¶ A Proclamation for the Reliefe of His Majesties Army, and good Subjects in Ireland, with Corne and other Victuall.
WEE have been lately informed by Our Lievtenant and Councell of Our Realme of Jreland, of great scarcity and dearnesse of Corne and other Provisions in Our City of Dublin, and other places in that Kingdome where some parts of Our Army are in Garrison, of which We are very compassionately sensible: and although We have in part indeavoured to supply them by causing Victualls to be sent unto them out of England and Wales at Our owne Charges, how pressing soever Our other occasions have been; Yet out of Our further Affectionate Care of Our Army, and other Our good Subjects there, not willing to omit any thing in Our Power which may tend to their reliefe, We have thought fit to give Licence, dureing the space of sixe Moneths next comming, for the free Exportation of certain Provisions from hence into some Ports in Ireland, discharged of all Customes and Subsidies: well hoping by meanes hereof, a good supply will be brought unto Our good Subjects there. We doe therefore hereby authorize and Command all Our Customers, Comptrollers, Surveyers, and Searchers, in any of Our Ports of England or Wales, and all others whom it may concerne, to permit any Person or Persons, during the said space of sixe Moneths now next comming, after the date hereof, to put on Board and Export any quantity or quantities of Wheat, Rye, Oates, Pease, Bacon, Barelled Beef, Butter, and Cheese, without payment of any Custome, Subsidy, or other duty unto Us for the same. Provided, that Our respective Customers, or their Deputies, take Caution by Bond of all such as shall desire to Transport any of the said Provisions, That they shall within a convenient time (in the Bond to be limited) returne Certificate (under the Seale of the Port where they shall discharge) of the landing the same in some of Our Ports of Dublin, Drohedagh, Cork, or Kinsale, or such other Ports in Ireland, as Our Lievtenant and Councell of that Kingdome shall by Order of Our Councell Table there approve of (the danger of Transportation excepted.) And We doe also Charge and Command all Captaines, Masters, Owners, Mariners, and Souldiers, in any Ships imployed or to be imployed in Our Service, and all other Our Ministers and good Subjects, That they doe not give any interruption, let or hinderance to any shipping Merchants or Mariners, bringing the said Provisions into the said Ports in Ireland, either in their going or returne back; but rather that they give there all reasonable Protection and assistance, as they tender Our high displeasure, and will answer the contrary at their perills. And this Our Royall Favour, We doe require all Merchants, Trading in those parts, to take notice of, for their incourag [...] ment in so charitable a worke, as the reliefe of Our distressed Subjects there, the cheerfull performance where of, We shall accompt as an acceptable service done unto Us.
Given at Our Court at Oxford, the 18 day of February, in the Nineteenth yeare of Our Raigne.
¶ Printed at Oxford, by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the Ʋniversity, 1643.