The Great and Wonderful Success and Vertues of CLARK's Compound SPIRITS of Scurvey-Grass (both Golden and Plain) in Curing many Languishing
and Grievous Distempers.
Faithfully prepared (by his Widow) according to his own Directions.
TIS now some Years since Mr. Clark first Exposed this Excellent Medicine to Sale; and (Blessed be God) it has Largely Answered the End for which it was design'd, Viz. The Health and Welfare of his Countreymen. The Admirable Vertues of these Compound Spirits, and that Ʋniversal Welcome they Meet with in the World, occasion'd many Counterfeits to be publish'd, but their Shams were quickly detected: And whereas they hoped to mend their Credits by Lessening mine, they did but present to the view of all honest Men, their own Ignorance and Malicious Folly. 'Tis a Divine Maxim, That every Tree is known by its Fruit: So the surest Way whereby to judge of the Vertues and Intrinsick Worth of Medicines, is, by observing the great Effects that are Wrought by them, and the Famous Cures they perform. Therefore to demonstrate the singular Vertues and Efficacy of these Spirits, I here Nominated some Remarkable Cures performed by them, on the Bodies of several Persons, whose Names and Places of Abode (as an Addition to Others Printed in my former Bills) take as follows.
- I. Nathaniel Pavey of Bredford near Coventry, by the Use only of these Spirits was perfectly Cured of a Dropsie, complicated with the Scurvey, and other Bistempers, when other Medicines had fail'd.
- II. Mary Jones, near Thetford, who had not been out of her House for the space of Five years, after the taking but Two of my Bottles, went to Church.
- III. Daniel Golding of Cranborough nour Aylesbury, at first taking the plain Spirit, found some Ease in that Tormenting Disease the Stone, and by the frequent Use of it afterwards, he was Totally freed from that Troublesom Companion. Many in the same Town have been Cured of lingering Agues and the Toothach.
- IV. John Hales of Burton, within Four Miles of Nottingham, almost blind with a Defluction of Rheum, or salt Humour fallen upon his Eyes; and though other means had been tryed to no purpose, was, before he had quite taken the Sixth Bottle, perfectly Restor'd.
- V. A Child of Mr. Disney's in New-market,, being in a very deplorable Condition, with Werms, insomuch that they thought him at Deaths-door, Voided (upon taking but once of these Spirits) a Worm of a prodigious length, and continuing taking of it a We [...], his Body was clear'd of vast Numbers.
- VI. Elizabeth Martin of Boughton, in the County of Kent, Widow, was taken with Lameness in her Limbs, Pains in her Hips, Weakness in her Legs, that she was forced to keep Bed 8 o [...] 9 Weeks. after this she was not able to go without Sticks, a good while after her Distemper was taken to be the Sciatica, Oyntments and Plaisters proper for that Distemper; but to purpose were applyed by the Advice of a Woman: After this she had a Physician, that told her she had the Scurvey, after purging and Diet-drinks, her Distemper not abating, I coming to Visit her, desired her to ask his Physicians Advice to take Spirits of Scurvey Grass, He approved of it, I Helped her to Two Bottles of both sorts, she recovered her strength unexpectedly, that she was able to go two miles, she was then Sixty years old, she is able to go to Marke [...] at this time, and car [...]ies great Loads.
- VII. Mrs. Anne Turner near Warrinton, was violently Tortur'd with the Toothach, but by holding a soonfull of my Plain Spirit in her Mouth, the pain was remov'd.
- [Page]VIII. A Gentleman (whose Name I am desir'd to omit, in respect of his Quality) had his Body by an Inveterate Scurvey, over spread in manner of a Leprosie, was by taking my Spirits very speedily Gured.
- IX. Richard Thomason near Burford, who was brought very low with an Asthma, (or shortness or stoppage of Breath) making use of my Plain Spirit, it not only took away the Pain, but also gave him great Relief.
- X. Edward Sympson near Glocester, was by my Golden Spirits, cased of the Stene.
- XI. Derothy Davis Servant to Mr. Thomas Jackson in Somersetshire, after variety of Medicines try'd upon her without Remedy, for a continual pain and Gnawing in her Guts, upon taking my Purging Spirits, brought away hundreds of small Worms, and was Intirely restor'd to her Health.
- XII. James Horton Living in West-Chester, being dangerously Afflicted with the Scurvey, insomuch that he was like one infested with a Leprosie, all over spots; by the help of 2 or 3 of my Bottle (after having taken divers other Medicines) was perfectly cured, and healthful to this day.
Many other Illustrious Cures I could recite, would my Paper contain them; and might shew, That they daily get not only great Applause with the Vulgar, but also are held in very great Esteem by divers Eminent Physicians, whose Names (for brevity sake) There omit.
These Famous Compound Spirits of Scurvey Grass were first prepared and published by Mr. Henry Clark, about Sixteen Years ago, and though since Counterfeited by divers Ʋpstarts yet none of them ever knew the right and true Preparation. And though it hath pleased the Almighty to take to himself the said Mr. Claak, yet the said Compound Spirits continue to be truly prepared (by his Widow) at his late Dwelling-House in the Strand; which Person chiefly Managed it for several years during his Life; and to whom he Communicated the True Preparation, and to no other besides; And sinding his Continuance to be not long in this World it was his Earnest Entreaty and Desire, That She would Continue Preparing the said Compound Spirits of Scurvey-Grass, for the Good and Welfare of his Countreymen, that they might not be Lost or Adulterated.
Therefore you may know, That the True Compound Spirits of Scurvey-Grass, (prepared by Mrs. Mary Clark, at the House Mr. Clark lived in, the Sign of the Lamb near Somerset-House in the Strand, and sold by her Correspondents) are Sealed wth her Coat of Arms, the Three Swords in Fess, to prevent Counterfeits. Price 1 s. each Bottle, with Directions. And are to be Sold by Mr. Adam Leviston Fruiterer at the Royal Exchange. Mr. Britewell at the Popes Head under the Royal Exchange. Mrs. Jackson Fruiterer by the Exchange. Mrs. Prescot Fruiterer at the Adam and Eve against the Mews. Mrs. Taylor Fruiterer in the Stocks-market. Mr. John Allen Grocer upon Ludgate-hill. Mr. Henry Sampson Strong-water-man, at the three Tobaccho-Rolls in Pickadilly. M. Lord's Coffee-house in St. Martins le Grand. mr George Ball Goldsmith in King-street, Westminster. mr. Chri. Seagood at Little Tower-hill, Distiller. mr. Rich. Carew at the Bunch of Grapes at St. Katherine dock. mr. Thomas Kend all powder-man at the Rose and Ball in Southwark. mrs. Anne Seal at Ratcl [...]ff-cross. mr. Spencer at Wapping dock near Bell Alley, mr. Thomas Dring bookseller in Fleetstreet. mr. Ebenezer Tracy at the 3 Bibles on London bridge. mr. Bently bookselser in Covent-Garden. mr. Thomas Fabian bookseller at the Bible in St. Pauls Church yard. mr. John Lawrence bookseller at the Angel in the poultrey. mr. John Gwillim bookseller in Bishops-gatestreet. mr. Henry Lord bookseller in Westminster-hall. mr. Gilbert Wallbanck bookseller next Greys Inn in Holbourn. mr. Joshua Gonniers bookseller near St. Andrews Church in Holbourn. Mr. Hull Stationer at Staple Inn in Holbourn. Mr. Henry Wellton Milliner in Turn-stile Alley in Holbourn. Mrs. Mary Wethers Milliner in Ludgate-street, by Black-Friers Gate. Mr. Joseph Knight bookseller in the New Exchange. And at my Houseat the Lamb near Somerset [...]ouse in the Strand.