A PROCLAMATION Requiring some of His Majesties Subjects in the parts beyond the Seas,
to return into England.
WHereas by an Act of the late Session of Parliament, Intituled, An Act for Attainting Thomas Dolman, Joseph Bampfield, and Thomas Scott of High Treason, if they render not themselves by a day; It is (amongst other things therein contained) Enacted, That all and every person and persons who then were, or then after should be beyond the Seas, and whom His Majesty by any of His Royal Proclamations to be issued under the Great Seal of England, during the continuance of this War with the States of the United Provinces, should name and require to return into England, and render themselves by a certain day therein to be mentioned, to some or one of His Majesties Iustices of the Peace for the County wherein he or they should first arive, and should not return and render themselves accordingly, and abide their Legal Tryal, should from and after the day to them to be prefixed by such Proclamation, stand and be Attainted of High Treason, to all intents and purposes, and should suffer such pains and Penalties, and undergo such Forfeitures as persons Attainted of High Treason ought to do. And whereas John Desbrough, commonly called Colonel Desbrough, Thomas Kelsey, John White, John Grove, William Burton, William Scott son of Thomas Scott, lately Attainted and Executed for Execrable High Treason, Sir Robert Honywood junior, Thomas Cole of Southampton, [...] Spurway, Edward Radden, Dr. Edward Richardson, John Phelps, and John Nicholas of Monmouthshire, being His Majesties Subjects, have withdrawn themselves, and are at present (the said War continuing) in parts beyond the Seas, without any reasonable cause for Merchandise or otherwise, and some of them contrary to all Bonds, both of their Duty and Allegiance to the King their Soveraign, and affection to their native Countrey, have Treasonably engaged themselves in [...]ctual Service in the said War; and the abode of all and every of them in Foreign parts is dangerous, and against the Publick safety of His Majesty and His Realm: Therefore the Kings most Excellent Majesty, with the Advice of His Privy Council, and in pursuance of the said Act of Parliament, by this His Proclamation under the Great Seal of England, doth name and require them the said John Desbrough, Thomas Kelsey, John White, John Grove, William Burton, William Scott, Sir Robert Honywood junior, Thomas Cole of Southampton, [...] Spurway, Edward Radden, Dr. Edward Richardson, John Phelps, and John Nicholas of Monmouthshire, and every of them, by the Two and twentieth day of July next coming, being Three Kalendar moneths and more from the date of this Proclamation, to return into England, and render themselves to some or one of His Majesties Iustices of the Peace for the County wherein he or they shall first arive; His Majesty hereby Declaring, That they and every of them who shall not return and render themselves accordingly, and abide their Legal Tryal, from and after the said Two and twentieth of July, to them prefixed by this Proclamation as aforesaid, by force of the said Act of Parliament, will stand and be Attainted of High Treason, and undergo the Forfeitures of persons Attainted of High Treason: Whereof they and every of them are to take notice at their perils. And His Majesty doth hereby Command and Require the Iustices of Peace to whom any of the said persons shall render themselves, to keep them in safe Custody, and advertise His Majesty, or one of His Principal Secretaries of State thereof, that further Order and Directions may be therein given.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the One and twentieth day of April, 1666.
God save the King.
LONDON, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1666.