and you know Difficilia quae pul­chra, [...]. honourable Imployments are not without their burden. Men may despise this Function, but let not that discourage you; Christ hath ho­noured you, and let the sense of Duty and Gra­titude to him, bear you above all Discouragements to a faithful discharge of your Trust, and that with holy boldness, and fortitude of Mind.

2. If you have reeived your Office from Christ, you must be responsible to him for the discharge of it; Stewards must one day give an account to their Lord; and thrice happy he, to whom Christ shall say in the day of Account, Well done thou good and faithful Servant; enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord. There is nothing tends more to en­gage us to all diligence and faithfulness in our Pla­ces, than a deep and fixed thoughtfulness of that solemn Audit which we must be brought to, at the Kingdom and Appearing of the great Shep­herd.

3. Those that Christ imploys in his Work, may expect his gracious presence and assistance in all the difficulties that do attend it; For this we have his word passed; Lo, I am with you to the end of Mat. 28 ult. the VVorld; tho' you may be persecuted, you shall never be forsaken of me; and tho' your Burthen may sometimes press you with a great weight, yet my strength shall be made perfect in your weak­ness, and my Grace shall always be sufficient for you. It is the Grace and Assistance of Christ that [Page 31] a Minister must depend upon, and expect the suc­cess of his Labours from; and having ground for such an expectation, let him not faint from the ap­prehension of any hardship or opposition that may lie in his way; for all Power in Heaven and Earth is in his Hand, by whom he is imployed.

4. Seeing he is ingaged in Christ's Service, the Reward of Faithfulness therein is sure; Christ will not fail to shew himself a bountiful Lord and Master to those that serve him: None ever were, or shall be losers by doing his Work. This is the incouragement that Peter lays before the Elders of the Church, and exhorts them to lift up their Hearts to; 1 Pet. 5. 4. And when the chief Shep­herd shall appear, ye shall receive a Crown of Glory that fadeth not away: And this will be a sufficient compensation of all your sorrow and travel here. Look how much your labour hath been more than others, God will cloath you with the brigh­ter Rays of Glory; your Converts shall then be your Crown and your Joy, when they that have turned many to Righteousness, shall shine as the Stars for ever and ever.

Secondly; Consider, That it is the Care and Charge of Souls that is committed to you; not the Temporal Concerns of this Life, but the Af­fairs of Eternal Life are the Business of your Stewardship: Now one Soul is of more worth than all the World, because immortal, and made for an Eternal State: The Influence that the Mi­nistry of the Word hath into the future state of Men, made Paul say, as in an extasie, VVho is sufficient for these Things! They are the Souls of [Page 32] Men that God thought it worth the giving of his own Son to redeem, and Christ thought not much to shed his precious Blood for; the Church is a Society of Men which God hath purchased to himself by his own Blood, and now committed to your Care, and appointed you to watch for their Souls, therefore take heed to your selves, and to your Flock; for if any of them perish in an evil way thro' your neglect of Duty towards them, They die in their sins, but God will require their Blood at your Hand.

We come now to the last thing that lies before us, viz. The Duty of the People towards their Pa­stors.

Able and faithful Pastors are a great Blessing, and special Fruit of Christ's Love to his Church, and he as well expects and requires her improve­ment of so great a Talent, and the chearful per­formance of her Duty towards her Ministers, a [...] he doth strictly charge them to acquit themselves with all fidelity and diligence in their places. I am under a necessity of bringing this part of my Dis­course into a narrow compass; and therefore shall recommend to you but these four things:

1st. You owe to your Pastor great Love, Re­spect, and Honour, for his Work-sake; And God requires that you make a due paiment there­of: This our Apostle often presseth with great earnestness; for instance see 1 Thess. 5. 12, 13. And we beseech you, Brethren, to know (that is, to acknowledg with due respect) them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and ad­monish [Page 33] you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their Work-sake. And again; Let the Elders that Rule well, be counted worthy of double Honour, especially those that labour in the Word and Doctrine, 1 Tim. 5. 17. If you have a true Friend in the World, it is he that watcheth for your Souls, tells you the Truth, and travels night and day to present you perfect unto God: And let not his faithful­ness in admonishing you, cause an abatement of your love to him; but if you love your own Sal­vation, let it rather raise your esteem of him; No wise Man will hate his Physician for giving a bitter Potion when his Life is saved by it, or a Chirurgeon, for performing an Operation painful to him, when the restoring or preserving of a Member of his Body depends thereon. He that brings to you the good Tidings of Salvation, and publisheth Peace, deserves to have his Feet esteemed beautiful, and to be received with the Love and Respect that's due to so good a Message, and the bringer of it: Christ will not bear the contempt of his Messengers, therefore take heed that you provoke him not, by casting a scornful Eye upon them; nor rob your own Souls of the benefit of their Ministry, by entertaining evil Surmises, or undue Prejudices against them.

2dly. You owe Submission and Obedience to them in the discharge of their Office, and in the exercise of that Rule and Oversight which Christ hath committed to them for your Edification; Obey them that have the Rule over you, and submit your selves, Heb. 13. 17. It is not a blind Obe­dience [Page 34] that the Apostle requires, nor such as shall suppose a Legislative Power in Church-Offi­cers, but an orderly subjection to them acting in their Office according to the Law and Testament of Jesus Christ; even a ready obedience to the Word of God dispensed by them, and humble sub­mission to their just Reproofs and Ministerial Cor­rection, when rendred necessary by any miscar­riage; and this either in the publick or more pri­vate discharge of their Trust. God doth not re­quire that Men should pull out their own Eyes, and mancipate themselves to the conduct of Church-Officers, without the exercise of their own Reason and Judgment, as it is in the Papa­cy, where the blind lead the blind, till both fall into the Ditch. But when the Law of Christ is observed, and a conformity with that urged, by the evidence and demonstration of Truth from the Holy Scriptures, herein the Obedience of the People is justly expected; and he that thinks himself too good, or too wise, to receive Instru­ction, or submit to Reproof from his Pastor, ill deserves a place in any Christian Congregation. My Brethren, take heed of a proud factious Spi­rit; James 3. 1. be not many Masters, knowing that we shall re­ceive the greater Condemnation.

And as it is your Duty to receive the Doctrine of Christ dispensed by them with meekness and fear, and with humility to submit to the Disci­pline which they exercise, according to the Au­thority they have received from Christ; so also ought you to propose their holy Example for your imitation; Heb. 13. 7. Remember them [Page 35] which have the Rule over you, who have spoken to you the Word of God whose Faith follow, considering the end of their Conversation. Be followers of them as they are of Christ; for if it be their Duty to be Ensamples to their Brethren, in Word, in Con­versation, 1 Tim. 4. 12. in Charity, in Spirit, in Faith, in Purity; it must be no less the Duty of their Brethren to write after their Copy, and conform to their Ex­ample in all these Things. For if the dis­charge of this Office be not improved by the Church unto their Edification and real growth in Grace and Holiness, the end of it, as to them, is utterly lost.

3dly. You are much concerned to continue in­stant in Prayer to God for them: You know the Apostle Paul often recommends himself to the Prayers of the Church; and if he thought them so necessary for his help, we have much more reason to account them so for ours. The temp­tations of Ministers are many; they have great Difficulties and Discouragements to conflict with; And their Work is such, as they can never fill up their Places as they ought, but by the special Aid and Assistance of the Holy Ghost; the success of all their Labours depends upon a Divine Blessing, and the presence of God with them; and in these things both the Glory of Christ, and the Comfort and Edification of your own Souls is nearly con­cerned; which is a sufficient Reason for your making Conscience of this Duty.

4thly. You are bound, according to your Abi­lity, to provide a comfortable and honourable Maintenance for them. Let him that is taught, com­municate with him that teacheth IN ALL GOOD THINGS; Be not deceived, God is not mocked, Gal. 6. 6, 7. These words call not only for a Maintenance of Ministers, but for such a plenti­ful Contribution as may make them partakers with you in all good Things: If God bless the Congregation with a plentiful Portion of this World's Goods, it is their Duty to make their Mi­nister a Party with them in their flourishing Con­dition; and considering the Place and Imploy­ment he is in; and the Service he attends, it would be extreamly unworthy to think you have done enough if his pressing Necessities be answered, while you abound in Superfluities. If the Con­gregation be Poor, their Minister must be content to be poor with them, yea, rejoyce to approve himself a Minister of Christ by hunger and na­kedness, if the Providence of God call him there­to: But while it is in the Power of your Hand to provide better for him, God expects it from you; and, be not deceived, he is not mocked, neither will he suffer his Commands to be slighted and evaded, without rendring a just rebuke to the Offender; For whatsoever a Man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Now that you may the better understand how far you are concerned in this Duty, before I proceed to the farther pressing of it, let me [Page 37] put you in remembrance;

1. That a Minister is bound to attend wholly and only upon his Calling in the Ministry, and not to entangle himself in the Affairs of this Life, that he may please him by whom he is called to this Spiritual Warfare; and nothing but real Ne­cessity may dispense with the contrary; his whole Time and Strength is little enough to be imployed in the Work he is called to; he must give himself to the Ministry of the Word and Prayer, and continue in Reading, Meditati­on, &c. as a Man wholly devoted unto Gospel-Service; and is therefore by his Call to the Mini­stry, secluded from those Ways and Means of providing for his own Subsistence, as the Trades and secular Imployments of others furnish them with; that his Mind, by the cares of worldly Business, may not be diverted from that study of God's Word, and Care of Souls, which the duty of his Station engageth him to: And if he may not expose himself to the careful Thoughts that accompany worldly Business, tho' tending to his profit: Certainly it is no way meet that he should be left to conflict with the thorny Cares of a ne­cessitous Condition, while those he ministers to have Means to prevent it.

2. It is no less the Duty of a Minister, than of other Men, to provide for his Family, and (what lies in him) to take care of his Wife and Chil­dren, 1 Tim. 5. 8. that they may not be left exposed to a thou­sand Miseries and Temptations when he is gone. I confess, of all Men in the World, a covetous raking Temper worst becomes a Minister; but [Page 38] we greatly mistake, if we think he must divest himself of the due Affection of an Husband to­wards his Wife, or of a Father towards his Chil­dren; or that those Fruits thereof, which are justly esteemed commendable in others, should be a fault in him.

3. An Elder or Bishop is under a special Charge to use Hospitality, and to set in himself a pattern of Charity and compassionate Bounty to poor Souls: And if it be his Duty to be hospitable and charitable in an eminent degree, then without Controversy the People are concerned to endea­vour that he may be capable of giving proof of this Grace in him, by the exercise of it as there is occasion.

These things being premised, I shall shew you, that you lie under the strongest Obligation ima­ginable to this Duty.

  • 1. By the Eternal Law of Nature.
  • 2. By the express Command and Appointment of Christ.
  • 3. On the account of the great and manifest Evil and Inconvenience that follows the neglect thereof.

First; The Law and Light of Nature obligeth you to it, as to the matter of Equity and Justice. And from hence our Apostle takes his first Plea, in 1 Cor. 9. 7, &c. Who goeth a Warfare any time at his own Charges? Who planteth a Vineyard, and eateth not of the Fruit thereof? Or who feedeth a [Page 39] Flock, and eateth not of the Milk of the Flock? The Ministry is a Warfare, undertaken at the Command of Christ, for the Service of your Souls; and it is as reasonable that the Minister should receive a supply of outward things from you, as it is that a faithful Souldier should receive his Pay from his Captain at the charge of the Common-wealth, for whose good he [...]mlitates. Shall a Man feed a Flock (as a Pastor does) and be denied to eat of the Milk of that Flock, which it is his work to keep and feed? Or is it consi­stent with common Justice, to deprive a Man of the Fruit of that Vineyard which is planted and manured by his own Labour? Such is the case in respect of Maintenance between a Minister and the People; It is not your Charity that I ask for him, but Justice and Debt that I plead for; He is imployed in your Service, and of right should live upon your Charge. Nay, you have called him off from other Business, and therefore his Maintenance is as due from you as is the Wages of your Servant; tho' I fear some give more to the meanest Servant in their House, than they are willing to do to their Minister. Certainly, if you chuse as you ought, your Ministers are not of the lowest of the People, but may be allowed to have a share of Parts, common Prudence, and Ability for Business, with other Men; and could manage Trades, or fall into other Imployments, and get Estates as well as you, if they were not devoted to a better Service; and must they needs be devoted to Necessities and Misery in the same hour that they enter upon the Ministry? My Brethren, this [Page 40] ought not to be; Let your Ministers have as good treatment at least, as the Law provided for the Ox that trode out the Corn, who might not be muzled: Neither was this written for the sake of Oxen; for, Doth God take care of Oxen? Or was there no higher end of this Law, than that the Bruit Creature should not be abused? Certainly there was; and for our sakes, no doubt, was this writ­ten, 1 Cor. 9. 8, 9, 10, 11. That he that ploweth should plow in hope, and that he that thresheth in hope, should be partaker of his hope. For, If we have sown unto you Spiritual Things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your Carnal Things?

Secondly; The Lord hath not left us to argue this only from general Principles of Reason and common Equity, but, to put the Matter beyond dispute, hath superadded his express Command: Thus he provided for his Ministers in the Time of the Law, which the Apostle urgeth in the next place, 1 Cor. 9. 13. Do ye not know that they which minister about Holy Things, live of the Things of the Temple? And they which wait at the Altar, are partakers with the Altar? God did no sooner sepa­rate the Levites to the Service of his Sanctuary, but he by Law provided for their Subsistence: And tho' they were but one Tribe in twelve, yet the Tenth of the Increase of the whole Land was given to them, besides the First-Fruits and Offerings, and divers other Advantages; so that their Lot might equal, yea, exceed that of their Brethren. This Law indeed is now abrogated, and we pretend to no right of Tything your [Page 41] Estates; but the moral Equity of it can never cease, neither hath Christ left Gospel-Ministers to the wide World, but hath made provision for them also, so far as the interest of his Command will go with them that profess his Name; for so it follows, Vers. 14. Even so hath the Lord ordain­ed, that they that preach the Gospel, should live of the Gospel. The Labourer is still worthy of his Hire, and not the less worthy because he labours in the Gospel; Tho' indeed (if Men did fully come up to their Duty, yet still) the Charge of Gospel-Worship will appear very inconsiderable when compared with that of the Law; for, were that my Business, I think I could demonstrate that the fifth part of their Estates was yearly to be spent in things relating to the Temple-Service. And if we are sensible of the great Priviledg and Blessing of the Gospel, on higher accounts than meerly the case of those Burthens, we shall never think much to defray the moderate Charge of a Gospel-Ministry, in such a manner as may give a Reputation to our Profession.

Thirdly; That you may prevent the evil and inconvenience that follows the neglect of this Du­ty, it concerns you chearfully to practise it; I might have said Evils and Inconveniences as of ma­ny; for many there are, and those of easy obser­vation to an unprejudiced Eye; but it is the dis­couragement of Study which at present I chiefly aim at; That Study must needs be discouraged (I intend the study of Theology) by the Peo­ples neglect to make a comfortable Provision for [Page 42] their Ministers, is too evident to require a Proof; who will apply himself to gather and lay up those Stores of solid Learning which are needful to a Minister, when he can expect to purchase nothing to himself but Poverty and Distress thereby? Or how shall a Minister be capable to furnish himself with the universal knowledg of Things re­lating to his Work, that hath no Means of pro­viding for his own Information, or no Time free from Cares and worldly Business? And the disad­vantage of this will at last fall to the share of the People that he ministers to. He that considers that the Holy Scriptures are originally written in Hebrew and Greek, must have a hard Forehead if he deny the usefulness of Learning to a Mini­ster; besides, many other things there are that call for it, in reference to the opening of the Scriptures, which I cannot now insist upon: And it is not without diligent and continual study, that the deep Things of God can be searched out, and so proposed to you, as to enrich your Minds with the clear and solid knowledg of them. I confess, a little Learning, and less Study, may furnish a Man with such a Discourse as may please some weak Persons, that judg of a Sermon by the loudness of the Voice, and affectionate Senten­ces; or that can fancy themselves to be fed with the Ashes of jingling Words, and Cadency of terms in a Discourse: But alas! the seeming warmth of Affection that is stirred by such means, is as short-liv'd as a Land-Flood that has no Spring to feed it. He that will do the Souls of his Peo­ple good, and approve himself a Pastor after Jer. 3. 15. [Page 43] God's Heart, must feed them with Knowledg and Ʋnderstanding; and endeavour to maintain a constant Zeal and Affection in them, by well-informing their Judgments, and such an opening of the Mind of God from the Scriptures, as may command their Consciences: And this is not to be expected, but from him that labours in his Stu­dy as well as in his Pulpit. Mistake me not! I know the success, and Fruit of all the studies and labours of him that preacheth the Gospel, is from the Grace and Power of the Holy Ghost; but the assistance of the Spirit is to be expected by us in the way of our Duty. These things might be yet applied more home to my present purpose; but perhaps some will think there is too much said al­ready (tho' I heartily wish more were not need­ful) and my Time calls me to put a period to this Exercise. And therefore I will only add a word for the enforcement of this and the other Duties which I have laid before you, by accommodating the same things to you, that were before touched, for the encouragement and quickning of your Pa­stor in his Duty.

First; Remember that your Pastor is the Mi­nister of Christ, one that dispenseth the Mysteries of God to you in his Name; and therefore (he acting in his Place, according to his Duty) the Lord Jesus will account that done to himself, that is done to his Minister; He that receiveth you Mat. 10. 40. with Luk. 10. 16. (saith he) receiveth me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth me, &c. If the Name and Authority of Christ will beget an awe in you, or his matchless [Page 44] and unspeakable Love influence you, there is no want of Motives to those Duties that have been prest upon you: If you acknowledg a religious Respect and Reverence due to the Son of God, exercise it in humble obedience to his Word: And if you love him, and value his Gospel, treat not his Ministers in an unworthy manner; and for­get not, That he who gave his Life a Ransom for you, well deserves a return of the greatest love from you, and to be honoured by you, not only with good words, but with your Substance, and the Prov. 3. 9. first Fruits of all your Increase.

Secondly; 'Tis the Business of your Salvation, and the Concern of your precious and immortal Souls that a Minister is imployed in; and there­fore it is much more your own Interest than his, that you should make Conscience of your Duty; with this Argument the Apostle enforces his ex­hortation, Heb. 13. 17. For they watch for your Souls, as they that must give an account, that they may do it with Joy, and not with Grief; for that is unprofitable for you. The Ministry can never be effectual to the saving of your Souls, if you be not sincere in Obedience under it. And will you be less careful for your Souls, and their eter­nal Welfare, than you are for your Bodies, and the Comforts of a Temporal Life? Can you be content to lay out your Strength and Substance to provide for these, and neglect the other? It is sad to consider how many there are among Pro­fessors that live in this World, as if there were no truth in the Report of that which is to come; and [Page 45] have the meanest esteem of the most necessary means of Salvation, viz. the Word, and Ordi­nances of Christ, and a Gospel-Ministry: Many there are, that besides a Provision of Necessaries, can expend perhaps an hundred pounds per annum, more or less, for the Convenience, Ornament, or Delight of a frail Carcass, that will grudg half so much for the Poor, or the support of Gospel-Worship: If their Bodies be afflicted, it is not five, ten, or twenty pounds that they think too much for a Physician, in recompence of his skill and care about them; when it may be they can scarce afford half so much to him that continually studies and travels to promote the Cure and Sal­vation of their sick Souls: But when Men come to be thro'ly possest, That Eternity is no Fiction, and the Gospel is the only means of escaping the Wrath to come, and inheriting Eternal Glory, they will take other measures about these things.

To conclude: We have seen something of those gracious Provisions that Christ in his Wis­dom and Faithfulness hath made for his Church, in the appointment of Deacons for the refreshing of the Bowels of the Poor, and Pastors for the guidance and nourishment of your Souls unto Eternal Life: We have heard something also of the Duty he expects both from the Officers and Members in his Church to the end of the World: What now remains, But that we all in our places make Conscience of living over his Commands, (for if we know these things, happy are we if we do them) and practically acknowledg his [Page 46] Love and Faithfulness, with a constant admiration of his Grace, and the return of hearty Praises to him for all these Fruits of it: Which that you may do, The God of Peace that brought again from Heb. 13. 20, 21. the Dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the Sheep, thro' the Blood of the Everlasting Cove­nant, Make you perfect in every good Work, to do his Will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight, thro' Jesus Christ, to whom be Glory for ever and ever. Amen.


These Books following are printed for Tho­mas Fabian, at the Sign of the Bible in St. Paul 's Church-Yard.

THe Works of Josephus with Cuts. Folio.

The Packet of Letters. Quarto.

The Gentleman's Recreation with Cuts. Octavo.

Drummond's History of Scotland; Containing the Lives and Reigns of James the First, the 2 d, the 3 d, the 4th, the 5th; with several Memorials of State during the Reigns of James the Sixth, and Charles the First, with their Effigies. Octavo.

A Discourse of Friendship. Octavo.

Vincent's Discourse of Christ's certain and suddain appear­ance to Judgement. Octavo.

Flavell's Navigation Spiritualized. Octavo.

Esop's Fables in English. 12 s.

The downfal of several Great Men, or Popish Plottings, not to be parallel'd in former Ages; being a Seasona­ble Warning for the Times. 12 s.

Robinson's Learning-Foundation; teaching to Spell and to Read English. 12 s.

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