Having used all possible and honourable meanes, by sending many gracious Messages to the two Houses of Parliament (wherein Wee have offered them all they have heretofore desired, and desired from them nothing, but what themselves since these unhappy warrs have offered) to procure Our personall Treaty with them, for a safe and well grounded Peace, And having in stead of a dutifull and Peaceable returne, to Our said Messages, received either no Answer at all, or such as argues that nothing will satisfie them, but the ruine, not only of Vs, Our Posteritie and friends, but even of Monarchy it selfe, And having lately received very good securitie, that Wee and all that doe and shall adhere to Vs, shall be safe in Our Persons, Honour, and Consciences, in the Scotts Armie, and that they shall really and effectually joyne with Vs, and with such as will come in unto Vs, and joyne with them, for Our preservation, and shall imploy their Armies and Forces to assist Vs, to the procuring of a happy and well grounded Peace, for the good of Vs, and Our Kingdoms, and in the recovery of Our just Rights, Wee have resolved to put Our Selfe to the hazard of passing into the Scotts Army, now lying before Newarke, and if it shall please God, that Wee come safe thither, Wee are resolved to use Our best endeavours, with their assistance, and with the conjunction of the Forces under the Marques of Montross, and such of Our well affected Subjects of England, as shall rise for Vs, to procure (if it may bee) an Honourable and speedy Peace, with those, who have hitherto refused to give eare to any meanes tending thereunto, Of which Our resolution Wee held it necessary to give you this Advertisement, as well to satisfie you, as all Our Councell, and Loyall Subjects with you (to whom Wee will that you comunicat these Our Letters) that fayling in Our earnest and sincere endeavours, by Treaty to put an end to the miseries of this Our Kingdome, Wee esteemed Our Sel [...] obliged to leave no probable expedient unattempted, to preserve Our Crowne and friends, from the usurpation and tyr [...]nny of those whose Actions declare so manifestly, their designe is, to overthrow the Lawes and happy established Government of this Kingdome; And now Wee have made knowne to you Our resolution, Wee recommend to your speciall Care, the disposing and mannaging of Our Affaires on that side, as you shall conceive most for Our Honour and Service, being confident, that the course Wee have taken (though with some hazard to Our Person) will have a good influence, on that Our Kingdome, and deferr, if not altogether prevent, the Rebells transporting of Forces from these parts into that Our Kingdome, And Wee desire you to satisfie all Our well affected Subjects on that side of Our Princely Care of them, whereof they shall receive the effect, assoone as God shall enable Vs, Wee desire you to use some meanes to let Vs and Our Councell at Oxon, heare frequently from you, and of your Actions and Condition there, And so God prosper your Loyall Endeavours.
His Majestie having by His Royall Letters directed to Vs the Lord Lievtenant Dated the third of Aprill last, required Vs to communicat the said Letters to His Councell, and Loyall Subjects with Vs, Wee to the end to obey His Majesties good pleasure by His said Letters declared, doe hereby require the Printer to imprint five hundred Coppies of the said Letters according to the above writing bein [...] true Coppie of the said Letters.
- Ormonde.
- Roscomon.
- Edw. Brabazon.
- Ant. Midensis.
- Geo. Cloyne.
- Cha. Lambart.
- Arthur Chichester.
- Gerrard Lowther.
- Fr. Willoughby.
- Robert Forth.
- Ia. Ware.