TO THE KINGS MOST Excellent Maiesty, And the LORDS and PEERS Assembled in PARLIAMENT. The Humble Petition and Protestation of all the Bishops and Prelates, now called by his Majesties Writs to attend the Parliament, and present about London and Westminster for that service.
LONDON, Printed in the year 1641. but now newly reprinted by Philemon Stephens junior at the Kings Armes over against the Middle Temple Gate in Fleetstreet. 16 [...]1.
Touching the Act of Abolution Of the Bishops Votes in Parliament.
Here His late Majesty, Chap. 9.
HOw oft was the business of the Bishops enjoying their ancient places and undoubted priviledges in the House of Peers, carried for them by far the major part of Lords? yet after five repulsses, contrary to all order and reason, it was by tumultary instigations intruded again, and by a few carried, when most of the Peers was forced to absent themselves.
In like manner as the Bill against Root and Branch, brought on by Tumultuous clamors and schismatical terrors, which could never pass till both Houses were sufficiently thinned and over awed.
And in the 17th. Chapter, his Majesty mentions his consenting against the Bishops sitting in the House of Parliament, as one of the three things which so much troubled him, putting it in the same Scale with his permitting the shedding of the innocent blood of the Earl of Strafford.
An humble PETITION AND PROTESTATION Of all the BISHOPS and PRELATES. Now called by his MAJESTIES Writs to attend the PARLIAMENT In the year 1641.
THat whereas the Petitioners are called up by several and respective Writs, and under great penalties, to attend in Parliament, and have a clear and undubitate Right to vote in Bills, and other matters whatsoever [Page 6] debateable in Parliament, by the ancient Customes, Laws and Statutes of this Realm, and ought to be protected by your Majesty, quietly to attend and prosecute that great Service.
They humbly remonstrate and protest before God, your Majesty, and the Noble Lords and Peers now assembled in Parliament, That they have an indubitate Right to sit and vote in the House of Lords, so are they, if they may be protected from force and violence, most ready and willing to perform their duties accordingly. And that they doe abominate all actions or opinions tending to Popery, and the maintenance thereof; as also, all propension and inclination to any malignant party, or any other side or party whatsoever, to the which their own reasons and conscience shall not move them to adhere.
But whereas they have been at several times violently menaced, affronted and assaulted by multitudes of people in their coming to perform their Services in that Honourable House, and lately chased away and put in danger of their lives, and can find no redresse or protection, upon sundry complaints made to both Houses in these particulars.
They likewise humbly protest before your Majesty, and the noble House of Peers, that saving unto themselves all their Rights and Interests of fitting and voting in that House at other times, they dare not sit or vote in the House of Peers until your Majesty shall further secure them from all affronts, indignities and dangers in the premisses
Lastly▪ whereas their fears are not built upon phantasies [Page 7] and conceits, but upon such grounds and objects, as may well terrifie men of good resolutions, and much constancy. They do in all duty and humility, protest before your Majesty, and the Peers of that most Honourable House of Parliament, against all Laws, Orders, Votes, Resolutions, and Determinations, as in themselves Nul, and of none effect; which in their absence, since the 27. of this instant month of December, 1641. have already passed; as likewise against all such as shall hereafter passe in that most Honourable House, during the time of this their forced and violent absence from the said most Honourable House; not denying, but if their absenting of themselves were wilfull and voluntary, that most Honourable House might proceed in all these premisses, their absence, or this their Protestation notwithstanding:
And humbly beseeching your most Excellent Majesty to command the Clerk of that House of Peers, to enter this their Petition and Protestation among his Records.
- Jo Eborac.
- Thomas, Duresme.
- Robt. Co. Lich.
- Jos. Norwich.
- Jo. Asaphen.
- Guil. Ba. & Wells
- Geo. Hereford.
- Rob. Oxon.
- Ma. Ely.
- Godfr. Glouc.
- Io. Peterburgh.
- Mor. Llandaff.
Books Printed for Philemon Stephens.
- A true relation of the Ceremonies of the creating of the Knights of the most Honourable Order of the Bath, the 18 and 19th. of April, 1661. with a perfect List of their names in the same order as they were Knighted by His Majesty.
- The History of the most famous Saint and Souldier Saint George of Cappadocia. The institution of that most Noble Order of Saint George, commonly called the Garter; with the names of the Knights of that most Noble Order, whereof CHARLES the First of ever Glorions Memory, King of Great Brittain was Soveraign: As also a Catalogue of the present Knights thereof already instauled, and to be instauled on the 27th. of April at the Castle of Windsor, 1661.
- The great Anti-christ now discouered, by the Reverend Father in God, Griffith, Lord Bishop of Ossery.
- Several Sermons preached at the Temple by George Masterson of St. Clements.