By the King. A PROCLAMATION For the speedy putting in Execution the late Act of Parliament for regulating the Measures and Prices of Coals.
WHereas by the said late Act, for avoiding the manifold Deceits, Exactions and Abuses used in the Measures and Seales of Coals, and for preventing the like, and the better regulation thereof for the time to come, It is Enacted, That from and after the Sixth day of this instant March, all sorts of Coals, commonly called Sea-Coals, brought into the River of Thames and sold, shall be sold by the Chaldron, containing Thirty six Bushels heap'd up, and according to the Bushel Sealed for that purpose at Guild-Hall in London, and so for a greater or lesser quantity: And that all other sorts of Coals coming from Scotland and other places, commonly sold by Weight, and not by Measure, shall be sold by Weight, after the proportion of One hundred and twelve pounds to the hundred, of Avoirdupois weight, without any fallacy or deceit, upon pain of forfeiture of all the Coals which shall be otherwise sold or exposed to sale by any Woodmonger or Retailer of Coals, and the double value thereof to be recovered by any person or persons that will prosecute for the same in any Court of Record, or by way of complaint made to the Lord Mayor of London for the time being, and Iustices of the Peace within the City of London and Liberties thereof, or any Two of them, or to the Iustices of the Peace of the several and respective Counties where such Coals shall be exposed to sale, or any of them, who are by the said Act Impowered and Required to call the parties before them, and to hear and examine such complaint upon Oath, which by vertue of the said Act is to be Administred by them, or any Two of them; and upon due proof thereof made to their satisfaction, to Convict the Offenders, and to give Warrants under their Hands and Seals for levying the Forfeitures accordingly, the one half thereof to and for the use of the person or persons so Prosecuting or Complaining, and the other half to and for the use of the Poor, or Repairing of the High-ways within the same Parish, or any other adjoyning Parish or Parishes, to be appointed and apportioned by the direction of the Lord Mayor and Iustices, by such their Warrant as aforesaid. And the said Lord Mayor and the Court of Aldermen for the time being, and the Iustices of Peace of the several Counties respectively, or any Three or more of them, whereof One to be of the Quorum, are by the said Act Impowered to set the Rates and Prices of all such Coals as shall be sold by Retail, as they from time to time shall judge reasonable, allowing a competent profit to the said Retailers, beyond the price paid by him to the Importer, and the ordinary Charges thereupon accruing; And that if any Ingrosser or Retailer of such Coals shall refuse to sell as aforesaid, That then the said Lord Mayor and Aldermen, and Iustices of Peace respectively, are by the said Act Authorized to appoint and Impower such Officer or Officers, or other persons as they shall think fit, to enter into any Wharf or other place where such Coals are stored up; and in case of refusal, taking a Constable, to force entrance, and the Coals to sell, or cause to be sold at such Rates as the said Lord Mayor and Aldermen, and Iustices respectively shall judge reasonable, rendring to such Ingrosser or Retailer, the money for which the said Coals shall be sold, necessary charges being deducted, as by the said Act may appear.
His Majesty in His Princely Wisdom and Consideration, minding and intending the present seasonableness and benefit of His Subjects, and for the speedy prevention and regulation of the said abuses, hath thought fit, and by and with the Advice of His Privy Council, doth hereby straitly Charge and Command, That the said Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Iustices respectively, do forthwith and from time to time put the said Act in due and effectual execution, as well in respect of the Measure and Weights, as the Prices of the said Coals, and in all other things relating thereunto, according to the Tenor and intent of the said Act; and that frequent meetings as well in publick and private Sessions, as otherwise, be for that purpose had and appointed. And His Majesties further Pleasure is, and doth expect a present and punctual observation of this His Royal Command, and that the said Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Iustices within the City of Westminster, and the Counties of Essex, Kent and Surrey respectively, do on or before the First day of April next, give account to His Majesty and His Privy Council, of their proceedings in and concerning the Premises: And likewise that the Iustices of Peace in all other Counties respectively, do give the like account, at or before the Fourteenth of April next, as they tender His Displeasure, and will answer the contrary at their perils.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall the Sixth day of March, 1664/5. in the Seventeenth year of Our Reign.
God save the King.
LONDON, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1664/5.