THe great TRAVELLER Major J. C. one of his Majesties Chymists, His most famous and in a manner miraculous Necklaces; one of them being of no greater weight than a small Nutmeg, absolutely easing Children in breeding Teeth and cutting without pain, thereby preventing (by Gods assistance) Feavers, Convulsions, Consumtion, Ruptures, Chincough, Rickets, & such attendant Distempers, to the Admiration of thousands in the City of London and Counties adjacent, who have experienced the same, to their great comfort, and satisfaction of the parents of the Children, that have usd them; Besides the Decrease in the bills of Mortality, apparent within these two years, not a quarter of what formerly Dyed, in cutting and breeding Teeth; these rare Necklaces, are to be sold for the Publick good, at five shillings each Necklace, with a Catalogue of many Children of Honourable and worthy Parents, and other sufficient house keepers, that have had their Children in great Extremity, who by wearing these Necklaces have recovered when there was little hopes of life: The best time to put them about the Childrens Necks is, when they are two Months old and to wear them till they have bred all their Teeth; And Children that have so worn them, have been bigger & stronger at nine months old, then others at twelve months. And none are troubled with the Evil, or Falling-sickness, that have worn them according to these Directions: but they are helpful at any time while they are breeding Teeth. And for the conveniency of the buyers, are to be sold at the places here under mentioned, Viz.
- At Mr. Whiteheads at the black-Boy in Canon-street against London-stone.
- At Mr. Barnes, Coat-seller at the Black Boy in Cheap-side.
- Mr. Barnes Coat-seller at the Cherry Tree, near Strand Bridge.
- Mr. Adam Livengston Fruterer at the South entrance into the Royal Exchange London.
- Mr. White Grocer in the Old Bayly.
- Mr. Bridges, Coat-seller at the Angel in the Strand, near Somerset House.
- Mr. Northcott Bookseller at St. Peters Alley end in Cornhil,
- Mr. Northcott at the Marriner and Anchor upon Fish-street Hill near London Bridge.
- Mr. Whisker, Upholster in King street Westminster near the Abbey
- Mrs. Ann Whitwood in Westminster Hall.
- Mr. Clarke, at the Bible and Harp in West-smithfield near the Hospital Gate.
- Mr. Barns, a Glass seller next dore to the Sun Tavern within Cripplegate.
- Mrs. Sutton Sempstress next the Rose Tavern without Temple Bar.
- Mr. Green, Ironmonger against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet.
- Mr. John Chettwin, Coatseller at the Golden Key by the Savoy.
- Mr. Jeffery Kirkham next dore to the Blew Bore in the New Pallace Yard Westminster.
- Mrs. Hope, Bookseller at the North dore of the Royal Exchange.
- Mr. Keen Shoemaker in Cock Alley in Lungate street, over against Stationers Hall.
The aforenamed J. C. is a Lycensed Physitian, who obtain'd his knowledge in Physick for the Distempers herein mentioned, in his Travels in Forreign Nations, Viz. The Dropsy, Seurvy, which he Cureth as cheap and as soon as any pretender whatsoever, which he can make appear by a large Catalogue of the persons now living.
He had not appeared in Prin [...], but for the good of such as have not much money to lay out upon Physick
And such persons, as ca [...] [...] [...]ar that they are really poor, he will Cure gratis.
He Lodgeth at the Blew Bores [...] and Chequer in the Strand, an Oyl-shop, between St. Clements Church and the May-pole, near the Grayhound Tavern where he is to be spoken with every morning till ten or eleven a Clock.
- A Child of the Countess of Northumberlands.
- The children of the Earl of Exeter.
- A child of the Lady Essex Finch, Granchild to the Earl of Daintry, Lord High Chancellor of England.
- A child of the Lord Renylews.
- A child of the Lord Northand Grey in Leicester Fields.
- A child of the Lady Bartees, at St. James's.
- The children of Major General Edgerton.
- A child of Major Villers in Lecester fields.
- The child of Major Freeman, Governour of Sandown Castle in Kent.
- The children of Sir William Drak [...] [...] Buckingham-shire.
- A child of Sir Edward Turner in Essex.
- A child of Fran. Foster, Esq; High Sheriff of the Bishoprick of Durham.
- A child of Esq; Mountagues, at Epsome in Surrey.
- A child of the Lady Jolleys near Bloomsbury Market.
- A child of Mr. Jenkins, Brewer near the Horse Ferry at Westminster.
- A child of Mr. Shepherds, Goldsmith, at the Vine in Lumbard-street.
- A child of Mr. Ringsteads, Vintener, at the St. Pauls Head near Doctors Commons.
- A child of Mr. Leaders at the Turks Head in Market street, in St. James's.
- The children of Mr. Grey, Suttler to the Kings Regiment in Scotland Yard.
- The children of Mrs. Sutton Sempstress, next the Rose Tavern without Temple Barr.
- The child of Mr. White, Grocer in the Old Buyly, near the Sessions House.
- The children of Mr. Whisker Upholster in King street Westminster, near the Abby.
- A child of Mr. Cadmors, Joyner in Noble street.
- A child of Mr. Bricknel, Brewer in Harts Horn Lane.
- A child of Mr. Willis, Bookseller in King street Westminster, against Ax Yard.
- A child of Mr. Hilliers, Trunkmaker at Holbourn Bridge.
- A child of Mr. Bridges, Coat-seller at the Angel in the Strand, near Somerset-House.
- A child of Mr. Thomsons at the Swan and Ball, near the Horse Ferry at Westminster.
- The children of Mr. Yearly, Chandler, next Ely House in Holbourn.
- A child of Mr. Saunders in Swan Yard against Sommerset House in the Strand
- The children of Mr. Barnes a Glass seller next dore to the Sun Tavern within Criipplegat [...]