By the King. A PROCLAMATION For the putting in Execution of the several Laws now in force, relating to His Majesties Revenue of Excise.
WHereas by several Acts made at the Parliament begun at Westminster the Five and twentieth day of April, in the Twelfth year of Our Reign, The one Intituled, A Grant of certain Impositions upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, for the Increase of His Majesties Revenue during His Life; The other Intituled, An Act for taking away the Court of Wards and Liveries, and Tenures in Capite, and by Knights Service, and Purveyance; And for settling a Revenue upon His Majesty in liew thereof, divers Rates, Duties and Impositions of Excise are Imposed and Set on Beér, Ale, Sider, Perry, Metheglin, Strong-waters, Aquavitae, Coffee, Chocalate, Sherbet, Tea, and divers other Liquors Brewed, Made, Retailed or Sold, Brought or Imported into or within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed: And whereas since the making the said Acts, We have by divers ways and methods endeavoured to come to the true knowledge of the value of the said Revenue, sometimes by Demising the same by particular Farms of particular Counties, and sometimes by Demising the whole in one Farm, and sometimes by Farming and Managing the whole at certain Charges and Allowances, during which time divers Complaints have beén made unto Vs by Our said Farmers and Managers of Our said Revenue, that the said Revenue hath been much diminished and lessened, and the Collecting, Receiving, and Ascertaining the same much impeded and disturbed; for that some of Our Iustices of the Peace have altogether refused to act as Iustices in any matters relating to Our said Revenue, and others have given Iudgments contrary to the said Acts, and the plain and positive Evidence given by the Officers imployed for the Collecting, Receiving and Ascertaining the said Revenue, and have discouraged and discountenanced Our said Officers imployed as aforesaid, and countenanced and encouraged several Offenders; And many times the reasons given by Our said Iustices and others, for such their refusal and actings, have been, That the Profits and Advantages arising by the said Revenue, have gone to the particular Farmers and Managers thereof, and have not been answered into Our Exchequer. And whereas for the better Collecting, Receiving, and Ascertaining Our said Revenue, and to the intent the same may be wholly answered in Our Exchequer, and applied to the end and intents in the said Acts specified; We have by Our Letters Patents and Commission under the Great Seal of England, bearing date the Nineteenth day of May last, Nominated, Constituted, and Appointed, Sir Denny Ashburnham Baronet, Francis Parry Esquire, Robert Huntington Esquire, Charles Davenant Doctor of Laws, John Friend Esquire, Felix Calvert Esquire, and Nathaniel Horneby Esquire, from and after the Four and twentieth day of June, in the Five and thirtieth year of Our Reign, to be Our Chief Commissioners and Governours for the Management and Receit of Our said Revenue, and for the Paying and Answering the same into the Receipt of Our Exchequer. Therefore We have thought fit by and with the Avvice of Our Privy Council, by this Our Royal Proclamation to Publish and Declare, That Our Will and Pleasure is, That all and every the Laws and Statutes touching or relating to Our said Revenue of Excise now in force, be duely put in Execution according to the true intent and meaning of them, and every of them; And that all Our Iudges and Iustices at the Assizes, and all Iustices of the Peace at their respective Quarter Sessions, do give all and every the Laws touching Our said Revenue of Excise now in force, in Charge to all Grand Iuries, and others, to the intent the same may be the better known, and put in Execution, and that all Offenders against the said Acts, or any of them, may be duely punished, and that all Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures against the said Acts, may be duely Levied and Answered to Vs, and to the respective Informers, Church-wardens, and Overseérs of the Poor, as the said Acts direct. And We do hereby streightly Charge and Command all Our Iustices of the Peace, Mayors, Bayliffs, and other Magistrates whom this may concern, That where any Informations or Complaints shall be brought or Exhibited before them, or any of them, relating to Our said Revenue of Excise, That they in their respective Circuits and Divisions do duely and diligently attend the Hearing and Determining the same according to Law, and do Issue out their Warrants against the Offenders, for the Levying of such Fines, Penalties, or Forfeitures, as shall be by them from time to time Adjuged or Inflicted: And We do further streightly Charge and Command all Our said Iustices of the Peace, Mayors, Bayliffs, Sheriffs, and all Our Officers and Ministers of Iustice, and all Constables, Headboroughs, Tything-men, and all other Officers of Our Peace, That they be from time to time Aiding, Helping, and Assisting unto Our said Commissioners and Governours of Excise, and all their Officer and Officers, in the Execution of their respective Offices and Employments, as they will answer the contrary at their utmost perils.
Given at Our Court at Windsor the Twentieth day of June 1683. In the five and thirtieth year of Our Reign.
LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill deceas'd: And by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1683.