By the King. A PROCLAMATION For the Suppressing of Seditious and Treasonable Books and Pamphlets.
WHereas divers Malicious and Evil disposed persons have of late Printed and Published many Seditious and Treasonable Books and Pamphlets, endeavouring thereby to dispose the minds of His Majesties Subjects to Sedition and Rebellion; and also Infamous Libels reflecting upon particular Persons, to the great Scandal of His Majesties Government: For the Suppressing whereof, His Majesty (with the Advice of His Privy Council) doth by this His Royal Proclamation strictly enjoyn and Command all and every His Iudges, Iustices of the Peace, Mayors, and other Magistrates, to cause all Seditious and Scandalous Books and Pamphlets whatsoever, being Libels against the Government, or against any Publick or Private Person whatsoever, to be Seized o [...], and the Makers, Printers, Sellers, or Publishers of the same, to be Apprehended and Committed to Prison, to the end they may be Proceéded against, and Punished according to Law. And to promote the Discovery of such w cked Offenders, His Majesty doth further by this His Royal Proclamation Publish and Declare, That if any person or persons shall within the space of One year next ensuing, Discover or make known to His Majesties Privy Council, or either of His Majesties Principal Secretaries of State, or to the Lord Chief Iustice, or any other the Iudges of His Majesties Court of Kings-Bench, the Authour or Printer of any Seditious and Treasonable Book or Pamphlet, every such Discoverer shall immediately after the Conviction of the Offender, have and receive from His Majesty the Reward of Fourty pounds of Lawful English Money; And to that end His Majesty doth hereby Require the Commissioners of His Treasury, or High Treasurer of England for the time being, to pay the same accordingly, without any delay or abatement whatsoever. And His Majesty is further pleased to Declare and Assure, That His Gracious Pardon shall be granted to any Hawker, or Disposer of any such Books or Pamphlets, who shall make Discovery of the Bookseller or Printer from whom he or they received the same; and likewise to any Bookseller or Printer of any such Books or Pamphlets, who shall Discover and make known the Authours thereof. And lastly His Majesty doth strictly Charge and Command all Officers and Persons whatsoever, to take notice of this His Royal Proclamation, and to be Aiding and Assisting in all things requisite for the Suppressing of the said Libels, and the Discovery and Apprehension of the Offenders, upon pain of being Proceéded against as Contemners of His Majesties Royal Authority, in a Matter of so great Concernment to the Publick.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall the One and thirtieth day of October 1679. In the One and thirtieth year of Our Reign.
God save the King.
LONDON, Printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1679.