C. R.
BY THE KING. ¶ A Proclamation forbidding any of His Majesties Subjects to assist the Rebells with Men, Mony, Armes, Victualls, or Intelligence, to stop any His Majesties Messengers, or Pacquets, or to offer violence to any His Majesties Souldiers.
WHEREAS We have by Our frequent and severall Declarations and Proclamations, to the end that none of Our good Subjects might be misled from their duty and Allegiance unto Us by any spetious pretences whatsoever, warned and forbid Our good Subjects to assist this odious Rebellion raised against Us, to take our life from Us, to alter the Religion and Lawes established, and to subvert the whole frame of Government: Notwithstanding all which gratious proceedings of Ours, in which we have so often remembred Our People of their naturall duty, and their Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacy, so evidently violated by all those who take up Armes against Us, or Assist those who doe; the power and Malice of those in Rebellion against Us (with the assistance of Factious and seditious Preachers, who have been and are Principall fomenters of this Rebellion) have so farre prevailed upon the hearts of many of Our Subjects that instead of assisting Us with their Persons and Estates (which in this case of extremity and Rebellion by the Lawes of the Land they ought to doe) they joyne with, and assist the Rebells with their Personall services, or by furnishing them with Horses, Armes, Plate, Mony, and intelligence; And diverse persons have so farre expressed their Malice to Us, and affection to them, that when Our Armies have marched neere them, they have used their utmost endeavours to keep any supplies of Victuall and Provision for Horse, and Man, from Our said Armies, and have murthered many of Our Souldiers as they have passed in small numbers; And on the other side have with great Industry and Affection furnished the Rebells with all things necessary; And some Majors, Constables and Tything men, being Officers more immediatly sworn to Our service, have malitiously presumed to stop Our Packquets, apprehend and imprison Our Messengers, and all other Persons comming to, or going in Our service, to seize all goods and Provisions to be brought to Us, or belonging to any Person imployed, trusted or affected by Us; And to countenance, assist, and relieve all those who Rebell against Us, by which their seditious, and Rebellious demeanour, Our Commanders, and Souldiers are sometimes compelled to prosecute such Persons and Places with unusuall severity, We doe hereby publish and declare to all Our Subjects, That if they shall henceforward be guilty of such high disloyalty against Us, and shall furnish, and assist the Rebells with Provision, or malitiously refuse to supply Our Armyes in their March; If they shall stop any of Our Packquets, or apprehend, or disturbe any of Our Messengers, or Servants travelling in Our service; If they shall offer any violence to any of Our Souldiers, as they Peaceably passe by them; Or if any Constables, Tything-men, or any other shall presume to publish or to execute any pretended Warrants, or Precepts to be made or set forth by any Persons whatsoever in favour or assistance of the said Rebellion, Wee shall proceed against all such Persons who shall be guilty of the Premises with Fire and Sword, as the most desperate and malitious fomenters of this Horrid, Odious, and Bloody Rebellion. And that all Our Subjects may know the danger they incurre by disobeying Us herein, and so avoyd the misery will else fall upon them, Our Will and Pleasure is, That this Our Proclamation be read in all Churches, and Chappells within this Kingdom. Given at Our Court at Oxford this Eighteenth day of Iuly, in the Ninteenth yeare of Our Raigne.
God Save the KING.
Printed at Oxford by LEONARD LICHFIELD, Printer to the University. 1643.