By the King. A PROCLAMATION For Banishing all Popish Priests and Jesuites, and putting the Laws in speedy and due Execution against POPISH RECUSANTS.
WHereas Our Loyal Subjects the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, in order to the Suppressing the Insolencies of the Papists, have humbly desired Vs forthwith to Issue out Our Royal Proclamation for the Banishment of all Priests and Iesuites out of this Kingdom within Thirty days, to be therein limited, other then such (not being Our natural born Subjects) who are obliged to attend upon Our Royal Consort the Queén, or the Queén Our Dear Mother. And that if any Priest or Iesuite shall happen to be taken in England after the said days, That the Laws be put in due execution against them; And have further humbly desired Vs, That in the said Proclamation, strict Order be given to the Iudges, and Barons of the Exchequer, and to all Our Iustices of Peace, and to all other Ministers of Iustice, for the putting the Laws in due execution against all Popish Recusants, and such as are suspected so to be, in order to their speédy Conviction; and that the said Iudges, Barons and Iustices, be required at their respective Assizes, and Quarter-Sessions, to give the Laws in Charge against Popish Recusants.
And We having seriously considered thereof, and accepting with much contentment the great care of Our said Loyal Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in Parliament Assembled, for the preservation of the true Religion Established in this Kingdom; Do therefore by this Our Proclamation Require, Charge and Command all Iesuites, and also all Priests who have taken Orders from the Sea of Rome, or by the Authority, or pretended Authority thereof, and are not since, and so continue, reconciled to the Church of England; That they and every of them do before the Tenth day of December next ensuing, Depart out of this Our Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, upon pain of having the Penalties of the Laws and Statutes of this Our Realm inflicted upon them. And for their better means to depart accordingly, We do hereby Declare and Publish Our further Pleasure, That if at any time before the said Tenth day of December next, they or any of them, shall resort to any Port-Town of Our said Kingdom of England, or Dominion of Wales, and there declare him or themselves to the Magistrate of the Town, or other Officers of any Port, to be Priests or Iesuites, and that he or they are there to take Shipping for his or their passage, such Magistrate and Officers shall suffer him or them quietly to depart, and shall seé them Shipped and sent away for Foreign parts, and give them their furtherance for their departure. And to the end that this Our Proclamation may be the better observed and obeyed, We do hereby strictly Charge and Command all Our Lieutenants, Deputy-Lieutenants, Commissioners, Iustices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bayliffs, and all other Our Officers whatsoevever, That they be circumspect and vigilant, each of them in their several Charges, from and after the said Tenth day of December, in Searching for, Discovering, and Apprehending all such Iesuites and Priests (as aforesaid) as shall presume to remain within this Our Realm of England, or Dominion of Wales, contrary to Our Laws, and Our Royal Pleasure and Command herein Declared, to the end that the Laws may be put in due execution against them.
Provided always, and Our intention is (which We do hereby Declare) That this Our Proclamation shall not extend to Priests (not being Our natural born Subjects) that do or shall from time to time attend upon the Persons of Our dearest Consort the Queén, or of the Queén Our dear Mother, according to the Treaties of their several Marriages, (the names of which Priests shall be set down and signified by them under their Great Seals respectively, and such Signification Enrolled in Our Court of Kings Bench.)
And We do also further Require, Charge and Command, That all Our Iudges, Barons of our Exchequer, Iustices of Peace, and Ministers of Iustice in their several places, do not onely observe Our Will and Pleasure herein before expressed, in all and every the Premisses; but also do forthwith put all other Our Laws in due execution against all Popish Recusants, and such as are suspected so to be, in order to their speédy Conviction. And We do further Will and Command, That all Our said Iudges, Barons of Our Exchequer, Iustices of the Peace, and Ministers of Iustice to whom the same shall appertain, at and in thier respective Courts, Assizes, Goal-Deliveries, and Quarter-Sessions, do publickly give the Laws in Charge against Popish Recusants, and take order that they be speédily Presented, Indicted, and Convicted according to Law. And that all Our Iudges of Assize, at their returns out of their respective Circuits, do from time to time hereafter, give a true and strict account of their proceédings therein, unto Our Chancellour for the time being: And that he do present the same to Vs.
Given at the Court at Whitehall the Tenth day of November, in the Eighteenth year of Our Reign, 1666.
God save the King.
In the SAVOY, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, His Majesties Printers, 1666.