By the King. A PROCLAMATION For better Cleansing of the Streets in Westminster, and other adjacent Places in the County of Middlesex.
FOrasmuch as the Streets in and near the City of Westminster are not sufficiently Swept and Cleansed, nor the Pavements thereof Preserved in due and orderly Repair, notwithstanding the Provisions made by the late Statutes, and the careful execution of the same by His Majesties Commissioners thereunto appointed; Therefore for the remedying thereof in time to come, His Majesty, by Advice of His Privy Council hath thought fit to Publish this His Royal Will and Pleasure, and doth hereby Require and Command all and every of His loving Subjects whom it doth or may concern, That they and every of them within their several and respective Parishes and Precincts, do forthwith cause such Rates to be Assessed for and towards the Clenasing of the Streets, as may be sufficient to defray the extraordinary Charge of the Scavenger in better Sweeping and Cleansing of the Streets, then of late hath been practised: And that in the Assessing and Levying thereof, they proceed by such ways and means, as in and by a late Act Passed in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth year of His Majesties Reign is appointed; And that there may be no partiality or inequality in the Collection or Levying thereof, His Majesty doth hereby Declare. That all manner of persons of what Estate, Degree or Condition soever they be, are and ought to be subject to the Rates and Assessments so Laid and Imposed, and the same may be Levied by Distress upon their or any of their Goods or Chattels, in manner as by the said Act is directed; Provided always, That the Persons of the Peers of this Realm be in no sort molested by pretence of any such Assessment. And for the better Preserving the Streets from Soyl or Dirt for the future, His Majesty doth hereby forbid all Carmen and Waggoners to stand with their Earts or Waggons in the Streets, or to feed their Horses in any Streets, except onely such Carmen, whose Carts being Laden with Hay or Straw, do stand in the Hay-markets. And His Majesty doth also Command all and every the Inhabitants, That they do constantly observe the days of Sweeping and Cleansing the Streets, and do then set out their Dust and Soyl in a readiness to be removed by the Scavenger at such hours, and in such manner as shall be appointed, as they will answer the contrary at their perils. And His Majesty doth also Require and Command all Pavyers, That in Paving or Repairing any Pavement, they presume not to use any other Stone then Great and Hard Stones, or Pebbles. And to the end that the ill and deceitful manner of Paving may not be hid by covering the same with Gravel, or other kind of Dirt, His Majesty doth further Command all and every such Pavyers, That assoon as the Paving, or Repairing of any Pavement is finisht, they cause all the Gravel and Dirt then made use of, to be carefully Swept up together, and forthwith carried away, as they will answer the contrary at their Perils. And His Majesty doth hereby Command and Enjoyn all Iustices of Peace, Constables, and other Officers to whom it shall or may appertain, That they cause His Majesties Pleasure herein Declared, to be duely and carefully observed, and the Offenders herein to be brought to condign Punishment, upon pain of His Majesties High Displeasure, and such further Penalties as may justly be afflicted upon such as shall be found negligent or remiss in the execution of these His Majesties Royal Commands.
Given at the Court at Whitehall this 29th day of March, in the 24th year of His Majesties Reign.
God save the King.
In the SAVOY, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1672.