A PROCLAMATION, Commanding all Sea-men and Mariners to return to their Service in
His Majesties Navy, by the 20th Day of February next.
THe Kings most Excellent Majesty taking notice, That since the return of His Fleet into Harbor, many Sea-men have, as well without, as with leave from their Officers, departed from the several Ships to which they belonged, which was the rather connived at by the said Officers, in regard the Winter coming on, there could be but little Action; and that such might in that time enjoy the society of their Families, and have care off and pursue their own Affairs. But now the time and season for Service approaching, His Majesty hath thought fit, and doth by this His Proclamation (by and with the Advice of His Privy Councel) strictly charge and command, That all and every Sea-man and Mariner, who either by or without leave have gone from their Service, in any the Ships serving in His Majesties Navy in the last Summers Imployment (except such as have been discharged for infirmity of Body, as incapable of doing His Majesty Service) do return unto the said Ships, in case they are in the Harbor or in the Channel; or otherwise to enter and list themselves in some other of His Majesties Ships that are in Harbor, by or before the Twentieth Day of February next. And for the better Encouragement of such as shall return accordingly, His Majesty is gratiously pleased, and doth hereby Declare His Pleasure to be, That every Sea-man and Mariner that shall return or be listed as aforesaid, shall have his Wages duly paid him for the time he served aboard, notwithstanding he departed without leave: But if any Sea-man or Mariner who served in the late Expedition (except before excepted) shall not return or be listed according to the tenor of this Proclamation, they and every of them, shall not onely loose all the Wages that are due unto them, but shall be proceeded against by a Court Martial, according to the Articles & Orders published for the regulating and better Government of His Majesties Navies & Ships of War. And to that end, His Majesty doth hereby strictly charge and command, All Justices of the Peace, Majors, Sheriffs, Bayliffs, Constables, and other His Majesties Officers whom it may any way concern, to cause and take care, That all such Mariners and Sea-men who served in any of His Majesties Ships of War the last Summer (except such as have been discharged as incapable of doing service) and shall not return to the Ships wherein they then served, or be listed into some other, by or before the said Twentieth Day of February next, be Apprehended and Imprisoned, and then signifie the same to His Majesty, that so they may be proceeded against by a Court Martial as aforesaid. His Majesty hereby also willing and requiring, All Masters and Owners of Ships and Vessels, to forbear to entertain or take into their Ships or Vessels, any Mariners or Sea-men who have in the last Summers service been employed in any of His Majesties ships of War, upon pain of His high displeasure, & such further punishment as their Offences may deserve.
Given at Our Court at Oxford the 8th Day of January, 1665. in the Seventeenth Year of Our Reign.
OXFORD: Printed by Leonard Lichfeild Printer to the University, For John Bill, and Christopher Barker, Printers to His Majesty, Anno Dom. 1665.