¶ A Proclamation touching the Adjournement of part of Easter Terme, and His Majesties proceedings concerning Wardships and Lyveries.
WHEREAS His Majesty, by His Proclamation bearing date at Oxford the Seven and twentieth day of December, in the Eighteenth year of His Raign, did for the reasons therein expressed, order, appoynt, declare, and publish, that the Courts of Chancery, Receipt of Exchequer, and of first Fruits, and Tenths, the Court of the Duchie of Lancaster, Court of Wards, and Lyveries, and the Court of White-Hall, or Court of Requests should be, and stand Adjourned, to the City of Oxford, for and during the whole Term of St. Hillarie last past, and should be there held, and continued; As by His said Proclamation more at large may appeare. His Majesty finding the unhappy continuance of the unnaturall Warr raised against him, and taking into His consideration how, and in what places, and in what manner the next ensuing Easter Term with most conveniency for himselfe, and for His good Subjects may be held in a time of so much danger, and distraction, and upon serious weighing of all circumstances fit to be considered of, His Majesty hath resolved, and by this His Royall Proclamation doth Order, Appoynt, Declare, and publish, That the said Court of Chancery and all proceedings in that Court, of what kindes or sorts soever, the Receipt of His Majesties Exchequer, and of the first Fruits and Tenths, the Court of the Duchie of Lancaster, Court of Wards and Lyveries, and the Court of White-Hall, or Court of Requests, shall be held and continued at His said City of Oxford in the County of Oxford, where His Majesties residence now is, for the whole Term of Easter now next ensuing, upon, and from the Nineteenth day of this instant April, untill, and upon the Fifteenth day of May next following. And His Majesty hath further resolved for the safety, ease, and releife of His People that have suites in any the Courts of Kings-Bench, Common-Pleas, and Exchequer, to adjourn part of the next Term of Easter now at hand, That is to say, from the first day of the Returne thereof, called Quindena Paschae untill the Returne of Quinque Septimanas Paschae next ensuing, His Majesty therefore of His especiall favour and clemency, doth hereby Declare, that He is pleased and contented to adjourn part of the said Term of Easter, that is to say, from the first day of the Returne of Quindena Paschae, unto and upon the said Returne of Quinque Septimanas Paschae, and that the two last Returnes called Quinque Septimanas Paschae, and Crastino Ascensionis shall be held at Westminster in the usuall places where formerly they were held. All which His Majesty signifieth to all, and singular His Officers, Ministers, and loving Subjects of this His Realm, to the intent that they, and every of them who have, or shall have any suite, or other occasion to attend any of the said Courts of Chancery, Receipt of Exchequer, and of first Fruits and Tenths, Duchie of Lancaster, Court of Wardes, and Lyveries, and Court of Requests may give their attendance at the said City of Oxford as aforesaid, and not elswhere; and that such of them as have or shall have cause or commandement to appear in any of His Majesties said Courts, of Kings-Bench, Common-Pleas, and Exchequer, at Westminster, in or at the said Return of Quindena Paschae, or in or at any day or time from and after the said first day of the said Return of Quindena Paschae, and before the said Return of Quinque Septimanas Paschae, may tary at their Dwellings, or where their businesse otherwise shall lye, without resorting to any of the said Courts for that cause, before the said returne of Quinque Septimanas Paschae next comming, and that without danger of forfeiture, penalty or contempt, to incurr towards His Majesty in that behalfe. And neverthelesse His Majesties pleasure is, That two of His Instices, that is to say of either Bench, one shall the first day of the Term of Easter called Quindena Paschae, according to the ancient order of the Lawes, keep the Essoines of the said Quindena Paschae, at which Return of Quindena Paschae, Writs of Adjournment shall be directed to the said Iustices, giving them authority to adjourn part of the said Term of Easter, that is to say from Quindena Paschae untill the said Return of Quinque Septimanas Paschae as before is said, and the same Adjournment shall be made in the first day of the said Quindena Paschae, commonly called the day of the Essoines. Willing and Commanding all and every of His Majesties Officers, Ministers, and Subjects to whom it doth, or shall appertain, to observe, and keep their Assemblies, and Appearances with all their Returns and Certificates in His Highnesse said Court at Westminster, in Quinque Septimanas Pascha next, then and there to be holden, and kept, and there to doe their offices and duties in every behalfe, in like manner and form as they should or ought to have done if this present Proclamation had not been had or made, as they will answer the contrary at their Perills. And whereas His Majestie hath by His Declaration in Print formerly declared to all His loving Subjects, That whosoever shall loose His life in this Service for His Majesties defence, the Wardship of his Heire shall be granted by His Majestie without fine or rent to his owne use: So His Majestie doth hereby farther declare, That whosoever shall loose his life in this service for His Majesties defence, the Lyvery or Ousterlemayne of his Heire being then of full age, shall be granted by His Majestie to such Heire without payment of any Primer seisin, Fine, Arrerages, or meane rates whatsoever. But as for those Heires within age or of full age, whose Ancestors were or shall be slaine in this Rebellious Warre against His Majestie, His Majesties proceedings in their Wardships and Lyveries shall be according to the strict rules of Iustice and not otherwise, of which His Majesties will and pleasure is, That all the Officers of His Majesties Court of Wards and Lyveries doe take notice.
Given at His Majesties Court at OXFORD, the first day of April, in the nineteenth Yeare of His Majesties Raigne.
God Save the KING.
Printed at Oxford by LEONARD LICHFIELD, Printer to the University. 1643.