THE Country Parson's Honest Advice TO THAT Judicious Lawyer, AND Worthy Minister of State, My Lord Keeper.
BE Wise as Somerset, as Somer's Brave,
As Pembroke Airy, and as Richmond Grave;
Humble as Orford be; and Wharton's Zeal,
For Church and Loyalty, wou'd fit thee well;
Like Sarum, I wou'd have thee love the Church,
He scorns to leave his Mother in the Lurch.
For the well governing your Family,
Let pious Haversham thy Pattern be:
And if it be thy Fate again to Marry,
And S—y—r's Daughter will thy Year out tarry,
May'st thou use her as Mohun his tender Wife,
And may she lead his virtuous Lady's Life.
To sum up all; Devonshire's Chastity,
Bolton's Merit, Godolphin's Probity,
Halifax his Modesty, Essex's Sense,
Mountague's Managment, Culpepper's Pence,
Tenison's Learning, and Southampton's Wit,
Will make thee for an able States-man fit.