RUptures or Broken Bellies Cured in Men, Women or Children; or Bearing down in their Privy Parts: No Cure, no Money; but Trusses of all Sorts with Springs or Scrues, or Plain, made Easy beyond any yet in England, by Experience; Practised these Thirty Years The Poor may have Advice for Nothing, take it in time: Licensed by the Colledge of Physicians, London; and not to go to Outlandish Mountebanks, to be Butcher'd and Cheated of your Money, and then run away, when we have able Doctors and Chyrurgions of our own.
By Richard Collings, from 9 to 12, at the Bell, facing the Ditch-side at Fleet-street Bridge. The Afternoon at his House at the Bell in St Jones's Court in Clarkenwell Parish.