¶ A Proclamation for the reliefe of the Poore sick and maymed Souldiers of His Majesties Army.
HIs Majesty pittying the poor and weak estate of such of His Souldiers who are sick or hurt and maymed, and are for their cure by His Majesties care disposed into severall parts of this County of Oxford, and especially at Yarnton in the said County, where they must be provided for with Money in some extraordinary measure, and with some change of old Lynnen to shift them with; wherein the good and charitable people of the University and Citty of Oxford have already, at His Majesties desire, given a good example. But the necessity yet continuing, His Majesty doth in like manner recommend their distressed estate to the Charity of His well disposed Subjects in His County of Oxford (not being in the University or Citty) and Counties of Berks, Buckingham, and Glocester, desiring, that upon publication hereof in their Churches, during the time of Divine Service, they will extend their liberall contribution for their reliefe; and that the same be collected by the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore of every severall Parish, and by their hands sent or delivered to Mr Leonard Bowman of the Citty of Oxford Mercer, appoynted to be the Treasurer for that purpose. And the good Women are also desired to furnish them with such old linnen as they can spare, for shifting of the Souldiers and keeping them sweet and clean, during the time of their Cure. And His Majesty will take very well the care and liberality of His good Subjects, in this time of need, and God will reward their devotion and Charity.
Given at His MAjESTIES Court at Oxford, this seaventh day of Iuly, in the Nineteenth yeare of His Majesties Raigne. 1643.
Printed at Oxford by LEONARD LICHFIELD, Printer to the Vniversity. 1643.