A Copy of a LETTER out of the Country to one in London, discovering a Conspiracy of the Roman Catholicks at St. Edmuds-bury in Suffolk.
AS you are full of Commotions in London, so are we here with us: For on Tuesday Night last, it pleased God to discover in Bury an horrid Popish Plot, for the burning, blowing up, and destroying of that Town: The Train was laid twice the length of your Alley (which is about thirty yards.) The Inhabitants are now up in Arms, though they had resistance made them by the Papists; and in searching their Houses, three Protestants were killed, and nine wounded.
At Sudbury, about twelve Miles from us, three or four hundred of the Inhabitants have armed themselves in their own Defence, and have searched several Papists Houses: What will be the Effect of these things, God only knows.
The inclosed is a true Copy of a Letter sent from one Papist to another, and was found in one of their Houses in Bury.
The Letter inclosed.
These are to desire you to be very careful and speedy in getting all things ready, and let nothing be wanting for it: We are fearful that the Hereticks will have their Work done at once: Our Lady Mary hath made Intercession with God to suffer this work to go on, if we be not betrayed, your Town being publick, and so many eyes about; therefore I pray you be careful, and encourage all our Friends in this great and meritorious Work, that they provide for this great and fatal Blow; and I shall ever remain,