¶ A Proclamation for the speedy clearing of Lodgings for Accommodation of the Members
of both Houses, summoned to assemble in Oxford, the Two and twentieth day of this instant Moneth of Ianuary.
WHEREAS by Our Proclamation of the Twenty second day of December last, We did for the important reasons therein expressed, give Order for Assembling the Members of both Houses of Parliament at Oxford, upon occasion of the intended Invasion of this Kingdom by the Scots: And therein promised to give Order that Care should be taken for their severall Accommodations here, whereof now the difficulty is represented to Us, in respect both the severall Lodgings in the Colledges and Halls, and throughout the City are found filled with Lodgers, many whereof are taken up by Persons who have neither dependance on Us, Our deare Consort the QUEENE, nor Our Sonnes the Prince and Duke of Yorke, nor relation to Our Army, but are forced hither from their owne Inhabitations, by the Insolency and Tyranny of the Rebells, and so are compelled to shelter themselves under Our Protection: which Case (belonging truly to many, though not to all) We much commiserate, and doe look upon such Persons, not only as sufferers, but as Persons whose Loyalty occasions much of the Rebells malice against them, so that were We not led thereunto by Necessity, We should in no wise give the least interruption to their stay here. But since the Calling of this Assembly is so necessary, and is grounded upon so publick Considerations, We cannot avoyd it. And therefore doe hereby peremptorily Command, That all Persons, who are at present Lodged in this University, and City of Oxford, who are here only for Protection, be, before Friday next, removed out of their said Lodgings here, and such Members of both Houses as are by Our said Proclamation summoned hither, be placed therein. Neverthelesse Our Intention is, and We doe hereby give them to understand, that when they shall expresse to what other place within Our Obedience they will remove, be it in what Garrison Town soever, they shall receive Recommendations from Us, to the Governours of Our said Townes or Places they will remove unto, To the end, that according to their Qualities, they may be there conveniently lodged and provided for. And Our further strict Pleasure is, That all Commanders, Officers, and Souldiers, who by their Commands here, are to have Lodgings in this City, be Lodged in no other Quarters, but those assigned unto the Souldiery. And all other Officers and Souldiers, who having Command in any other place, doe keep Lodgings in this City, that they be removed to their Quarters where their Command is. And We referre it to the Chancellour of this Our University, that all such Scholars, as he shall think fit, may be sent home, and otherwise provided for. And in respect the time appointed for the Assembly is so nigh at hand, We require the Chancellour of this Our University, and the Governour of this Our City, to perform this Our Pleasure with all speed. And Our severall Harbingers are hereby required to take notice thereof, and to perform their Offices accordingly, and hereof not to faile.
Given at Our Court at OXFORD, the 15th day of January, 1643.
Printed at Oxford, by LEONARD LICHFIELD, Printer to the University. 1643.